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Tom White

Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #60 on: May 06, 2016, 11:53:41 pm »
till your own negativity kicked in at Post No 11.

I'll bet i'm not the only one who went back to page one and started counting  ;D


You probably were!

sunshine windows

  • Posts: 2361
Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #61 on: May 07, 2016, 12:03:19 am »
I personally think your biggest challenge will be administration, leadership and man-management skills.  With your budget getting work in is easy.  I suspect getting the work done, efficiently, will be the real challenge.

Completely agree with this. Getting the work is the easy part. Retaining it and your reputation is the hard part
To climb mount fuji you must first find a path
(Swindon, Wiltshire)


Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #62 on: May 07, 2016, 12:04:29 am »
To be clear sean k, i like posts about poles and brushes, they are still very usefull and always will be. My point which has clearly been lost on you and others, is that its a shame that there cant be more that that without the abuse.

How to you work that out ? if I want to employ I can ask here if I want to put a second van on the road I can ask here
if need to raise finance to build my business I can ask here if I want to go over the VAT threshold and so on I can ask here and will get all those business questions answered without abuse.
Now if I come on here with a five vans already on the road and ask these questions then rightly or wrongly some are going to get suspicious about my motives.
That said if I had five vans on the road the abuse wouldn't annoy or stop me bragging about my success. lol.

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #63 on: May 07, 2016, 12:26:11 am »
Ok normal question.
How many customers do you currently have that makes you not happy with what you already have and have achieved?

counter question. why do you think that im doing what im doing because im not happy? does someone who wants to go for it have to be un happy in order to do so?. ....
The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Tom White

Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #64 on: May 07, 2016, 01:18:31 am »
Ok normal question.
How many customers do you currently have that makes you not happy with what you already have and have achieved?

counter question. why do you think that im doing what im doing because im not happy? does someone who wants to go for it have to be un happy in order to do so?. ....

Pain is a great motivator.  You might be dissatisfied with your life - ergo unhappy - so have decided to take a risk to improve it.

We do things because we either want to avoid pain and suffering, or because we want to be happy.  This is the human condition.

In an earlier post you said you're putting your life on hold for a few years; from that I'm inferring that you're delaying your happiness on the basis that once you're at the stage where you want to be, then your life will be off hold and you'll be happy.

Can I ask what administration, training, leadership and man-management experience you have?  All that you have appeared to achieved so far could be achieved by anyone with 250k to spend.  At some point you're going to have to be ultra organised and be able to make employees get the job done efficiently, day-in-day-out.  I'm going to guess that there'll be a lot of learning on the job and improvising as you go.

I think that's when things will become interesting.


Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #65 on: May 07, 2016, 05:47:07 am »
To be clear sean k, i like posts about poles and brushes, they are still very usefull and always will be. My point which has clearly been lost on you and others, is that its a shame that there cant be more that that without the abuse.

How to you work that out ? if I want to employ I can ask here if I want to put a second van on the road I can ask here
if need to raise finance to build my business I can ask here if I want to go over the VAT threshold and so on I can ask here and will get all those business questions answered without abuse.
Now if I come on here with a five vans already on the road and ask these questions then rightly or wrongly some are going to get suspicious about my motives.
That said if I had five vans on the road the abuse wouldn't annoy or stop me bragging about my success. lol.
Er, that's not true. I got called or it was inferred  a liar and that I'd lose all my customers. Notably by you and Blind Pierre or Chumbucket as was. 


  • Posts: 20541
Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #66 on: May 07, 2016, 06:55:45 am »
Two things I don't really understand here.

1) Why any of you care whether or not Lee is telling the truth? I know a guy, let's call him Jim Buckthree, (you know the type) if you tell him you're going to teneriffe he'll tell you he's been to eleveneriffe. I just let him bash on with it, like everyone else does. No one sees the need to constantly call him up on every exaggeration. I'm not saying that 's what Lee's doing but I just don't get the constant need to call him on his claims. What difference does it make to any of you?

