Hi Guys...used to spend far too much time on here but for the past couple of years kind of lost heart with window cleaning...boredom got to me and of course a complete lack of real interest.... and started seeing it as a job and not my business.
Lost my wfp'ing mojo....tried podcasts, taking pics during the day, even started doing exercises during the day from time to time but to no avail..... try explaing to a customer why your doing burpees in their garden!
More and more found myself creating excuses not to work...too wet, too windy, to shiney!...whatever..... was doing enough to make what I needed but each window and house became a real chore.
Yes realise how lucky I am, no bosses, no-one to watch over everything I do....the list of positives is endless but when you're in a rut.... everyday other than Sat & Sun is just not fun.
Anyone who knew me when I started on here would know that I paid attention to everything about my business.
So....... started to realise that whilst I doubt I will skip to work each morning thinking I have the best job in the world I need to do something to at least give me some intrest back in what I do.
For me...I am now back to being a 'data-ocd' and recording everything.... this week I now know how much water I use, how many hours door to door, how much per hour earnt, how much per minute worked..... everything is now being recorded purely so that when 2 of my work cycles (8weekly) is complete I will have a detailed view of my business and what needs to happen to ensure I can make my work life better, more productive.....
So other than the normal ....save up for this and that, go on holiday, make money for bills, holidays, family etc ....when you have found yourself in the dumps long term what have you found that gave you at least 'will' to get back out there long-term?