I'm travelling 20 miles to get water from my sisters who I pay £100 a month to purify it for me I've worked out at 3 days a week over the month I'm spending over £200 and using a twin di it would only be just over £100 with the cost of resin my TDs is 130, I live at my gf and her kitchen is at front of house so can't fit a tap to back of house as a lot of work involved and her landlord a grumpy old git so wouldn't give go ahead anyway, so I'm going to use tap in kitchen to fill tank in van 600 litres and purify it as I use it, my question is can I put a 20" pre filter then twin di after my tank then my pump to draw the water? Atm my pump is before the di but would it struggle if it was after this setup I'm thinking about?