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Is Lee Pryors venture insane or genius?

Won't work, far too big, can't be managed as suggested.
The sky's the limit, an entrepreneur to look up to, what a star, what a business.


Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2016, 08:02:19 pm »
Most people have found a life by the time they're 35 mate, personally I think he's a sad individual but hey ho- according to some you can only be happy by putting ya home on the line and free riding at your parent's pad! ::)roll

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2016, 08:22:07 pm »
actually I'm paying the going rate for a room in that area.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.


  • Posts: 2964
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2016, 08:35:44 pm »
;D I've heard of no sense but don't talk nonsense Sherlock .. He's going to defend his ideas especially when he believes in them and has put his money on the line. The only guys on here that will criticise what he's doing are sole traders or guys who employ 1 staff and are in a window cleaning rut of wanting it all and simply not having the know how or the balls or the vision maybe to make it happen. The fact your trying to justify singling him out for your own thread says a lot

What's so wrong in starting a poll that it should attract your criticism then?
It's a poll, asking people's opinions, nothing more nothing less. No ridicule, no criticism, no ugly motive. I can't see how you could possibly draw something critical from that. But then again mate, if you're that driven to make a point...

Fighting other people's battles says a lot about you mate.
*A HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE - THE SHORT STORY* 'Hydrogen is a light, odorless gas, which, given enough time, turns into people.'

Lee Pryor

  • Posts: 2287
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2016, 08:40:27 pm »
Its not the dreaming that's ego its the individuals manner. They're easy to spot - half a handful of negative posts in with 5 or 6 pages of otherwise positive or run of the mill responses and they accuse CIU members of ganging up on them.

Ask searching questions and they don't get answered.

Make snide remarks as responses to those who question the setup and they've filled the criteria for being someone who makes ego driven posts.

I think its a shame he locked that post, I wanted to follow him and see him pursue his dream. Seriously. I asked a couple of searching question and they were ignored, I assume he wants the attention but not the consequences as a result of that.

Its a shame, a fella who started with nought and in a few years is on his way to being a millionaire from scrubbing glass - not bad. If it works.

Don't worry Matt

I will be back in a few months to show the progress. I cant answer every  question. Plus I was moving house in the last 2 days and just havnt had time.

I locked the thread because I have nothing more to say at this time. I think its a shame there are a lot of very small minded people on here but hey ho that's life.

Lastly for those that think I don't have a life and am sad ect. I have a very good life as it goes, a lovely and very supportive partner I'm happy and all that. I simply want to grow my business for the fun of it, I love it and that's that. When I'm sat pool side next week on the palm island in Dubai,  the small minded morons on here can kiss my nice arse!

I actually love the fact that a good percentage of morons on here have no clue how to do what I'm doing nor do they ever want to, because lets face it I wouldn't want to be up against Richard Branson types would I

You insulting rude people just drive me harder to succeed!

Matt and others with real questions can ask them in a few months when I'm back with some updates and some real results. I mean do you honestly think I'm not going to get any work from a million leaflets? We will see wont we MODDED. I'm actually starting to enjoy this.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.


Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2016, 08:57:43 pm »
Its not the dreaming that's ego its the individuals manner. They're easy to spot - half a handful of negative posts in with 5 or 6 pages of otherwise positive or run of the mill responses and they accuse CIU members of ganging up on them.

Ask searching questions and they don't get answered.

Make snide remarks as responses to those who question the setup and they've filled the criteria for being someone who makes ego driven posts.

I think its a shame he locked that post, I wanted to follow him and see him pursue his dream. Seriously. I asked a couple of searching question and they were ignored, I assume he wants the attention but not the consequences as a result of that.

Its a shame, a fella who started with nought and in a few years is on his way to being a millionaire from scrubbing glass - not bad. If it works.

Don't worry Matt

I will be back in a few months to show the progress. I cant answer every  question. Plus I was moving house in the last 2 days and just havnt had time.

I locked the thread because I have nothing more to say at this time. I think its a shame there are a lot of very small minded people on here but hey ho that's life.

Lastly for those that think I don't have a life and am sad ect. I have a very good life as it goes, a lovely and very supportive partner I'm happy and all that. I simply want to grow my business for the fun of it, I love it and that's that. When I'm sat pool side next week on the palm island in Dubai,  the small minded morons on here can kiss my nice arse!