2) Why anyone would respond to the negative comments Lees' been getting? What are you hoping to gain from arguing with these people? Do you think you'll persuade them to change their minds? I'll tell you now that ain't going to happen. Ignore it and get on with your day. I believe this forum now has a function where you can turn them off. Your life (or certainly your day) will be better for it.
They're eeeting the dogs.
They're eeeting the cats.
They're eeeting the pets,
of the people who live there.


Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #67 on: May 07, 2016, 07:57:31 am »
To be clear sean k, i like posts about poles and brushes, they are still very usefull and always will be. My point which has clearly been lost on you and others, is that its a shame that there cant be more that that without the abuse.

How to you work that out ? if I want to employ I can ask here if I want to put a second van on the road I can ask here
if need to raise finance to build my business I can ask here if I want to go over the VAT threshold and so on I can ask here and will get all those business questions answered without abuse.
Now if I come on here with a five vans already on the road and ask these questions then rightly or wrongly some are going to get suspicious about my motives.
That said if I had five vans on the road the abuse wouldn't annoy or stop me bragging about my success. lol.
Er, that's not true. I got called or it was inferred  a liar and that I'd lose all my customers. Notably by you and Blind Pierre or Chumbucket as was.

Now that is a lie mate and I challenge you to put up a link where I said any of the above, if your referring to your going over
the VAT limit post then the only thing I disagreed with was who was footing the bill you or the customers. I also pointed
out that you don't go VAT reg. if your only looking to do £100k a year worth of work and would need to be aiming for at least
double that as a long term plan.
But at the end of the day even if somebody did say you would lose all your customers then as long as they are being honest and
a give a decent reason why they said it then its good advice, at the end of the day its only an opinion and you don't have to take it.
Put it this way if it wasn't for guys in forums like this pointing out flaws in things like the mk1 smart clamp then we wouldn't have the mk2 an improved version, that's just one example.


Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #68 on: May 07, 2016, 08:17:09 am »
Has anybody accused Lee of not telling the truth ? from what I have read some just think his business plan is a
bit pie in the sky or doesn't add up.
I think most if not all admire his courage.


  • Posts: 20541
Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #69 on: May 07, 2016, 08:34:31 am »
Has anybody accused Lee of not telling the truth ? from what I have read some just think his business plan is a
bit pie in the sky or doesn't add up.
I think most if not all admire his courage.

Maybe no one has called him a liar flat out (although I think they probably have) but asking for proof and calling it "hot air" boils down to the same thing.
They're eeeting the dogs.
They're eeeting the cats.
They're eeeting the pets,
of the people who live there.


  • Posts: 2038
Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #70 on: May 07, 2016, 09:16:02 am »
go for it Lee, I think its brilliant what you are doing, any chance you could send me one of your posters I would love to see one,

stick your middle finger up to all the haters on here,

Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #71 on: May 07, 2016, 09:43:03 am »
Ignore the haters, this is definitely one of the most motivating posts on this forum.

Looking forward to more updates.


  • Posts: 2964
Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #72 on: May 07, 2016, 10:08:59 am »
Well, that went downhill pretty fast.

Everyone take a deep breath and check out the portable toilets and toilet paper after these helicopters have been through ;)
*A HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE - THE SHORT STORY* 'Hydrogen is a light, odorless gas, which, given enough time, turns into people.'


Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #73 on: May 07, 2016, 04:29:05 pm »
To be clear sean k, i like posts about poles and brushes, they are still very usefull and always will be. My point which has clearly been lost on you and others, is that its a shame that there cant be more that that without the abuse.

How to you work that out ? if I want to employ I can ask here if I want to put a second van on the road I can ask here
if need to raise finance to build my business I can ask here if I want to go over the VAT threshold and so on I can ask here and will get all those business questions answered without abuse.
Now if I come on here with a five vans already on the road and ask these questions then rightly or wrongly some are going to get suspicious about my motives.
That said if I had five vans on the road the abuse wouldn't annoy or stop me bragging about my success. lol.
Er, that's not true. I got called or it was inferred  a liar and that I'd lose all my customers. Notably by you and Blind Pierre or Chumbucket as was.

