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Lee Burbidge

  • Posts: 2287
The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« on: May 14, 2016, 05:21:39 pm »
Had the opportunity at checking this out at the ISSA the other day. I understand it is available from July to all the usual system suppliers. It does not rely on Bluetooth for line of site. You can be behind a building and the signal will bounce to the van no problem.


  • Posts: 2080
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2016, 07:54:25 pm »
Begs the question why?
What benefits will it bring, I like simple


  • Posts: 23862
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2016, 08:08:00 pm »
No need for it.keep it simple.
price higher/work harder!

Jonny 87

  • Posts: 3487
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2016, 09:07:43 am »
Univalve does everything I need when it comes to starting/stop of te water flow.

Suppose the only thing that would be handy is the ability to adjust the flow fate or "dead end psi". That only gets done once a day at most though.

I bet it's a pretty penny.
Vision Technician / Visual Engineer /  Vision Enhancement Operative /...........................................................OnlyUseMeWFP AkA Jonny the Windy Wesher


  • Posts: 20541
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2016, 09:12:42 am »
I don't really get what the point of this is.

Turn the water off = unplug your pole.

Turn the water on = plug it back in.

What else would you need it to do?
They're eeeting the dogs.
They're eeeting the cats.
They're eeeting the pets,
of the people who live there.


  • Posts: 3511
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2016, 09:13:35 am »
How to make things more confusing imo.

Tank, pump, controller, hose & pole. That is all i need.

Lee Burbidge

  • Posts: 2287
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2016, 11:45:02 am »
Interesting to see the comments here..... nearly all the system suppliers will take this ( Ionic will not, obviously for example)  and incorporate this into their product line. Available if you need it I guess. These devices can be automated to set flushing modes on a system (I think but will double check) as an example and the tech is tied into the app using the app as the control panel. Some love automation and fear missing an RO flush back... there is a few more things on it but I will wait for the article on it shortly. 


  • Posts: 3873
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2016, 12:31:19 pm »
i'm sure clever forum name will get some he likes wasting money on this sort of stuff, unless he's already working with a manufacturer designing his own.  ;D

Ian Sheppard

  • Posts: 1221
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2016, 10:10:40 am »
Begs the question why?
What benefits will it bring, I like simple

To answer the question of benefits. There are two immediate benefits with WFP Link
1. Range Our best radio remote will currently go up to 120 meters. WFP Link will go up to 500
2. Line of sight. All the current radio remotes need to have a line of sight between the transmitter and receiver. This means as soon as you go around a corner it stop working
WFP Link Has no such limitation It will work if you are behind building or around a corner. So you no longer need to move the trolley or van.

The Fob has a two way comms channel to the controller this means you will get a response back from the controller. The Fob it self will be configurable so if you want to have a one button auto calibration via the Fob you can If you want to start a tank fill you can and so on.

We have listened to people who use our radio remote,s in regard to range and line of sight issues WFP Link answers these.

Its about ease of use ans simplicity. The fob default set up allows the pump to be switched adjust flow rate and has a rinse boost. WFP Link and the fob can be used as a stand alone Or you can add in the app which also allows to see real time system information such as battery, That the system is fill and Auto calibrate at the touch of one button. We wanted to take all the features and functions of the V9 and V11 and make them easier to use as for cost well the RRP will be £179 (ex vat) for the Advance antenna version and £195 (ex vat)  for the Ultimate antenna version so yes it is a little more than the current three button RF but it offers masses more usability and ease
V16 Is Here
Polarity Protect technology

Ian Sheppard

  • Posts: 1221
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2016, 10:16:45 am »
I don't really get what the point of this is.

Turn the water off = unplug your pole.

Turn the water on = plug it back in.

What else would you need it to do?

I hear you and I know that every one has there preferred method. I see an exciting market with plenty of consumer choice. The why we have done this is in response to feed back and to make life easier when managing the system . Some who use WFP link may simply use it to switch the pump as they move a round a building some will use more of the features the beauty is it will offer something to many.  The App will provide real time information on a readily available Touch screen EG your phone far from complicating the controller WFP Link simplifies it.
V16 Is Here
Polarity Protect technology

Ian Sheppard

  • Posts: 1221
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2016, 10:20:02 am »
How to make things more confusing imo.

