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Micky Barber

  • Posts: 87
Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2016, 05:08:45 pm »
Every new job I book I visit to give a quotation.  My pitch includes a full description of exactly how the system works and I speak slowly and pause to give them time to understand what I'm telling them.  Even if they've had a WFP cleaner before, I still go through the whole presentation as the previous one may not have been as meticulous as we are.  With that and a written quote there's nothing for them to complain about.  I also mention that the first clean might not be absolutely perfect, and I explain why and assure them that if they're not satisfied we'll come back and do it again.

We very rarely get called back so I reckon it's time well spent.

Yes but they switch off when they here tds, di, blah blah blah especially the older fraternity at least with a letter they can sit in their own time and read it rather than here through a stressful "quote" process it's just gobbledegook to them>


  • Posts: 8430
Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2016, 05:10:49 pm »
Every new job I book I visit to give a quotation.  My pitch includes a full description of exactly how the system works and I speak slowly and pause to give them time to understand what I'm telling them.  Even if they've had a WFP cleaner before, I still go through the whole presentation as the previous one may not have been as meticulous as we are.  With that and a written quote there's nothing for them to complain about.  I also mention that the first clean might not be absolutely perfect, and I explain why and assure them that if they're not satisfied we'll come back and do it again.

We very rarely get called back so I reckon it's time well spent.

I think this is a good approach by you. You are growing your business so need to make sure the t's are crossed and the i dotted.  Its the attention to detail that gives your franchisees confidence in the product they have bought and the service they supply.

You also need to ensure you have a very high customer retention rate. 

So my comment probably wasn't the best advice to give a window cleaner trying to make all his customers love his service.

In our part of the world we don't get good prices for window cleaning. Price high and they soon cancel your service when they find someone cheaper.  These days I'm drained enough without having to negotiate the methods we use.
Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration and 2% attention to detail!

The older I get, the better I was ;)


  • Posts: 2418
Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2016, 05:23:30 pm »
I always take my time with new custies. Same as Ian, I talk slowly...ish and explain I leave the windows wet.

The conversation goes something like...
I use one of those pole things to clean your windows, have you seen one before? (I never get technical).
They are really good and the best bit is I don't have to use ladders so they are much safer.
It's basically a pole with a brush on the end and the brush is able to get into all the little nooks and crannies much better than my fingers ever did and gives the frames and sills a real good clean.
Now this is going to sound really weird, but when I've finished I leave you windows soaking wet. (I over emphasise it as though even i'm surprised ).
Yes, but when they dry, they dry crystal clean. It's really clever stuff.
Also by the time i've finished, some of your windows will be starting to dry so I'll show you how well it works.

Never had much of a problem from then on. I think part of the trick is to spend 2 mins just talking to them and get them to like you.

Another trick I always do (especially on first cleans) is when i've finished, go round the ground floor and wipe the underside of the small openers (so they don't drip on the window below). Also wipe underside of the windows just above the window sills and the sills themselves. Get them fairly dry. This gives the 'apprearance' that they are not 'dripping' wet and the new custy will always look at the sills (which are now perfectly clean and dry).

Also there is usually one window that is starting to dry (even if it's a small area). Show the custy that although the window hasn't completely dried, this area that IS DRY is now completely clean with no marks.  The rest should dry like that.

Sounds very long winded, but in practice adds another 2 mins to the clean with a very happy custy.
"Thank you for calling: if you have a 1st floor flat, mid terraced house, lots of dogs, no parking, no side access, or no sense of humour, please press hold!
For all other enquiries, please press1"


  • Posts: 13421
Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2016, 05:37:46 pm »
Mark m - I really don't see where people get this, " won't be right for three cleans " that's garbage, you expect people to pay but not get them clean ??? WFP will get them clean right the first time if care and time is taken, all you are doing is sewing seeds of doubt ( mainly your own ) into the customers mindset about the new method.

Promote the positives, better clean, frames included, H&S etc.....


I think the 3 clean warning is absolutely the right thing.  I do a thorough clean the first time and I'm guilty of using too much water I think, I'm thinking of not putting so much work in on first cleans because if you do you run the risk of being used for a "one off" if you do too good a job? It may help that by explaining to the customer in writing that patience  is required and to begin with  it may take 2 or 3 cleans to achieve the required results, this encourages loyalty from the customer and limits the possibility of customer coming out and ranting about spots and runs as they are pre-prepared I have such a letter.

