first time this has happened for maybe 10 years?
new job a few months ago.she agreed on a 8 weekly were really dirty.I DIDNT CHARGE A FIRST CLEAN PRICE.
.£12-00. 3 bed semi with a kitchen extension.she seemed really nice and genuine.
fast forward to second clean and i go collecting last night.he comes to the door."we only wanted them cleaned once" and i cant pay you as i have no money on me.i told him i would of charged him £20 if i knew it was a one off.
he looked scared by the time i finished talking to him.i basically told him dont ever ask me to clean them again(its estate work and i clean nearly all the houses around his).somehow i think he ll hide when he sees me again!
.i hate w***kers like that.
so written off the £12.(thats £36 this year overall)