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Your level of sales - be honest

55000-100000 +


  • Posts: 5572
Re: What's your current level of sales
« Reply #40 on: February 26, 2016, 08:25:07 pm »
Or in other words....

Providing we have good  profit margins which we keep constant (or even increasing) then it makes sense to chase that increasing turnover as ultimately we will have more cash in our pockets.


Nah turnover means SFA  ;D

derek west

Re: What's your current level of sales
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2016, 10:34:39 pm »
I would say Lionel messi is a successful business man but i'm pretty sure he has to be there  ;D ;D ;D

Tony Stewart

  • Posts: 320
Re: What's your current level of sales
« Reply #42 on: February 27, 2016, 08:24:47 pm »
Nice analogy Derek  ;D
Actually a lot of carpet cleaners,hard floor cleaners make good net profit margins. I know that there is the expense of equipment and advertising but many start off with a second hand machine, then maybe trade up to something better etc. But most have their costs under control but as turnover increases then so does the profit. Just my opinion though.
Starts at the bottom likes it and stays there

Ian Harper

Re: What's your current level of sales
« Reply #43 on: February 29, 2016, 08:53:32 am »

Look for ideas that are working outside carpet cleaning then use them. Did you know JP did some work for virgin those letters your get have JP written all over them. I have seen photos of him with Branson on his island.

JP teacher was dan keneddy and he had a inner circle of people from about every market you can name. This direct response message is still being passed on today. If you want more sales seek out these people ans see how they  use this method in their markets. its a formula. look for this in everything whats working can I use it?

Your question is clearly about increasing your own sales and seeing how you are doing. dont do this as your success can only be measured by how much you have changed in the last year not on how others have.  set your own bench marks and just work hard to better them over a set time. when ever you fell uncomfortable with something that has said or being done different to you, you need more understanding of why you feel this way and this is how we grow.

Check out Even Davis on radio 4 botton line he asks some great questions. also more or less by Tim Harford and read his books on economics they are down to earth and easy reading. for me these types of podcasts and books give you the real story of how to do it. Its finding that line where its between The outright BS and high learning. journalists do it really well and dont have any agendas.

I hope you take this post with the respect for you that I have. Good luck



  • Posts: 5572
Re: What's your current level of sales
« Reply #44 on: February 29, 2016, 01:28:12 pm »
Thanks for the input and advice offered, you assume that I set the poll as I am 'clearly' looking to increase my own sales measured against others, well I think this is what you are implying....................Not really is the answer.

I set it as it is interesting to see at what level the near hundred respondents operate at, of course some will lie for what ever reason but the vast majority will take part for the reasons it was intended. It's clear from the poll that a pattern has emerged which can be useful for all those just starting out and others currently struggling to get ahead and may be concerned that they have made an error even entering the carpet cleaning world, I hope that they will be encouraged by the results and the comments that accompany it.

I will say ,although don't have to, that I have healthy sales and profit in the business I am in and when I look at some of the responses on her there are lots and lots of posts I could answer where I think I could point them in another direction but I choose not to for reasons that I do not think it's for me to question others on their business practises despite how much I might feel they are wrong.

However I am all for education on the subject of business and economics and take the post and the sentiment for which I am sure it was  intended.


  • Posts: 5572
Re: What's your current level of sales
« Reply #45 on: March 01, 2016, 12:22:06 am »
I Will share this with you as I think some might think I had an ulterior motive for setting the poll up but you couldn't be further from the truth....
First off...' what ever stage you are at in your business right now I have been there.'........sleepless nights, dreaded phone calls from the bank,, tax due, etc When on a Tuesday you are told you have to come up with £10k by Friday to stay in business, I have been there and turned it around..................with persistence  and the help of  old Winston who was always with me when he said ......" If you are going through hell,you may as well keep going" so true .

The benefits when you break through of course are wonderfull all the problems disappear suddenly HSBC is your best friend offering you loans you no longer need , offers of investment flood in, want a new van no problem take your pick, you pay your tax and joy of joys you actually have money over.

After what felt like walking through treacle with zero support from anyone ( HSBC were nightmare)  you are suddenly running through a meadow free as a bird to do what you want, plus you actually have something of greater value than money.............freedom.

HSBC actually contacted me to see if I would take part in an advertising campaign locally, my reply was short and to the point ,ending in off........why I am still with them ? because every other bank is exactly the same.