I actually love the fact that a good percentage of morons on here have no clue how to do what I'm doing nor do they ever want to, because lets face it I wouldn't want to be up against Richard Branson types would I

You insulting rude people just drive me harder to succeed!

Matt and others with real questions can ask them in a few months when I'm back with some updates and some real results. I mean do you honestly think I'm not going to get any work from a million leaflets? We will see wont we MODDED. I'm actually starting to enjoy this.

Desperado!  ;D

And you expect anyone to care?


Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2016, 09:01:31 pm »
Its not the dreaming that's ego its the individuals manner. They're easy to spot - half a handful of negative posts in with 5 or 6 pages of otherwise positive or run of the mill responses and they accuse CIU members of ganging up on them.

Ask searching questions and they don't get answered.

Make snide remarks as responses to those who question the setup and they've filled the criteria for being someone who makes ego driven posts.

I think its a shame he locked that post, I wanted to follow him and see him pursue his dream. Seriously. I asked a couple of searching question and they were ignored, I assume he wants the attention but not the consequences as a result of that.

Its a shame, a fella who started with nought and in a few years is on his way to being a millionaire from scrubbing glass - not bad. If it works.

Don't worry Matt

I will be back in a few months to show the progress. I cant answer every  question. Plus I was moving house in the last 2 days and just havnt had time.

I locked the thread because I have nothing more to say at this time. I think its a shame there are a lot of very small minded people on here but hey ho that's life.

Lastly for those that think I don't have a life and am sad ect. I have a very good life as it goes, a lovely and very supportive partner I'm happy and all that. I simply want to grow my business for the fun of it, I love it and that's that. When I'm sat pool side next week on the palm island in Dubai,  the small minded morons on here can kiss my nice arse!

I actually love the fact that a good percentage of morons on here have no clue how to do what I'm doing nor do they ever want to, because lets face it I wouldn't want to be up against Richard Branson types would I

You insulting rude people just drive me harder to succeed!

Matt and others with real questions can ask them in a few months when I'm back with some updates and some real results. I mean do you honestly think I'm not going to get any work from a million leaflets? We will see wont we MODDED. I'm actually starting to enjoy this.
You don't come across well at all. If I were you I'd try a little humility. It does seem you've done well, but let's be honest it isn't rocket science is it? Canvass/drop leaflets, clean windows, canvass/drop leaflets, clean more windows with more people and vans.


  • Posts: 180
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2016, 09:11:28 pm »
HI Lee
I look forward to your next updates as I enjoy reading them. But you must bare in mind every person that ever posted on this forum that was running a business a bit bigger than the normal man-in-a-van was driven off the forum.
If you go back a few years and look at some of the people that used to post on the forum you will see what I mean. But it's a great place to find out who has the best brush...


Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2016, 10:24:23 pm »
HI Lee
I look forward to your next updates as I enjoy reading them. But you must bare in mind every person that ever posted on this forum that was running a business a bit bigger than the normal man-in-a-van was driven off the forum.
If you go back a few years and look at some of the people that used to post on the forum you will see what I mean.
But it's a great place to find out who has the best brush...

I think you'll find most of these left of their own accord, usually crying when their superiority BS didn't wash with more "normal" people. Lee just wants attention, sad but true. A bit like the sad "friend" we all have on FB who's need for constant attention and  compliments unfortunately renders them a "joke".
 I suggest he stops using a public forum for his self gratifying needs and just gets on with the job in hand- man up and jog on! It will work or it wont, but you have to accept that most people on here wont care either way.


  • Posts: 933
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2016, 10:28:16 pm »
"Don't worry Matt

I will be back in a few months to show the progress. I cant answer every  question. Plus I was moving house in the last 2 days and just havnt had time.

I locked the thread because I have nothing more to say at this time. I think its a shame there are a lot of very small minded people on here but hey ho that's life.

Lastly for those that think I don't have a life and am sad ect. I have a very good life as it goes, a lovely and very supportive partner I'm happy and all that. I simply want to grow my business for the fun of it, I love it and that's that. When I'm sat pool side next week on the palm island in Dubai,  the small minded morons on here can kiss my nice arse!

I actually love the fact that a good percentage of morons on here have no clue how to do what I'm doing nor do they ever want to, because lets face it I wouldn't want to be up against Richard Branson types would I

You insulting rude people just drive me harder to succeed!

Matt and others with real questions can ask them in a few months when I'm back with some updates and some real results. I mean do you honestly think I'm not going to get any work from a million leaflets? We will see wont we MODDED. I'm actually starting to enjoy this. "


Well i was going to wish you well but dont think i'll bother now. Out of interest how tall are you?


