I notice of late that there are a few CIU Members ordering direct through the website. This is not a problem but once you order and pay there is no way I can help other than to dispatch your order and you end up paying full price.
If you set up a trade account you will automatically get a discount!
All you need do is call the office to set up an account or e mail us the following information
Full Name
Company Name
Full Invoice address
Deliver address if different from invoice address
E Mail address
Website if applicable
Company Reg No if Limited
VAT Number if applicable
Mobile Tel Number
Landline Number
We can then set you up with a Trade Account.
We can also offer 30 Days Credit if you fill out a credit application.
It really is that simple! Then just e mail or phone your order in, specify a different delivery address if you want it sent straight to site.
e mail
tilinglogistics@hotmail.com or telephone 0121 773 2450 or 07770 598855