I would say spring/summer months tends to be the busy time for surface cleaning when homeowners are thinking about getting things done around their property. Also tend to get more enquires when they find out the electric diy washer they bought don't cut it or packs up so calls in a pro.
I use the term "pro" very loosely lol
Smurf if we're talking about blasting holes in pipes then I am a pro lol.
So you think the fact I haven't had any calls yet combined with the fact It's a new business is pretty standard for the time of year ?
If you are just promoting one service like domestic pressure washing. Then yes it will be much slower or dead in your case in winter months for sure.
I'm more into full exterior property cleaning so don't just offer a pressure washing service so am a one-stop shop so to speak.
On full exterior property cleaning render jobbies for instance I tend to also softwash paved areas around the property for FREE (only if there is good profit in the job). Reason being the the run-off from the walls where the chem hits part cleans them anyway. However depending how bad /large the areas are they want cleaning I would charge extra accordingly for a deeper clean using a washer as well if need be.
Sometimes I don't mention the ground hard surfaces at all until they see the difference whilst I'm working. Then they tend to ask how much to do them as well. That's the time for an easy upsell
On jobs like that most would want the following included:
1. gutters & downspouts checked and cleared.
2. all plastics cleaned - gutters, downspouts, fascias, soffits, bardgeborad etc
3. render walls cleaned & treated
4. stone sills etc cleaned
4. windows & doors cleaned
5. paving, decking, patio areas driveways, etc cleaned
So the price of a single job can soon mount up. So can the investment you have to make on all the kit required to do the job properly.
Best you also don't try to use your washer on render as will knacker it. lol