  • Posts: 5366
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2016, 11:03:32 pm »
Lets not feed the ego then! Lets not post anymore on the subject, regardless if in support, to criticize, to tell it how it is, or even a little banter.
Its so much more frustrating when no one is interested in your thread, a instant shut down on ego!!


  • Posts: 3511
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2016, 08:44:25 am »
If lee wants to go for it then fair play to him. I genuinely hope it works for him. I admit i would love to have a large business and great income but just could not be bothered with the hassle of managing it. I have managed teams in my previous work and know what a drag it can be at times.

one of my customers has the biggest privately owned company in his line of work in the uk with 1800 employees. He started with nothing and him n his wife have built an amazing company. It can be done folks.


Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2016, 09:14:42 am »
If lee wants to go for it then fair play to him. I genuinely hope it works for him. I admit i would love to have a large business and great income but just could not be bothered with the hassle of managing it. I have managed teams in my previous work and know what a drag it can be at times.

one of my customers has the biggest privately owned company in his line of work in the uk with 1800 employees. He started with nothing and him n his wife have built an amazing company. It can be done folks.

I don't think anybody is saying it cant be done there's a window cleaner in my area who employ's 20 plus, the thing is he didn't need to sell his home and go into enormous debt to do it.
He got more work employed a person to cover it and kept on doing that until he is where he is today, Lee's story just doesn't
add up and that's where the negativity is coming from.
He has five vans on the road at the moment so why isn't the profit from them not covering van 6 and 7 plus a better office ?
it would be different if he had been offered a chance to buy another round with 6000 customers and had to move quick to
secure and service it.


  • Posts: 2092
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2016, 01:28:55 pm »
Lee you will find that all the people with negative answers are the same ones that give negative comments on the forum, you will probably find that most of them probably live within a fifty mile radius so are probably  frightened your gonna take some of the work, I hope you succeed at your venture, it's gonna be stressful finding enough decent workers to fill all your vans gonna be hard for you but there's nothing wrong with bettering yourself, jealousy springs to mind


Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #33 on: April 04, 2016, 01:31:28 pm »
It really is time we got a 'yawn' emoji.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #34 on: April 04, 2016, 01:58:13 pm »
No one is against improving their businessIin a logical brave manor. Yes theres taking risks but not stupidly doing so great a leap. Wasnt it the same on alan sugar apprentice, where many wanted to open chains of hairdressing or a fleet of plumbers. The chap who won had grown his business very similar to what lee is taking about ie 5 vans. This chap wanted sugar to invest in a great many fleet and even tho he won. Sir alan sugar saw the potential over a large period of time and wasnt planning on an instant growth as was suicidal to do so. But the slow wise course was agreed upon.
But quite frankly lees attitudr is getting up peoples noses not his pipe dream business plan!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait... !!!!!

Dave Willis

Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #35 on: April 04, 2016, 04:21:10 pm »
It's the same pattern they all seem to follow - post their plans all over the forum then boast about their holidays, their car, how little they work untill they back themselves into a corner, have a hissy fit then leave. Why not plod along, keep quiet and build their empire.  Funny people these Superior types. I've watched them all over the last eight years or so. Exactly the same every one.

Bens windows

  • Posts: 88
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2016, 05:28:14 pm »
Good luck to you Lee ,  You have balls to go for something big, I read the whole thread from before ,You wanted to share your idea with  your fellow windy's and unfortunately some have just wrote some negative views on it about your ego  etc..     Some Negative criticism is useful if said in the right way  , I look forward to your progress .

Personally i wouldn't go as big as you are looking to do it in such a quick time and i wouldn't remortgage or sell house , I also wouldn't spend so much on advertising and vehicles but then i'm thinking safe , Maybe you could do it and it could really take off , But good luck !


Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #37 on: April 04, 2016, 05:42:39 pm »
Really? Oh dear

I knew I should have kept my mouth shut. I only put it on for a bit of something different and some fun

Mate, some people hate it when someone is doing better then them, especially on this forum.


Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #38 on: April 04, 2016, 05:44:08 pm »
You get a better response from business people, like on

Don't waste your time on here unless you need to choose a new brush...


Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #39 on: April 04, 2016, 05:47:41 pm »
You get a better response from business people, like on

Don't waste your time on here unless you need to choose a new brush...
You leaving then as we're all beneath you?