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Attaching MicroFibre Frames to WFP
« on: May 17, 2016, 01:18:42 pm »
Does anyone have a solution for attaching microfibre mop frames to the end of a wfp?  I'm using a standard threaded angle adapter at the end of a CL-X. 

I'm either going to be using the Vikan Easy Shine mop frame that I have, or I'll order a frame from Tadgh. 

How do you guys attach yours?  Any tips appreciated.



Re: Attaching MicroFibre Frames to WFP
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2016, 01:51:06 pm »
Yes Gardiners sell the connector its in the indoor glass cleaning section (quick lock).
If your using the tapered German thread then sell that type.


Re: Attaching MicroFibre Frames to WFP New
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2016, 06:30:32 pm »
Thanks!  I'd spotted the Quick Lock one, but the Cleaning Spot threaded Adaptor one looks ideal (if a little pricey ;D )

How about Tadgh's  mop frames?  Apparently they just squeeze fit onto an aluminium extension pole, does that mean I'd need a tapered cone to attach these?