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Re: rain all week
« Reply #20 on: May 22, 2006, 05:16:52 pm »
These people who say "whatever the weather" are being a bit un-professional.

Until I came on this forum a year ago I didn't realise what a hard nosed lot of ruthless businessmen window cleaners had become.  :(


Why?  If I rubbed a window with dirt; then cleaned it in the pouring rain, the rain wouldn't 'magic' the dirt back on there.

The window would still be clean.

Wor Lass cleaned our windows last Monday, and they still look clean.

How's cleaning a window in the rain unprofessional?

Some here will say they don't like getting wet.  That's fair enough, I don't like it either, but I think you're more frightened of a bit of confrontation with your customers, rather than getting wet, Roger; and making excuses why you won't clean in the rain.

Any customer who tells me, 'not this month, mate', without good reason gets dropped.

Anyway, if it's the odd rainy day, I'm more than happy to take the day off, but prolonged rain, like we have now forces your bottom out of the door.

But I don't think that's unprofessional.

Spot on Tosh!

Unprofessional is letting customers dictate the terms of business!!

Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: rain all week
« Reply #21 on: May 22, 2006, 05:23:11 pm »
Why?  If I rubbed a window with dirt; then cleaned it in the pouring rain, the rain wouldn't 'magic' the dirt back on there.
The window would still be clean.
 I know that, but customers don't always see it that way.

Any customer who tells me, 'not this month, mate', without good reason gets dropped.
Nice attitude. You must be popular.

Anyway, if it's the odd rainy day, I'm more than happy to take the day off, but prolonged rain, like we have now forces your bottom out of the door.
Like I said, I have done, but I don't want to.
In spite of my avatar, that's not the person my customers see.

Re: rain all week
« Reply #22 on: May 22, 2006, 05:30:25 pm »

I've just been on the phone to Gordon, he say's not to worry paying your tax bill this time, you can give it a miss. What with the bad weather and all.

He say's they like to provide a service, and the customer is always right. Being Chancellor is a cheery, friendly job, giving a service to the public, and like you and I, he needs to be popular with the public.


Roy Harding

  • Posts: 1970
Re: rain all week
« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2006, 05:34:01 pm »
I have worked all day and had a top day, and no one said a word.

It is a question of training your customers, and conditioning your own out look.

Mind I have been know to say if someone says its raining, "allright I wont charge you for the extra rince and laugh". ;D

But if I feel they are upset leave a bill and say only pay me if your happy.


Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: rain all week
« Reply #24 on: May 22, 2006, 05:39:14 pm »

I've just been on the phone to Gordon, he say's not to worry paying your tax bill this time, you can give it a miss. What with the bad weather and all.

He say's they like to provide a service, and the customer is always right. Being Chancellor is a cheery, friendly job, giving a service to the public, and like you and I, he needs to be popular with the public.

Well you won't pay any tax on £0 turnover will you? ::)
So yes, he won't be asking you for money for those days.


  • Posts: 985
Re: rain all week
« Reply #25 on: May 22, 2006, 06:43:01 pm »
Rain doesnt affect wfp use, just tell your customers. Dont give them a choice they will accept.

Re: rain all week
« Reply #26 on: May 22, 2006, 07:00:38 pm »
I've just saw the weather forecast upto Thusday!

Get your water-proofs on!

Re: rain all week
« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2006, 07:08:03 pm »

I've just been on the phone to Gordon, he say's not to worry paying your tax bill this time, you can give it a miss. What with the bad weather and all.

He say's they like to provide a service, and the customer is always right. Being Chancellor is a cheery, friendly job, giving a service to the public, and like you and I, he needs to be popular with the public.


I'd rather pay tax and eat!
Well you won't pay any tax on £0 turnover will you? ::)
So yes, he won't be asking you for money for those days.

Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: rain all week
« Reply #28 on: May 22, 2006, 07:13:20 pm »
I've just saw the weather forecast upto Thusday!

Get your water-proofs on!
I think tomorrow's the best day, only a few scattered showers. :)

Best rip out a load of work tomorrow.
I'll be ok if it rains the rest of the week then.


Re: rain all week
« Reply #29 on: May 22, 2006, 07:22:59 pm »
i agree with Squeaky on this

i allways thought the customer was ALLWAYS RIGHT

the guy i used to work with has the attitude "they need us, more than we need them" and thats his exact saying

since we split up the work and went our seperate ways, we had a 6 week turn around, he is down to a 4 week turnaround with taking a few days off, as he doesnt have enough work, Im stacked out struggling to stay under 6 weeks (and i work longer days), alot of his customers have binned him, some have gone elsewhere, and some to me

see, im of the opinion of "trying to keep the customer happy" and i know 100% that most of mine wouldnt have them done in the rain

Re: rain all week
« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2006, 07:32:52 pm »
i... and i know 100% that most of mine wouldnt have them done in the rain


I'd like to see the results of your 100% survey, because my own anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise.

I've lost a couple of customers transferring to WFP; but I've not lost one because I cleaned their house when it was raining; or looked like it was going to rain.

In fact the opposite is true.  I've picked up customers while working in the rain.

Of course, if it's 'humping' down with rain, I don't work; unless it's just a quick 'beefy' shower.

I think the worst thing about working in the rain isn't the 'getting wet', it's the thought a customer will complain.  But they don't usually!  Strangely enough they're generally bright enough to understand why you're doing it.

Not long after I first started window cleaning I remember asking a question about working in the rain; on this site.

I think it may have been 'Lionheart' (correct me if I'm wrong, Lionheart), but I was advised that if I was honest with myself, and could clean a window in the rain; which I can; then all I needed on top of that was the 'balls' to do it.

It was good advise.

