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Dave Willis

Re: Another Moerman idea?
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2016, 05:57:14 pm »
So, what are you trying to say?
Are you saying Moermon copied you?
Are you promoting Moermon
Are you saying Moermon copied Wagtail
Are you saying you copied Wagtail

or are you driving hits to your youtube account?

I'm confused as always.


  • Posts: 1211
Re: Another Moerman idea?
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2016, 10:59:27 pm »
So, what are you trying to say?
Are you saying Moermon copied you?
Are you promoting Moermon
Are you saying Moermon copied Wagtail
Are you saying you copied Wagtail

or are you driving hits to your youtube account?

I'm confused as always.

Only showing the way we did it for the people that might want to try it.
And as you always say it all been done before.
But you never say how.

Dave Willis

Re: Another Moerman idea?
« Reply #22 on: May 16, 2016, 07:02:05 am »
Why? because I can't work out your thinking. I can't tell if you are pointing out Moermons new product for anyone who wants one or whether you don't think they should market it because it's a wagtail copy or whether you think neither of them should be on the market because you invented your own before them. I've never seen a single post of yours that doesn't include a link to your youtube account so maybe that's why you post on here.
I just don't understand what your getting at.
I don't understand why you pick on a product, march down to the hardware store buy some bits and pieces then copy it? Why not just buy one ready made in the first place?

See what I mean? Same post I put up before, just a bit longer.


  • Posts: 1211
Re: Another Moerman idea?
« Reply #23 on: May 16, 2016, 08:53:55 am »
Why? because I can't work out your thinking. I can't tell if you are pointing out Moermons new product for anyone who wants one or whether you don't think they should market it because it's a wagtail copy or whether you think neither of them should be on the market because you invented your own before them. I've never seen a single post of yours that doesn't include a link to your youtube account so maybe that's why you post on here.
I just don't understand what your getting at.
I don't understand why you pick on a product, march down to the hardware store buy some bits and pieces then copy it? Why not just buy one ready made in the first place?

See what I mean? Same post I put up before, just a bit longer.

OK Please follow what I’m saying.
First regarding Wagtail there concept is good with the pivoting swivel action.
Got my first Wagtail 2002 and do not know any different to use pivot swivel squeegees and scrubbers.
And since then been doing modifications on it so to make it easier for me personally to use.
In May 2011 decided to start putting up the ideas had to relating not only to improving the squeegee.
But help other people with similar problems with this particular squeegee.
Also videos to show people that may want to know how they can use them as well.
To say that I obsessed would be an under statement.
As practically every video relates to this type of swivel squeegee.
And yes I’m directing people to the channel so they can see different ways other then what the big manufactures are doing.
So not picking on any particular manufacture other then to improve there product.
Know there are many other people out there that do the same and hopefully if they see some of the ideas we have.
It will inspirer them to have a better ideas.

Know there are people they can use them with no problems this is all good and well.

But don’t you think to be fair that the people that do have issues with using these swivel/pivotal squeegee.
That they have an alterative way of use these squeegees??
Give them a better understanding of how it works??
Hope this might explain why we do this.  ;D


  • Posts: 1211
Re: Another Moerman idea?
« Reply #24 on: May 17, 2016, 07:16:20 am »

I just don't understand what your getting at.
Do you now understand what it is all about?  :)