This doesnt effect me bud, I txt my cust night before and once again early morning of day due. If gate still locked they get charged full price. So less of the childish name calling because I for one do not think that is professional! !
In addition my customer like so many more are on the understanding that I work on a 4week rotation, but heavens forbid if I dont stipulate the actual day or even time of arrival! ! I guess im not as professional as I thought. Thank you for correcting my opinion

Tresspassing is entering a persons private property without conscent of the owner. So lets review all us numpties who agree on a regular basis with the owners of a scgeduled window cleaning service. Does that mean we have consent or not in your opinion??!! Certainly the methods used which some attain to to gain access to the back gardens may be questionable, but that isnt what your debating is it?