So what happened,.......
It was when I  decided to take control  back become master of my own destiny, I confronted the creditors instead of hiding from them (and there were many) and told them how I was going to turn things around they were either on board or they could  take a running jump for their money,not a business plan ,in my opinion they are and have proved to be worthless by the way the banks don't really want one although they will tell you they do and that's from the horses mouth to speak.

I was shocked that they ALL agreed.

To much to go into but suffice to say I came up with my OWN plan of action ignoring all else and ploughed on  with it, everything began to change and pretty quickly to.... Now I get asked to talk to other business's , others ask if they call in for a chat, I can take days off (and do) and not worry about it as staff can run it easily without me being there, in fact 'they ' tell me to stay away.I love it when I used to hate it.

So looking at the poll I can feel what 'some' of you are going through waking up in the middle of the night sweaty , mind going hay wire, dreading the day ahead wondering will it ever change, will.

If I can quote Winston again......".Never ever give up" persistence is the key , I am sure other business's that have been through similar will concur.

I am an avid reader always learning always recommending books ,when people ask me  I always start them off with, a very old one ,'How to win Friends and Influence People.' By Dale Carnegie really is a game changer, another is The Chimp Paradox by Dr Peters  and another I will chuck in that I read recently is The E Myth by Michael Gerber  that one will make seriously think about what you are doing in business.

Get these books read them study them, if you are not a reader then start Straight away,like tomorrow,it will become your best friend.

Good luck to those that need it.

Kev Martin

  • Posts: 6954
Re: What's your current level of sales New
« Reply #46 on: March 01, 2016, 12:59:05 am »
I Will share this with you as I think some might think I had an ulterior motive for setting the poll up but you couldn't be further from the truth....
First off...' what ever stage you are at in your business right now I have been there.'........sleepless nights, dreaded phone calls from the bank,, tax due, etc When on a Tuesday you are told you have to come up with £10k by Friday to stay in business, I have been there and turned it around..................with persistence  and the help of  old Winston who was always with me when he said ......" If you are going through hell,you may as well keep going" so true .

The benefits when you break through of course are wonderfull all the problems disappear suddenly HSBC is your best friend offering you loans you no longer need , offers of investment flood in, want a new van no problem take your pick, you pay your tax and joy of joys you actually have money over.

After what felt like walking through treacle with zero support from anyone ( HSBC were nightmare)  you are suddenly running through a meadow free as a bird to do what you want, plus you actually have something of greater value than money.............freedom.

HSBC actually contacted me to see if I would take part in an advertising campaign locally, my reply was short and to the point ,ending in off........why I am still with them ? because every other bank is exactly the same.

So what happened,.......
It was when I  decided to take control  back become master of my own destiny, I confronted the creditors instead of hiding from them (and there were many) and told them how I was going to turn things around they were either on board or they could  take a running jump for their money,not a business plan ,in my opinion they are and have proved to be worthless by the way the banks don't really want one although they will tell you they do and that's from the horses mouth to speak.

I was shocked that they ALL agreed.

To much to go into but suffice to say I came up with my OWN plan of action ignoring all else and ploughed on  with it, everything began to change and pretty quickly to.... Now I get asked to talk to other business's , others ask if they call in for a chat, I can take days off (and do) and not worry about it as staff can run it easily without me being there, in fact 'they ' tell me to stay away.I love it when I used to hate it.

So looking at the poll I can feel what 'some' of you are going through waking up in the middle of the night sweaty , mind going hay wire, dreading the day ahead wondering will it ever change, will.

If I can quote Wnston again......".Never ever give up" persistence is the key , I am sure other business's that have been through similar will concur.

I am an avid reader always learning always recommending books ,when people ask me  I always start them off with, a very old one ,'How to win Friends and Influence People.' By Dale Carnegie really is a game changer, another is The Chimp Paradox by Dr Peters  and another I will chuck in that I read recently is The E Myth by Michael Gerber  that one will make seriously think about what you are doing in business.

Get these books read them study them, if you are not a reader then start Straight away,like tomorrow,it will become your best friend.

Good luck to those that need it.

Little shocking to read that but,  I can tell you have been through it and ultimately as you know it makes you so strong you actually become more powerful than them as long as you have the backing and the courage of your own convictions.  When you hit rock bottom as I have twice you make sure nobody can hurt you ;D  Hmmmm  it is a great feeling though, to come out the other end where you are in command.  You are of course absolutely  right because a couple of weeks ago I tested the bank with £100K plus project and they were frightened to death.  They couldn't say no so they offered me 55% with the rest to come from my own assets and then said "They would feel more comfortable with a charge on my property for their 55%"   ;D ;D ;D   Needless to say I just sorted it myself
"Natural Stone Restoration Specialists" Tel: 0121 773 9129 |


  • Posts: 5572
Re: What's your current level of sales
« Reply #47 on: March 01, 2016, 04:22:26 pm »
I could write a book about the banks bunch of schysters the lot of them,,

In the end I got through with out any help,I had to.

