good reply k only thing is we have backpacks and they are heavy on the back
so you end up putting them onto sack trolleys,I have a folding sack trolley and 2 standards, the folding sack trolley is good in princible but the arms that fold are light weight end up twisting, so you end up using standard trolleys.we developed a holder to take 2 containers for a trolley system but is slightly smaller for the backpack and 1 container so going to get the coachbuilders to developing a biger holder to fit the backpack and the spare container, this will help to a certain degree, so keep it in mind most people will put their backpacks onto trolleys, just wondering if there is enough space in your car for tank trolley and backpack.we dont even take our backpacks around backs now, we got hooks on the trolley and rap round 50 metre of 10mm cable to take us around the backs. domestic is such a hassle as you said to convert to wfp, so will keep looking to get the perfect answer