Tank, pump, controller, hose & pole. That is all i need.

One button calibration - meaningful messages displayed on the touch screen of you phone, Instantly see battery state Add in the range no more line of sight issues and WFP link simplifies. We have a very dynamic consumer driven market for WFP and for me that is a very positive thing because there is something to suit all
V16 Is Here
Polarity Protect technology

Ian Sheppard

  • Posts: 1221
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2016, 10:27:38 am »
There will be some video coming along that show this in action, It is sitting on two systems being Grippa and Streamline.

Is it complicated  absolutely not. We all use remote control devices every day, mobile phones are full of complesx features and functions that we use with out even thinking about it.

The Controllers are designed to be straight forward to use, WFP Link just takes this on another level we see this as on going development of our RF radio remote technology in the same way Samsung, Sony and Apple have ongoing development
V16 Is Here
Polarity Protect technology


  • Posts: 1211
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2016, 10:52:47 am »
All that technology is OK if that’s what you want.
But most people would probably want is a simple ON/OFF switch.
Have Velcro on back of remote so to put on the WFP which has Velcro on it as well.
And away you go.
Just saying.

Ian Sheppard

  • Posts: 1221
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2016, 11:30:53 am »
All that technology is OK if that’s what you want.
But most people would probably want is a simple ON/OFF switch.
Have Velcro on back of remote so to put on the WFP which has Velcro on it as well.
And away you go.
Just saying.

And that is the point the wfp market is very diverse with different techiques, methods and different ways of working as such the market offers products to meet that demand. There is a demand for radio remote. Range and line of sight are commonly raised WFP link answers this and more. At the end of the day its a big market out there and this will suit some and not others.
V16 Is Here
Polarity Protect technology

Ian Sheppard

  • Posts: 1221
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2016, 12:15:34 pm »
Interesting to see the comments here..... nearly all the system suppliers will take this ( Ionic will not, obviously for example)  and incorporate this into their product line. Available if you need it I guess. These devices can be automated to set flushing modes on a system (I think but will double check) as an example and the tech is tied into the app using the app as the control panel. Some love automation and fear missing an RO flush back... there is a few more things on it but I will wait for the article on it shortly.

The comments are very welcome because the development is driven by the guys and gals who use the kit day in day out. The interesting part is that probably many of the comments are posted via smart phones and tablets running Android IOS or even Strongbot if you use a windows phone. All the phone companies continually develop to add features and functionality and this is an accepted norm. WFP link is a development and will be far easier to use than any device people use without even thinking about it.

Thise who use our Radio remote know that each fob and control have to use the same factory set channel, so losing a fob can be frustrating as a replacement has to be the same channel.

The New fob will pair to the controller in about 2 seconds and your off and working
V16 Is Here
Polarity Protect technology

Pete Thompson

  • Posts: 951
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2016, 12:55:08 pm »
Here's the problem I have with remotes.

If you switch the pump off at the system, it takes a good 15 - 30 seconds for the water to stop flowing from the pole, because the pressure is all built up in the hose reel.

Same thing when you switch it back on.  There's a 15-30 second delay.

So any remote controller that works by controlling the pump all the way back at the system is of not much use if you ask me.  Click stop, and by the time the water does actually stop, you are ready for it to be on again, but have to wait another 20 seconds.  POINTLESS!

No use at all for when you are just moving from the front to the back of the house and want to save water.  Also, I don't want to be fumbling with my phone while I'm holding a pole.

I pinch the pole hose, and the water stops immediately.  I let go of it and it starts again immediately.  This low-tech method works perfectly.  How do you improve on something that's already perfect?

Ian Sheppard

  • Posts: 1221
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2016, 01:22:16 pm »
Hi Pete

While you are spot on that the pressure dynamics of the system, does mean that water flow does not stop instantly the actual amount of time will vary system to system and is affected by a number of factors.  Hose expansion rate. length of hose, ID of hose and connectors and pole hose, size of the jets, Pump efficiency and flow rates even ambient air temperature will all have an effect.
In three years experience I have yet to come across a it taking more than a few seconds for flow to stop.

Interestingly unless you have a tap right on the end of the pole there will still be a delay between the tap being turned off and flow actually stopping this is because the pressure between the tap and the brush head must bleed away before flow can stop .
So whether you stop the pump with a remote of use a tap there is always a short period between the tap closing and flow stopping which is dictated by the pressure dynamics of the system .

