Its priced as £2.00 sq meter on under 100sqm on my website, or £1.50 over 100sqm so can't really change that, as that is what they have seen.
I originally contacted them in the first instance to see if they needed a carpet cleaner on the books, with an additional 20% off if they can secure me some work, ive been going nearly a year now, and its been slow. I will feel confident upping my prices, when I am more confident in myself as a carpet cleaner. I have very good results in domestic settings.
I'm going to try and do it all in one day, I don't know any other local carpet cleaners near Manchester who can help, but my partner can help with the vacumming and agitation, as I have a large rotary, and a smaller rotary, and 2 vacuum cleaners.
Is it possible to prespray with the wand, rather than my pump up presprayer, as i dont have an electrical presprayer yet.
I dont know if its fitted or tiles, I've worked in many large offices and never seen a fitted carpet so I will assume tiles at this point.