Re: rain all week
« Reply #31 on: May 22, 2006, 07:33:10 pm »
i agree with Squeaky on this

i allways thought the customer was ALLWAYS RIGHT

the guy i used to work with has the attitude "they need us, more than we need them" and thats his exact saying

since we split up the work and went our seperate ways, we had a 6 week turn around, he is down to a 4 week turnaround with taking a few days off, as he doesnt have enough work, Im stacked out struggling to stay under 6 weeks (and i work longer days), alot of his customers have binned him, some have gone elsewhere, and some to me

see, im of the opinion of "trying to keep the customer happy" and i know 100% that most of mine wouldnt have them done in the rain

The customer is most definatly NOT always right.

I have the same view as your ex partner, however, like you I am stacked out with work.

Maybe he's just not good at his job.

I am, customers like me, but I don't let them run my business.

If I remember right Matt you said on another thread that you can't earn £150 in a day.

Maybe you being stacked out has more to do with being cheap. ;)

Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: rain all week
« Reply #32 on: May 22, 2006, 07:36:57 pm »
i agree with Squeaky on this

i allways thought the customer was ALLWAYS RIGHT

the guy i used to work with has the attitude "they need us, more than we need them" and thats his exact saying

since we split up the work and went our seperate ways, we had a 6 week turn around, he is down to a 4 week turnaround with taking a few days off, as he doesnt have enough work, Im stacked out struggling to stay under 6 weeks (and i work longer days), alot of his customers have binned him, some have gone elsewhere, and some to me

see, im of the opinion of "trying to keep the customer happy" and i know 100% that most of mine wouldnt have them done in the rain
Glad I'm not on me own again on this one. ;D

I think it speaks volumes that when we were discussing Christmas tips a few months back, a lot of people on here had between £30-100, I had over £350 from my small round.(I've only got 16 days a month).


Re: rain all week
« Reply #33 on: May 22, 2006, 08:01:02 pm »
i agree with Squeaky on this

i allways thought the customer was ALLWAYS RIGHT

the guy i used to work with has the attitude "they need us, more than we need them" and thats his exact saying

since we split up the work and went our seperate ways, we had a 6 week turn around, he is down to a 4 week turnaround with taking a few days off, as he doesnt have enough work, Im stacked out struggling to stay under 6 weeks (and i work longer days), alot of his customers have binned him, some have gone elsewhere, and some to me

see, im of the opinion of "trying to keep the customer happy" and i know 100% that most of mine wouldnt have them done in the rain

If I remember right Matt you said on another thread that you can't earn £150 in a day.

Maybe you being stacked out has more to do with being cheap. ;)

cheap i am not :)

i was speaking to a guy who cleaned a house in my road, i charge 1.50 more than him for the same house

why i dont earn that much, is because if a customer starts to chat, i dont cut them short and get on my way

i know its my downfall, but its allso part of why customers like me

i think ;)

poles apart

  • Posts: 664
Re: rain all week
« Reply #34 on: May 22, 2006, 08:03:06 pm »
I always clean in the rain. As someone said earlier, don't give your customers a choice as they will most probably say no!

What's the difference in cleaning windows when it's dry only for it to rain as soon as you've finished or to clean them in the rain - none!

It rains for the most part 11 months a year in this country so if we didn't work in it we'd have the shortest career ever!

Start as you mean to go on - if you've already given the excuse of rain then it's hard to turn them around but if you're just starting or changing over to wfp then now is the time to lay down your conditions. Sounds harsh I know but I'm in business to support my family not anyone elses! :)

Re: rain all week
« Reply #35 on: May 22, 2006, 08:08:48 pm »
I always clean in the rain.


Tell us what your refusal rate is, and what do you do if someone says, 'not this month, mate'?


  • Posts: 505
Re: rain all week
« Reply #36 on: May 22, 2006, 08:21:17 pm »
I still cannot understand the difference in cleaning IN the rain or it raining 5 minutes after you have cleaned,
what happens if your customers start watching the weather squeeky and then telling you "not to worry mate, its sposed to rain tomorrow or the next day!"

clean em whatever the weather and let them find a squeeky if they dont like it

Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: rain all week
« Reply #37 on: May 22, 2006, 08:29:08 pm »
I still cannot understand the difference in cleaning IN the rain or it raining 5 minutes after you have cleaned,
what happens if your customers start watching the weather squeeky and then telling you "not to worry mate, its sposed to rain tomorrow or the next day!"

clean em whatever the weather and let them find a squeeky if they dont like it
If I get that, then it's their one chance.
A second turn-away in dry weather and they're history.
Everyone deserves a chance.

poles apart

  • Posts: 664
Re: rain all week
« Reply #38 on: May 22, 2006, 08:29:15 pm »
I've only once ever had someone say 'not today as the weather is too bad' and then asked if I could come back next week. My reply was 'how do you know if it's going to be OK next week'. I'd travelled to Cardiff to do this job so I wasn't best pleased. I didn't go back for six weeks (it's on a six weekly run) and they've never said it again! 8)
My work is mainly blocks of flats, housing associations and offices. I don't do any 'houses' as such as it's too much hassle especially as I'm using a trailer system.

I still get moaners but I always carry on regardless and smile(or pretend I can't hear them!) ;D


Re: rain all week
« Reply #39 on: May 22, 2006, 08:30:06 pm »
I still cannot understand the difference in cleaning IN the rain or it raining 5 minutes after you have cleaned,
what happens if your customers start watching the weather squeeky and then telling you "not to worry mate, its sposed to rain tomorrow or the next day!"

clean em whatever the weather and let them find a squeeky if they dont like it

people except it might rain, but if its raining thats a different matter

On this subject, i still do downstairs the trad way, when i change the WFP for all, then it might be a different matter, as the glass is left wet anyways