I just don't bother if there is any thing but bird crap or dirt it stays their I tell the custy that I don't want the risk of scratching the window with a blade .if you were to buy every thing you see to remove what ever you would need a trailor to put it all in .the more you do the bigger your work load will be the more time you spend on a job. their is only so much customer satisfaction you can do.it dosen t matter how far you bend over backwards for a custy you will still get the bullet no matter what you do for them.... imo I could give a few examples so I just do a good job and off I go never had a moan
its handy to have a few things in the van though dave.
melamine foam,cif cream cleaner,sticky stuff remover,virosol etc.
they come in very useful for full UPVC cleans and to remove a stubborn stain on a sill/frame on a good customers property.
the other month i did an internal clean for a posh customer on a fairly large house and she had loads of stickers on the kids playroom window that she wanted me to take off.i rubbed a bit of the "sticky stuff remover" on them,cleaned a few other windows,came back and they just fell off with a scraper.it made the job so much easier.
another example is a customer complaint that id scratched his upper window sill.got my ladders off and with cream cleaner and a magic sponge they were gone!took 2 mins.