I just want to add something to this..
At some point I plan on expansion, I'm 31 now, my kids are in primary school, my other half works full time so I switch between working and school runs. I enjoy it, I enjoy picking the kids up from school, taking them to the park, watching them grow up. I absolutely love the work/life balance i have at the moment. Once the kids hit senior school and I'm no longer required for school runs, and the kids would rather be seen dead then with daddy, I will expand. I already know exactly how, and roughly when I'm going to do it. By age 50 I don't want to be on the glass, I want a couple of vans on the road where others are earning the money for me.
During the expansion phase I may ask for help and advice on tax issues, vat etc from those in the knowing, and once I myself am in the knowing I would be more then happy to share that advice.
However, at no point and under any circumstances would I ever feel the need to tell others, especially a bunch weirdos
on a forum the extent of my success. If people ask, I would tell, if it helps them achieve whatever it is they want to achieve.
Once my goals are achieved I will crack open a bottle of wine, smile to myself and enjoy the fruits of my labour. That for me is enough.
I won't need recognition, I won't need to hear "well done buddy" from some guy iv never even met. I will be happy for myself. That's all that matters to me.
This why people need to understand I'm not bitter, jealous, resentful towards the achievers, I just have a different perspective that directly clashes with theirs.
Some day I will be them, just a different kind of "them".