The advantage of switching the pump is a reduction off pressure in the line, reduced strain on the connectors and pump motor, and with the pump off no current draw.

With all techniques there is benefits one way or the other. We see increasing demand for radio remote control and as a manufacturer we would be mad to ignore it. Is it right for every one absolutely not. Therein lies the strength of the WFP market there is something to suit everyone
V16 Is Here
Polarity Protect technology

Clever Forum Name

  • Posts: 5942
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2016, 02:04:43 pm »
i'm sure clever forum name will get some he likes wasting money on this sort of stuff, unless he's already working with a manufacturer designing his own.  ;D

Thing is you won't know if I have or haven't. Can't be bothered with the industry anymore.

I started doing my own thing last year and it's going very well indeed. Next phase is this July.

I come on here for a laugh now, soon worked out its just better to read and smile.

Thanking you.

Pete Thompson

  • Posts: 951
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2016, 04:48:23 pm »
Hi Pete

While you are spot on that the pressure dynamics of the system, does mean that water flow does not stop instantly the actual amount of time will vary system to system and is affected by a number of factors.  Hose expansion rate. length of hose, ID of hose and connectors and pole hose, size of the jets, Pump efficiency and flow rates even ambient air temperature will all have an effect.
Thanks for that, but believe it or not I didn't need you to tell me that I'm spot on, I already knew from my own experience and because I'm not stupid.

And all the factors that might influence the delay, while I'm sure you felt clever writing all that, are irrelevant.  The fact is, any remote that controls the pump at the system is going to suffer the same delay problem, including one controlled by means of an app.

In three years experience I have yet to come across a it taking more than a few seconds for flow to stop.
3 years experience of window cleaning?  Or 3 years experience of making flow controllers?  With all due respect, unless you have actually window cleaned yourself for any length of time, using a remote and also the low-tech pole hose pinch method, you have no idea whether that is an acceptable delay or not.

And you might well think "a few seconds" is no problem, but it's actually "a few seconds" x 2.  This is because you have to wait 'a few seconds' for it to stop, then wait another 'few seconds' for it to start up again.  And for that 'few seconds' you either have water jetting out and being wasted, or no water when you need it.

Interestingly unless you have a tap right on the end of the pole there will still be a delay between the tap being turned off and flow actually stopping this is because the pressure between the tap and the brush head must bleed away before flow can stop . So whether you stop the pump with a remote of use a tap there is always a short period between the tap closing and flow stopping which is dictated by the pressure dynamics of the system .

Technically that may be true, but the delay is so small it is not noticeable.  It's negligible. Less than half a second or maybe less than a tenth of a second.  For all practical purposes it's instant switch off, and you know it.  For you to even suggest you have to put up with a 'delay' when pinching the pole hose is an indication that you have no answer to the argument that ALL remote controllers cause a delay.

To respond to that by in effect saying "There's also a delay if you pinch your pole hose" is, in my opinion, an invalid argument.  Maybe I'll post a video of this terrible 'delay' when pinching the pipe, and then we'll all see what a feeble argument that is.

The advantage of switching the pump is a reduction off pressure in the line, reduced strain on the connectors and pump motor, and with the pump off no current draw.

I'm not worried about the strain of my connectors or pump motor.  In many years of window cleaning I've never had a connector pop off, or a pump fail.  Never had a battery go flat either, because the pump turns itself off if you pinch the pipe for longer than a few seconds as the pressure switch kicks in.

So, sorry but I remain unimpressed with any of these remotes.  When someone invents one that will INSTANTLY stop or start the water, then I'll give it a go, but for me the annoying delay between activating the remote and the water switching on or off makes them impractical.

Just my opinion.


  • Posts: 20541
Re: The new WFP Link fob and app looks great
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2016, 05:00:12 pm »
I'm sure there is a market out there for this.

I can't see a single advantage that it would give me but that's not the point is it? It's not aimed at me. I like my pointless tech to be non productive i.e. toys. I like my work tools to be as straightforward and robust as possible, this for me would be 'something else to go wrong'.
They're eeeting the dogs.
They're eeeting the cats.
They're eeeting the pets,
of the people who live there.