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  • Posts: 177
Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« on: October 12, 2016, 09:15:51 am »
Hi Fellas

Looking for opinions / ideas of what you feel is the quickest setup and any other things you do that speed each house up with all the things apart from the cleaning itself.

I am looking to get a new van so want to set it up exactly how I want. This is how I imagine the quickest setup time would be acheived...

Tank with Power up reel, remote controlled. With the hose coming through the bottom of the van on rollers.
Remote control for turning flow on/off.
Pole clipped/held onto the outside of the rear door or side.

With this you should be able to literally get out of the van, grab the pole and walk straight to the first window without ever having to open the van door and only have a couple of buttons to press to get started & packed away.

Does anyone think differently or have other ideas? Or is there anything you do that has made a difference to speed?


Richard iSparkle

  • Posts: 2490
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2016, 09:42:00 am »
Hi Fellas

Looking for opinions / ideas of what you feel is the quickest setup and any other things you do that speed each house up with all the things apart from the cleaning itself.

I am looking to get a new van so want to set it up exactly how I want. This is how I imagine the quickest setup time would be acheived...

Tank with Power up reel, remote controlled. With the hose coming through the bottom of the van on rollers.
Remote control for turning flow on/off.
Pole clipped/held onto the outside of the rear door or side.

With this you should be able to literally get out of the van, grab the pole and walk straight to the first window without ever having to open the van door and only have a couple of buttons to press to get started & packed away.

Does anyone think differently or have other ideas? Or is there anything you do that has made a difference to speed?


does anyone produce a van like this?
iSparkle Window Cleaning


  • Posts: 177
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2016, 09:50:46 am »
I'm sure they could if requested.

What I have listed is just the standard tank setup with fixed hose reel. Using the waterworks hose reel to speed reeling in up. I have also seen LGB Visions van had similar in that he had the motorised cox reel for reeling in and this fed out underneath the van. So if the pole could be stored outside for the short jouneys between houses then there would be no need to open the doors and if this was already connected up to the hose it would literally be a case of grabbing the pole and walking to the window.

I have seen waterworks also had the pole attached to the side of the van on one video and have seen a similar setup being used by someone local to me. Something like the one shot control for the flow and that's really all that's required as far as I can see. (I think  ;D)



  • Posts: 7887
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2016, 10:12:07 am »
yes someone did it a few years back ... there was video with a white transit featuring this kind of set up


Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2016, 10:42:40 am »
Power reels and so on aren't going to speed things up by much they're just gimmicks that most long term guys
wouldn't mind playing with but see very little value for money in.
Keep things simple, use light poles and brushes, position the van so as you will need to do as little reeling in and out
as possible, learn to avoid things that will snag the hose as these are the things that really slow you down when it comes to
working with hoses.


  • Posts: 177
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2016, 10:57:26 am »
Hi Sean

I have actually brought a stopwatch out with me (sad I know), originally to see which houses I had priced right/wrong, now to see where I can save time.

Most jobs from pulling up to pulling away take somewhere around 20 minutes, some more some less of course. Usually around 2 minutes spent before I start the first window and another 2 from the last window packing away. It may only be a small amount of time per house but if for example such a setup could make the time spent before the first window 1 minute and packing away 1 minute that's around 10% quicker. Not to mention feeling less tired from not winding in a hose reel or even lifting it in & out. We'd all like to raise prices by 10% wouldn't we  ;D Over the course of a full day that time saved is another house, or just gets you home that bit quicker.

I use gardiner poles, have the payment slips written out the night before and have taken plenty of tips like a high flow of water to speed all the other aspects up so am interested in anything else out there that helps that.


Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2016, 11:22:29 am »
Tom there no perfect method for winding a hose in and out, l always found lifting the hose in and out to be quick as I could
position the hose in the direction of the hose movement and keep it away from anything in the van that would snag, the down side was it was hard on the back and slightly more tiring.
The downside of now reeling from the van is I now make more van moves to get the best reeling position so there's no saving in time if anything maybe it could take slightly longer.
A power reel may save you a bit of energy which you can then convert into extra glass cleaning but its certainly not going to get
you an extra 10% or anywhere near it.


