Ive gone from paranoia to practicle and what works well for me.
After i first set up my ro with 3 10inch pre filters and ssw the colour of my sediment filter (just about put me off drinking tap water), i went to using an additional sediment filter before it hit my main 3 pre filters.
Now i just use a sediment and the fibredyne and so far, been quite effective and cost effective as well.
Nathan adding a second sediment filter is nothing more than a waste off money as its doing nothing if the first sediment
filter is doing its job, if you have a lot of sediment in your water then it will block the first the first filter it comes to thus reducing
the water flow, what wont happen is it starting to let sediment through to then be stopped by a second filter.
One sediment filter is all that's needed but may need changed more often if its getting blocked by high sediment amounts
in your water.
Tip, next time you change your sediment filter let it dry and I guarantee you will be less shocked by its colour.