Now that is a lie mate and I challenge you to put up a link where I said any of the above, if your referring to your going over
the VAT limit post then the only thing I disagreed with was who was footing the bill you or the customers. I also pointed
out that you don't go VAT reg. if your only looking to do £100k a year worth of work and would need to be aiming for at least
double that as a long term plan.
But at the end of the day even if somebody did say you would lose all your customers then as long as they are being honest and
a give a decent reason why they said it then its good advice, at the end of the day its only an opinion and you don't have to take it.
Put it this way if it wasn't for guys in forums like this pointing out flaws in things like the mk1 smart clamp then we wouldn't have the mk2 an improved version, that's just one example.
Here you go.
question to the guys who have made the jump

what have been the benefits of going vat reg

have you made more profit since going vat reg than before being vat reg

have you picked up more work since being vat reg

Its not about making a jump it about having a turnover of more than £79000 you don't have a choice.

It's £81k this year.
I heard (though can't confirm) it'll be £85k next year.

Personally I don't believe that but if there are then they would be in a very small minority, strange how they all
find their way onto this forum.

Believe what?
 The first bit is fact. The second bit I've said was only what I've heard ???

Was replying to the bit you deleted, not what you said about the vat.
I wasn't saying that you hadn't heard people boast about these type of earnings, I'm saying I don't believe these type
of people.

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 3931
Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #74 on: May 07, 2016, 07:26:32 pm »
till your own negativity kicked in at Post No 11.

I'll bet i'm not the only one who went back to page one and started counting  ;D
Most of us would just go to page 1 and scroll down to #11, no need to count :P


Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #75 on: May 08, 2016, 08:38:50 am »
To be clear sean k, i like posts about poles and brushes, they are still very usefull and always will be. My point which has clearly been lost on you and others, is that its a shame that there cant be more that that without the abuse.

How to you work that out ? if I want to employ I can ask here if I want to put a second van on the road I can ask here
if need to raise finance to build my business I can ask here if I want to go over the VAT threshold and so on I can ask here and will get all those business questions answered without abuse.
Now if I come on here with a five vans already on the road and ask these questions then rightly or wrongly some are going to get suspicious about my motives.
That said if I had five vans on the road the abuse wouldn't annoy or stop me bragging about my success. lol.
Er, that's not true. I got called or it was inferred  a liar and that I'd lose all my customers. Notably by you and Blind Pierre or Chumbucket as was.

Now that is a lie mate and I challenge you to put up a link where I said any of the above, if your referring to your going over
the VAT limit post then the only thing I disagreed with was who was footing the bill you or the customers. I also pointed
out that you don't go VAT reg. if your only looking to do £100k a year worth of work and would need to be aiming for at least
double that as a long term plan.
But at the end of the day even if somebody did say you would lose all your customers then as long as they are being honest and
a give a decent reason why they said it then its good advice, at the end of the day its only an opinion and you don't have to take it.
Put it this way if it wasn't for guys in forums like this pointing out flaws in things like the mk1 smart clamp then we wouldn't have the mk2 an improved version, that's just one example.
Here you go.
question to the guys who have made the jump

what have been the benefits of going vat reg

have you made more profit since going vat reg than before being vat reg

have you picked up more work since being vat reg

Its not about making a jump it about having a turnover of more than £79000 you don't have a choice.

It's £81k this year.
I heard (though can't confirm) it'll be £85k next year.

Personally I don't believe that but if there are then they would be in a very small minority, strange how they all
find their way onto this forum.

Believe what?
 The first bit is fact. The second bit I've said was only what I've heard ???

Was replying to the bit you deleted, not what you said about the vat.
I wasn't saying that you hadn't heard people boast about these type of earnings, I'm saying I don't believe these type
of people.

Seriously 8 weekly if you ever get tired of window cleaning there's a job waiting for you in the South Yorkshire Police, that
was a reply to some willy waver making over £85k a year working on his own, as you have  employees then it couldn't have been
aimed at you unless you failed to mention them at the time.


Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #76 on: May 08, 2016, 01:16:32 pm »
To be clear sean k, i like posts about poles and brushes, they are still very usefull and always will be. My point which has clearly been lost on you and others, is that its a shame that there cant be more that that without the abuse.