  • Posts: 20537
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2016, 11:23:08 am »
We've spent 10 years refining our pick up design (currently it's Defenders but we are switching to Isuzu Dmaxs). We have 2 vans too (1 transit 1 transit connect), in my experience the pick up can't be beaten on speed of delivery.
They're eeeting the dogs.
They're eeeting the cats.
They're eeeting the pets,
of the people who live there.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2016, 12:04:43 pm »
Time is money, think we all agree on that one. Any tweek on technique whikst cleaning is where the biggest save on time is. I believe its shrek (could be wrong) who now rinses on glass with a slightly higher flow and as seen time saved between jobs.
If your incorporating tweeks in every aspect including van setup, then your on for a winner.......but.......RELAX man, your gonna work yourself to death. If you skip on meals how much time would that save as well i wonder. Dont worry/stress about saving yourself perhaps 10minutes in the day (unless that gives you time for lunch  ;D )


  • Posts: 177
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2016, 12:22:21 pm »
 ;D  haha I'm very relaxed Nathan don't worry, just interested as to where I can improve.

Just taken the day off and playing about with ideas of what I could try, I also rinse on with the higher flow rate and have seen improvements in speed. I wouldn't go as far as skipping meals mind!  ;D


  • Posts: 8538
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2016, 12:27:19 pm »
Pricing well works for me. Then I don't have to worry about rushing around like a headless chicken.

Regards van setups what suites some can be a pain in the arse for others so best just tweak the van layout and equipment you use as you go along and find out what works best for you.


  • Posts: 103
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2016, 05:13:39 pm »

Putting the pole on the outside of the van could give you other problems.

Will the water in the pole hose freeze on cold days as you drive along?

Cheers and good luck.


  • Posts: 177
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2016, 05:25:09 pm »

I hadn't thought of that but I'd imagine there would still be pole holders inside for when you're finished for the day and put them away overnight so on the odd cold day they could always be stored inside. Or even just disconect the pole hose on those days so that the water drains out. You'd then just need to have something to hold the pole hose as you drive round.

This is similar to what I mean... but without the system he used inside to reel the hose in/out and instead using a motorised reel (which they also now sell)


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2016, 05:33:12 pm »
I can't see power reels being a gimmick myself IMO the hardest part of WFP when experiences is reeling in hose job after job,Jordon from waterworks is a window cleaner as is Alex Gardiner hence why all the best products come from people at the coal face. I've had a basic powerup reel and the only reason I sent it back was because the actual reel couldn't cope with hot water but he now does 1 which can. It works fantastically well and with a couple of weeks practise will change your working day.


  • Posts: 8430
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2016, 06:07:47 pm »
I've got the same feeling as SeanK. You can spent thousands of pounds trying to get the best setup and only save yourself a few minutes every day.  As Sean says, having fixed hose reels in a van is not always the perfect solution and could actually slow you down. I have many customers where is easier and far quicker to wheel the hose reel to the furthest point and walk it back to the van, laying down the exact amount of hose I need  around obstacles that takes much long leaving the hose reel at the van.

Do you also time the conversations you have with your customer?

Saving time is not usually down to having expensive equipment. A lot depends on the job you have to do. I know one cleaner locally that took the action of dumping every customer that had windows with two openers above a full pane of glass underneath.  He always had issues with those type of windows that cost him time so he refuses to do them now. That saved him plenty of time as each house he cleans now has standard easy to clean windows. He also refuses to clean the backs of customers with locked or bolted gates. It takes too long to get access. All dumped. He will only clean the windows he can get immediate access to, the fronts.

Do I agree with this; no. But he's also earning a lot more than I am.

How many customers do you have where you clean two 'identical' semi detached house joined to each other. Ones a pleasure to clean and the other is a pain - the type of windows, obstacles in the garden etc. Its not your equipment that is at fault, its the job you have to do.

My son hates working with hoses and prefers to use a backpack. It has a much faster setup time when compared to me reeling out my hose. But I catch up as I have a better water flow and rinse quicker. In the end there isn't much difference in cleaning time, especially when he has to go back to refill his backpack. Its not all about the equipment.

Whilst we should all do a periodic review of our cleaning methods and look for time saving improvements, we can also make the job less enjoyable. One of the reasons why I love this job is that I don't have the sales targets and pressure of achieving them each day. I do what I reasonably can. Yes we can set small targets every day that we need to achieve to motivate us.