Next time you take your van in for a service and they only change half the oil because they want you to come back would you be happy with that ??

First cleans and 1 off's need to be charged accordingly that's approx x2 the Reg. Cleaning price.
( still that post has cheered me up no end   ;D )

New customers are walked through WFP by letting them know frames and sills are cleaned and that the windows are left wet, please check them when dry.

Very rare to get any objections, in fact recently converted a couple of skeptics who had WFP before and didn't like it, offered a full refund if we couldn't get the Windows  to a standard they would be happy with, all were extremely pleased, and are now Reg. Customers.


Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

Micky Barber

  • Posts: 87
Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2016, 06:15:25 pm »
Mark m - I really don't see where people get this, " won't be right for three cleans " that's garbage, you expect people to pay but not get them clean ??? WFP will get them clean right the first time if care and time is taken, all you are doing is sewing seeds of doubt ( mainly your own ) into the customers mindset about the new method.

Promote the positives, better clean, frames included, H&S etc.....


I think the 3 clean warning is absolutely the right thing.  I do a thorough clean the first time and I'm guilty of using too much water I think, I'm thinking of not putting so much work in on first cleans because if you do you run the risk of being used for a "one off" if you do too good a job? It may help that by explaining to the customer in writing that patience  is required and to begin with  it may take 2 or 3 cleans to achieve the required results, this encourages loyalty from the customer and limits the possibility of customer coming out and ranting about spots and runs as they are pre-prepared I have such a letter.

Next time you take your van in for a service and they only change half the oil because they want you to come back would you be happy with that ??

First cleans and 1 off's need to be charged accordingly that's approx x2 the Reg. Cleaning price.
( still that post has cheered me up no end   ;D )

New customers are walked through WFP by letting them know frames and sills are cleaned and that the windows are left wet, please check them when dry.

Very rare to get any objections, in fact recently converted a couple of skeptics who had WFP before and didn't like it, offered a full refund if we couldn't get the Windows  to a standard they would be happy with, all were extremely pleased, and are now Reg. Customers.


If you don't mind me saying replacing the oil in an engine with half is a poor comparison as you'd damage the engine, no matter how long you spend on a first clean I would find it highly unlikely that many if ANY jobs are blemish free? It SHOULD be expressed as an on going process to avoid confrontation so completely disagree, explaining this to the customer enhances your chances of retaining the customer through being honest and up front, like I said  I'm guilty of spending too much time on first timers I'm doing them like one off cleans this has to stop as it's getting to the point that trying to do too good a job and using a substantial part of the working day up is putting me off doing more than one new one a day, there is also the risk that the customer will drop you after one clean as well.


  • Posts: 13421
Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2016, 10:07:21 pm »
Sorry, beg to differ mickey,

Very early on I personally found that first cleans needed extra effort and time, by trying various products when carrying out a first clean I found you can and will get great results from clean one, do you really believe that for example go to a large commercial client where it costs them ££££'s for a clean for that company to turn around and say well it's my first effort you'll have to live with spotty, dirty windows?

The old 3 cleans was something from the dark ages and used by those not really interested in providing a top quality job, offer a satisfaction guarentee where you re-clean if something goes wrong

Ok then, if not oil change then a respray ???
Whatever example you like, it's about confidence and pride in your ability

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience


Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2016, 10:54:13 pm »
I guarantee that there isn't a person on here who doesn't leave the odd run or spotting on some of the windows
they clean over the day and it doesn't matter how many times the window has been cleaned, the secrete to a happy
customer is to not point this fact out.
If a shiner was to tell me the windows wouldn't be perfect until the forth clean then I would be looking/expecting a discount for the first three and over checking the forth clean just to make sure it was worth the full price.
There are plenty of potential customers out there who just want their windows cleaned, go after them and let the ones who
only want traditional methods find a traditional cleaner.
Talk about making a rod for your own back.


  • Posts: 23862
Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2016, 07:49:05 am »
good post sean. :)

never EVER tell them they might not be perfect on a first clean.just spend extra time scrubbing and rinsing.ive got a front only 4 weekly customer who wants her back windows cleaned today(ive never cleaned them before).i bet they are access apart from through the garage.

i certainly wont be telling her itll take 4 cleans to get them right.shes very rarely home and ill probably only clean the backs in future about twice a year! ;D
price higher/work harder!

