Everyone is asking, why no website? As Tadgh says.....recomendation beats anything. Word of mouth is key !!!
I was first contacted by Tadgh about 12 months ago. I'd posted asking about an Eco friendly TFR. Tadgh took the time out to find my contact details and contact me direct one evening about 8pm. It transpired in the conversation that Tadghs TFR would be to expensive for me, i cleaned 20+ trucks (HGV's a fortnight). So that idea was dead in the water so to speak....................
I had like the rest of you seen mention of the little waffle cloths, i'd also seen Tadgh offer to send some out as "samples". They sounded good to me. So i mentioned them............i said i'll buy a couple off you. I don't need a test, i'll just buy some off you.
Tadgh also asked me if i cleaned stainless steel and other stuff, i said "no". So the conversation ended that Tadgh would send me over some stuff and if i was happy i could pay for it. I'd never paid to much attention to the last bit, as i never instigated the call, i didn't want anything from him, etc.
Day or two later a box comes, no sooner had i signed for it than Tadgh rings to make sure i have it. In the box there is a 5 litre degreaser (bio friendly), about 5 eraser/magic pads, three pots of creme (for upvc or silver) and about 12 microfibres, and a squirty bottle. I assumed, they where for me to test as i didn't want or need any of it. There was a bill attached equating to roughly £120.
To cut a long story short it turns out Tadghs billing department had sent me a bill out in error. So in actual fact i paid nothing. For all the stuff i recieved and didn't ask for i had to pay zip, zilch, nada , nowt !!
So what i wanna do now is , as i havn't used them, i'll pass over the 5 litres of eco degreaser, and the three tubs of cleansing cream to anyone who wants to try them, You can try my little waffle cloths as well, but they've been washed and maybe a bit dirty....................
So, if you're in the Merseyside area and want to try Tadghs eco clean, or his three cream cleansers i'll come deliver them to you, probably half way at least for free.