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thing is I find its easyer to keep a customer then find a new one , and once the workman ship starts going down hill it goes fast you never just lose one here or there its loads at once and can last for a while , as most customers wont sack you until they find someone else once they have it in there head you find someone else they will doesn't matter if you send someone else and the work goes back up to late damage is done
I'm I reading this right ? you have one man per van who completes £160 worth of work per day, from that you pay out£75 in wages leaving you £85 a day for everything else including holiday and sick pay.Surely it cant be worth your while financially to employ never mind the extra hassle.
I feel having 1 person per van on paper works but in reality its not the case ive tryed 2 in one van it only worked when the work was compact but some days the addresses are in different streets and not many together if I give them say £180 a day its seems ok till it rains they can't catch back up but if I lower the amount to £160 its more achievable thats if they come in on Saturday after a bad week with weather or sickness If I pay minimum wage no one would be interested to work for that in this game round this area I had 2 staff quit in the last 4 months and found better paying jobs .
Around 18