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  • Posts: 6237
Re: will I get arrested
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2016, 12:29:24 am »
I'm going to start insisting on cash up front for all first cleans

I've got a small claims letter to go out for one at the weekend.

And then I defo won't egg it a 15 pack of smart price at a later date.


Re: will I get arrested
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2016, 07:35:31 am »
I'm going to start insisting on cash up front for all first cleans

I've got a small claims letter to go out for one at the weekend.

And then I defo won't egg it a 15 pack of smart price at a later date.

Adam don't let a few bad eggs ruin your business or wellbeing , its all part of the game when building a round or any business supplying a service to the public.
Seriously would you pay a shiner you didn't know in advance ? I know I wouldn't and it would be the same for many others.
Are you going to risk losing many potentially good customers to protect yourself from picking up a non payer once in
a blue moon.
I know its hard to let somebody get one over on you but for your wellbeing its better to let it go and get on
with looking after your decent customers which thankfully tend to be the majority.

duncan h

  • Posts: 1875
Re: will I get arrested
« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2016, 06:59:03 pm »
Write all the address down and visit them 1 year later. They wont expect any eggs from you. Christmas eve sounds a good evening to do it lol


  • Posts: 8538
Re: will I get arrested
« Reply #23 on: November 19, 2016, 07:14:06 pm »
I'm sure Duncan posted this as a windup after a previous FREE window cleaning thread   ;D ;D

No. You're think of the Window Cleaning rounds for sale section, thats where you pay to be able to clean them, then hope after almost a year you have your money back and kept some customers. But still havn't actually been paid for cleaning in all that time !!   :-)

I would never buy a round off anyone myself as after all you are buying good will and nothing else which don't mean jack.


Re: will I get arrested
« Reply #24 on: November 21, 2016, 01:15:08 pm »
Ive got one exactly the same at the minute.

Contacted me via email, agreed a price. I turned up she watched me clean the entire house and she said she would pay online.

No payment after two weeks, no replys to texts and hasnt answered the door thus far.

Absoloute scum, what kind of person does this? Ive thought exactly the same mate, what revenge can i carry out, but then you think what if cctv or neighbours see or shes in etc.

What I do is have a pre court letter. This customer owed me £90 refused to pay so I put the pre court letter out of envelop through their neighbours door accidentally on purpose. So their neighbour had to deliver it. Customer wasn't happy an rang me up. I said it was an accident as I was really busy. They paid out of embarrassment.


  • Posts: 8538
Re: will I get arrested
« Reply #25 on: November 21, 2016, 03:12:43 pm »
Ive got one exactly the same at the minute.

Contacted me via email, agreed a price. I turned up she watched me clean the entire house and she said she would pay online.

No payment after two weeks, no replys to texts and hasnt answered the door thus far.

Absoloute scum, what kind of person does this? Ive thought exactly the same mate, what revenge can i carry out, but then you think what if cctv or neighbours see or shes in etc.

What I do is have a pre court letter. This customer owed me £90 refused to pay so I put the pre court letter out of envelop through their neighbours door accidentally on purpose. So their neighbour had to deliver it. Customer wasn't happy an rang me up. I said it was an accident as I was really busy. They paid out of embarrassment.

Brilliant  ;D ;D


  • Posts: 1549
Re: will I get arrested
« Reply #26 on: November 22, 2016, 07:57:47 am »
Ive used these guys for commercial debts
I suppose its the same for domestic customers