David Kent @ KentKleen

  • Posts: 1712
Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #28 on: March 03, 2016, 08:12:10 am »
I'm with you on this one smudger.
Long term gain is worth the short term pain.

Micky Barber

  • Posts: 87
Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2016, 08:21:34 am »
I guarantee that there isn't a person on here who doesn't leave the odd run or spotting on some of the windows
they clean over the day and it doesn't matter how many times the window has been cleaned, the secrete to a happy
customer is to not point this fact out. 
If a shiner was to tell me the windows wouldn't be perfect until the forth clean then I would be looking/expecting a discount for the first three and over checking the forth clean just to make sure it was worth the full price.
There are plenty of potential customers out there who just want their windows cleaned, go after them and let the ones who
only want traditional methods find a traditional cleaner.
Talk about making a rod for your own back.

I'd read that back again it doesn't make sense.


  • Posts: 13421
Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #30 on: March 03, 2016, 08:27:23 am »
I guarantee that there isn't a person on here who doesn't leave the odd run or spotting on some of the windows
they clean over the day and it doesn't matter how many times the window has been cleaned, the secrete to a happy
customer is to not point this fact out.
If a shiner was to tell me the windows wouldn't be perfect until the forth clean then I would be looking/expecting a discount for the first three and over checking the forth clean just to make sure it was worth the full price.
There are plenty of potential customers out there who just want their windows cleaned, go after them and let the ones who
only want traditional methods find a traditional cleaner.
Talk about making a rod for your own back.

Great post Sean
Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience


  • Posts: 13421
Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #31 on: March 03, 2016, 08:29:11 am »
I guarantee that there isn't a person on here who doesn't leave the odd run or spotting on some of the windows
they clean over the day and it doesn't matter how many times the window has been cleaned, the secrete to a happy
customer is to not point this fact out. 
If a shiner was to tell me the windows wouldn't be perfect until the forth clean then I would be looking/expecting a discount for the first three and over checking the forth clean just to make sure it was worth the full price.
There are plenty of potential customers out there who just want their windows cleaned, go after them and let the ones who
only want traditional methods find a traditional cleaner.
Talk about making a rod for your own back.

I'd read that back again it doesn't make sense.

Which bit ?

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

Micky Barber

  • Posts: 87
Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2016, 08:53:53 am »
I guarantee that there isn't a person on here who doesn't leave the odd run or spotting on some of the windows
they clean over the day and it doesn't matter how many times the window has been cleaned, the secrete to a happy
customer is to not point this fact out. 
If a shiner was to tell me the windows wouldn't be perfect until the forth clean then I would be looking/expecting a discount for the first three and over checking the forth clean just to make sure it was worth the full price.
There are plenty of potential customers out there who just want their windows cleaned, go after them and let the ones who
only want traditional methods find a traditional cleaner.
Talk about making a rod for your own back.

I'd read that back again it doesn't make sense.

Which bit ?

Two bits, "there isn't a single window cleaner who doesn't leave a run or spot" followed by "I would expect my window cleaner to do a perfect job". I guarantee you can't do a perfect job either on first cleans or regular there was a run on my house last week .


  • Posts: 13421
Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2016, 09:03:15 am »
Sorry, just had an eye op but till can't see where in that post Sean said I would expect a perfect clean ?
Please highlight it for me

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

Micky Barber

  • Posts: 87
Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2016, 09:10:04 am »
If a shiner was to tell me the windows wouldn't be perfect until the forth clean then I would be looking/expecting a discount for the first three and over checking the forth clean just to make sure it was worth the full price.


Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #35 on: March 03, 2016, 09:33:27 am »
If a shiner was to tell me the windows wouldn't be perfect until the forth clean then I would be looking/expecting a discount for the first three and over checking the forth clean just to make sure it was worth the full price.

I didn't say the windows would be perfect you just cant guarantee that using wfp, but what I will say is in 99 out of a 100
cleans including the first they will be more than good enough to impress a customer as long as you don't have them looking for faults that they wouldn't even notice if you hadn't put the notion into their minds in the first place.


  • Posts: 13421
Re: WFP Letter
« Reply #36 on: March 03, 2016, 09:47:41 am »
Just a classic case of someone presuming you meant something different from what you actually wrote  ::)roll

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience