I have talked about this before but wanted to share a page that gone made with hits over night. The idea for the page is mine but I got someone to write it for me. I use a freelancer site where I put the job up and people bid on that job. Works great as you get people with really great educations in country's where the price for doing this type of work is very low but the standards are very high. you can get about six articles written for about £30
So this works like this, the articles that work for me are information that people will be looking for to solve a cleaning issue. you only have to type questions into goggle yourself to find out how low the quality is for some of the answers. and I know you guys on here could do a much better job. these poor results are where you want to focus your efforts. Because they will rise more quickly in google. Where people are searching for information they will go below the fold and click on more pages look and scanning for the best looking answer and then read that one . images play a big role here, information is easier to take in with images.
I recommend a mix of freelance and stuff by yourself. you can plagiarize the freelance stuff to get more value from it.
You goal is not to write sales copy just good information. this give your whole site more importance with Google and will have effect on your main page. which is what we all want.
look at it this way goolge will spider your site regularly and not seeing new content will rank someone thats adding new content as relevant and currant. reviews also work really well for local listings for your main page but are out of your control of what being said and the quality.
Good luck, hope this helps -) this is slow burn method but is worth the investment.
PPS looks like a link I posted on G+ might have had some influence on this page -)