If I have an interesting conversation with a customer, I'm quite prepared to sacrifice a little of my time to involve myself in it.

The cleaner I mention also won't wait around for a customer wasting his time whilst they scratch around for money to pay him. He walks off and gets going to his next job. His customers have learnt to have the money ready when he knocks.

Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration and 2% attention to detail!

The older I get, the better I was ;)

mark m

  • Posts: 1069
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2016, 06:44:06 pm »
this is a old waterworks video


  • Posts: 8538
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2016, 06:46:58 pm »
I've got the same feeling as SeanK. You can spent thousands of pounds trying to get the best setup and only save yourself a few minutes every day.  As Sean says, having fixed hose reels in a van is not always the perfect solution and could actually slow you down. I have many customers where is easier and far quicker to wheel the hose reel to the furthest point and walk it back to the van, laying down the exact amount of hose I need  around obstacles that takes much long leaving the hose reel at the van.

Do you also time the conversations you have with your customer?

Saving time is not usually down to having expensive equipment. A lot depends on the job you have to do. I know one cleaner locally that took the action of dumping every customer that had windows with two openers above a full pane of glass underneath.  He always had issues with those type of windows that cost him time so he refuses to do them now. That saved him plenty of time as each house he cleans now has standard easy to clean windows. He also refuses to clean the backs of customers with locked or bolted gates. It takes too long to get access. All dumped. He will only clean the windows he can get immediate access to, the fronts.

Do I agree with this; no. But he's also earning a lot more than I am.

How many customers do you have where you clean two 'identical' semi detached house joined to each other. Ones a pleasure to clean and the other is a pain - the type of windows, obstacles in the garden etc. Its not your equipment that is at fault, its the job you have to do.

My son hates working with hoses and prefers to use a backpack. It has a much faster setup time when compared to me reeling out my hose. But I catch up as I have a better water flow and rinse quicker. In the end there isn't much difference in cleaning time, especially when he has to go back to refill his backpack. Its not all about the equipment.

Whilst we should all do a periodic review of our cleaning methods and look for time saving improvements, we can also make the job less enjoyable. One of the reasons why I love this job is that I don't have the sales targets and pressure of achieving them each day. I do what I reasonably can. Yes we can set small targets every day that we need to achieve to motivate us.

If I have an interesting conversation with a customer, I'm quite prepared to sacrifice a little of my time to involve myself in it.

The cleaner I mention also won't wait around for a customer wasting his time whilst they scratch around for money to pay him. He walks off and gets going to his next job. His customers have learnt to have the money ready when he knocks.

Well said spruce


  • Posts: 177
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2016, 07:49:38 pm »
Thanks for that reply Spruce

I wouldn't time customers who talk to me,  well maybe just the boring ones!  ;D

It's more to be as efficient as possible with the majority of my time, without that making me for example turn down a 5 minute chat here and there that I'd like to have.

I like the points you make, especially about having two 'identical' semis but one being longer than the other that's very true. I'm more looking to speed up anything I can control and not worry too much about the bits that I can't help. 

Of course as you mention, it can be a case of everyone is different and how they work wouldn't necessarily be someones ideal.


  • Posts: 23862
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2016, 07:50:15 pm »
for me a fixed good quality manual reel in the van,hot water,xtreme poles,high flow,microbore all help me work at a steady brisk pace day after day.(being organised with invoices/chits etc also)

i work hard but not so hard that im in danger of burning myself out by wednesday.with age/experience comes a little bit of common sense and wisdom.

far better to work steady than flat out all the time and if your that bothered about saving 5 mins here and there then you(probably)need to put your prices up or canvass some better paying work.just my opinion.
price higher/work harder!

Clever Forum Name

  • Posts: 5942
Re: Most Efficient / Quickest Setup
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2016, 07:57:11 pm »
I don't think you can beat my setup for speed.

100meters microbore attached onto 30meters of pole hose connected via push fit fittings.

Roller System through the floor which has just been upgraded and a bloody perfect so far.

All on an electric power up HD reel. 

Pole goes onto the roof between jobs and has done for 6 years now.

Turn up at house. Pull hose out. Pull hose to turn water on. Clean. Back to van. Wind hose in via button. Pole on roof. Drive off. Simples.

Just done a new shape connect with the same setup as one man setup. It's so dam fast it's unreal.