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  • Posts: 432
finding franchisees??
« on: October 16, 2016, 04:11:37 pm »
I am ready to officially set up my first franchisee. How do i go about finding someone?

The franchise advertising sites seem very expensive.


Re: finding franchisees??
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2016, 04:37:41 pm »
Local paper would be a good start.

Mick Kent

  • Posts: 1380
Re: finding franchisees??
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2016, 04:52:26 pm »
If you are far enough and have done well enough to be franchising im surprised you havnt done your homework to know how to go about finding a franchise already.
Surely Local paper, Gumtree, Social Media,, shop windows etc etc. 
My guess is that finding the first franchise is the hardest part as you need to sell what you can offer without proof of anything working or history of doing it before.
Good luck with it anyway, seems so many are doing it these days and doing well from it  so it probably will work with enough time and management put in.


  • Posts: 432
Re: finding franchisees??
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2016, 08:07:38 pm »
I have tried gumtree but they keep removing the ad saying that it is in the wrong category and I can't seem to find which category they want me to put it in  ::)roll

Local newspaper want £400 for a 30 day advert which is ridiculous, so was just wondering how others who have franchised found was the best way of promoting it?


Re: finding franchisees??
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2016, 08:10:41 pm »
I have tried gumtree but they keep removing the ad saying that it is in the wrong category and I can't seem to find which category they want me to put it in  ::)roll

Local newspaper want £400 for a 30 day advert which is ridiculous, so was just wondering how others who have franchised found was the best way of promoting it?
I think I'd try Situations Vacant.

Nick Day

Re: finding franchisees??
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2016, 08:57:26 pm »
Whilst franchising is a well recognised method for developing your business, many advertisers are reluctant to get involved for fear of advertising a business that may well be a money failure and may get sued for advertising and promoting it.
It might be worth contacting a franchise company who have lots of applicants looking for van based businesses in you area.
They will want a percentage but at least they will have vetted the possible customer.
They may also require more details with regard to the franchise, you may be surprised to find out that what lots of people on here call a franchise is not what they regard as a franchise, this will also answer your question as to why lots of advertisers will not touch it unless your franchise has been recognised by the BFA.

sunshine windows

  • Posts: 2361
Re: finding franchisees??
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2016, 09:14:54 am »
Mike, I'm only guessing by your user name that you're 30 years old? If this is the case, you should know a fair few people who could benefit from the relatively stress free lifestyle that window cleaning has to offer. I doubt many 30 year olds are earning the kind of money that a well organised round would bring in either.

All 4 of my franchisees I know personally and i intend to keep growing the business with the same principles in mind. I've found it very rewarding knowing that i've helped them achieve an income well above what they could earn being employed in the field of work they were in.

The biggest hurdle you'll have is convincing the first franchisee it will work. Once you have a proven track record and can put figures in front of other candidates it becomes very easy.
To climb mount fuji you must first find a path
(Swindon, Wiltshire)


Re: finding franchisees??
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2016, 09:32:23 am »
Mike, I'm only guessing by your user name that you're 30 years old? If this is the case, you should know a fair few people who could benefit from the relatively stress free lifestyle that window cleaning has to offer. I doubt many 30 year olds are earning the kind of money that a well organised round would bring in either.

All 4 of my franchisees I know personally and i intend to keep growing the business with the same principles in mind. I've found it very rewarding knowing that i've helped them achieve an income well above what they could earn being employed in the field of work they were in.

The biggest hurdle you'll have is convincing the first franchisee it will work. Once you have a proven track record and can put figures in front of other candidates it becomes very easy.
If you already have the work for the franchisee, convincing them ought to be a doddle I'd have thought.

Regarding taking people you know on, that can be troublesome if things go wrong.


  • Posts: 313
Re: finding franchisees??
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2016, 05:22:22 pm »
I am ready to officially set up my first franchisee. How do i go about finding someone?

The franchise advertising sites seem very expensive.

Hi Mike
In addition to Gumtree, Card in Newsagent, Promotion on any marketing materials, I would place an advert in your local paper under "Situations Vacant" however, be prepared for lots of people calling about "The Job". You might also wish to consider chatting to suitable candidates Postmen, Delivery Drivers etc.

Good luck.