How to you work that out ? if I want to employ I can ask here if I want to put a second van on the road I can ask here
if need to raise finance to build my business I can ask here if I want to go over the VAT threshold and so on I can ask here and will get all those business questions answered without abuse.
Now if I come on here with a five vans already on the road and ask these questions then rightly or wrongly some are going to get suspicious about my motives.
That said if I had five vans on the road the abuse wouldn't annoy or stop me bragging about my success. lol.
Er, that's not true. I got called or it was inferred  a liar and that I'd lose all my customers. Notably by you and Blind Pierre or Chumbucket as was.

Now that is a lie mate and I challenge you to put up a link where I said any of the above, if your referring to your going over
the VAT limit post then the only thing I disagreed with was who was footing the bill you or the customers. I also pointed
out that you don't go VAT reg. if your only looking to do £100k a year worth of work and would need to be aiming for at least
double that as a long term plan.
But at the end of the day even if somebody did say you would lose all your customers then as long as they are being honest and
a give a decent reason why they said it then its good advice, at the end of the day its only an opinion and you don't have to take it.
Put it this way if it wasn't for guys in forums like this pointing out flaws in things like the mk1 smart clamp then we wouldn't have the mk2 an improved version, that's just one example.
Here you go.
question to the guys who have made the jump

what have been the benefits of going vat reg

have you made more profit since going vat reg than before being vat reg

have you picked up more work since being vat reg

Its not about making a jump it about having a turnover of more than £79000 you don't have a choice.

It's £81k this year.
I heard (though can't confirm) it'll be £85k next year.

Personally I don't believe that but if there are then they would be in a very small minority, strange how they all
find their way onto this forum.

Believe what?
 The first bit is fact. The second bit I've said was only what I've heard ???

Was replying to the bit you deleted, not what you said about the vat.
I wasn't saying that you hadn't heard people boast about these type of earnings, I'm saying I don't believe these type
of people.

Seriously 8 weekly if you ever get tired of window cleaning there's a job waiting for you in the South Yorkshire Police, that
was a reply to some willy waver making over £85k a year working on his own, as you have  employees then it couldn't have been
aimed at you unless you failed to mention them at the time.
It was aimed at me as I was the "willy waver". I had no employees at the time. I was quite taken aback at the hostility on here when I asked how other coped with going VAT registered. People were having digs in other threads as well. You and Chumbucket were the worst, but there were others.


  • Posts: 13421
Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #77 on: May 08, 2016, 02:25:58 pm »
Two things I don't really understand here.

1) Why any of you care whether or not Lee is telling the truth? I know a guy, let's call him Jim Buckthree, (you know the type) if you tell him you're going to teneriffe he'll tell you he's been to eleveneriffe. I just let him bash on with it, like everyone else does. No one sees the need to constantly call him up on every exaggeration. I'm not saying that 's what Lee's doing but I just don't get the constant need to call him on his claims. What difference does it make to any of you?

2) Why anyone would respond to the negative comments Lees' been getting? What are you hoping to gain from arguing with these people? Do you think you'll persuade them to change their minds? I'll tell you now that ain't going to happen. Ignore it and get on with your day. I believe this forum now has a function where you can turn them off. Your life (or certainly your day) will be better for it.

This is just about the best post of all time.

there is a network off this forum (loosely speaking) where several cleaning companies chew the fat on problems and challenges that may not be popular on here.

To some the old saying applies - people are happy to see you doing well, untill you start doing better than them

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience


Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #78 on: May 08, 2016, 03:03:46 pm »
For the attention of 8 weekly.

Example 1.  Iv been window cleaning for about 2 years now taking in around £500 to £800 a day, I'm now on the verge
of hitting the VAT threshold with about 30% of my workload still to fill, my question is should I stop now or fill my round and
be no better off ?

Example 2. My window cleaning business has been going from strength to strength and I'm getting closer to the VAT threshold,
I'm looking to know what are the pros and cons in going over the limit ?

Which post is going to get help and which will be seen as nothing more than a look at me aren't I brilliant post ?


  • Posts: 13421
Re: Lee Pryor poster
« Reply #79 on: May 08, 2016, 03:19:30 pm »
Neither - both seem reasonable to me

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience