A £2.50 voltage regulator for a motor and have been for about 6 years.
Currently using PF digital. Took some getting used to the 3 second delay when using a trigger valve. Found it very annoying. Analogue one was instant. However, not such a problem now I'm using the uni-valve.
Quote from: M & C Window Cleaning on April 12, 2016, 10:50:02 pmCurrently using PF digital. Took some getting used to the 3 second delay when using a trigger valve. Found it very annoying. Analogue one was instant. However, not such a problem now I'm using the uni-valve.how does this work? will this not mean pump is full flow at all times?
I've never had any issue with digi controllers myself as when I turn the water off at the pole and turn it back on again the flow is instant. Maybe you did not calibrate the controller properly, prime the pump and/or bleed all air out of the system first?