I remember a conversation I had with a 'business manager' at the HSBC , he was trying to tell me that I should be running my account and business more professionally, having read Dale Carnage I didn't get irate but just felt strangely calm I sat there and listened to his lecture and when he finished and said anything you want ask me, I simply said is HSBC still laundering Mexican drug cartel money (for which they had just been fined millions in the U.S)
He fumbled about with papers looking down at the floor not knowing how to answer, I carried on and said, do you think this is an ethical way to run your business and your accounts.I also  said to him do not ever lecture me again on how I conduct and manage my business, they never did and two weeks later I was offered an uplift on my overdraft and extended terms.

What is mad is recently the bank came to me and asked If I wanted to borrow any money, I said where were you when I needed a loan a few years ago, ah he said, you don't need us now though :-\

Jonathan Evans

  • Posts: 264
Re: What's your current level of sales
« Reply #48 on: March 01, 2016, 04:57:28 pm »
I Will share this with you as I think some might think I had an ulterior motive for setting the poll up but you couldn't be further from the truth....
First off...' what ever stage you are at in your business right now I have been there.'........sleepless nights, dreaded phone calls from the bank,, tax due, etc When on a Tuesday you are told you have to come up with £10k by Friday to stay in business, I have been there and turned it around..................with persistence  and the help of  old Winston who was always with me when he said ......" If you are going through hell,you may as well keep going" so true .

The benefits when you break through of course are wonderfull all the problems disappear suddenly HSBC is your best friend offering you loans you no longer need , offers of investment flood in, want a new van no problem take your pick, you pay your tax and joy of joys you actually have money over.

After what felt like walking through treacle with zero support from anyone ( HSBC were nightmare)  you are suddenly running through a meadow free as a bird to do what you want, plus you actually have something of greater value than money.............freedom.

HSBC actually contacted me to see if I would take part in an advertising campaign locally, my reply was short and to the point ,ending in off........why I am still with them ? because every other bank is exactly the same.

So what happened,.......
It was when I  decided to take control  back become master of my own destiny, I confronted the creditors instead of hiding from them (and there were many) and told them how I was going to turn things around they were either on board or they could  take a running jump for their money,not a business plan ,in my opinion they are and have proved to be worthless by the way the banks don't really want one although they will tell you they do and that's from the horses mouth to speak.

I was shocked that they ALL agreed.

To much to go into but suffice to say I came up with my OWN plan of action ignoring all else and ploughed on  with it, everything began to change and pretty quickly to.... Now I get asked to talk to other business's , others ask if they call in for a chat, I can take days off (and do) and not worry about it as staff can run it easily without me being there, in fact 'they ' tell me to stay away.I love it when I used to hate it.

So looking at the poll I can feel what 'some' of you are going through waking up in the middle of the night sweaty , mind going hay wire, dreading the day ahead wondering will it ever change, will.

If I can quote Winston again......".Never ever give up" persistence is the key , I am sure other business's that have been through similar will concur.

I am an avid reader always learning always recommending books ,when people ask me  I always start them off with, a very old one ,'How to win Friends and Influence People.' By Dale Carnegie really is a game changer, another is The Chimp Paradox by Dr Peters  and another I will chuck in that I read recently is The E Myth by Michael Gerber  that one will make seriously think about what you are doing in business.

Get these books read them study them, if you are not a reader then start Straight away,like tomorrow,it will become your best friend.

Good luck to those that need it.

Thank you for sharing, I agree totally about the banks. I went to mine wanting a business loan to cover a leaflet campaign.
I worked out costs and 3 levels of response from 2 jobs per 1000 also avg job ticket etc.

Not interested but said they could lend me a small amount at 27%apr ??? ??? Which was more than my credit card.

I still have a long way to go, hope I get there before I retire......... hang on I won't be able to retire.

derek west

Re: What's your current level of sales
« Reply #49 on: March 01, 2016, 05:36:45 pm »
Banks were always offering me loans when i had a full time job, as soon as i quit my job to go self employed and finally needed a loan, they didnt want to know,  ;D  probably why they rhyme with bankers.   ;D