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Rich Wilts

Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2016, 10:05:38 am »
IMHO that part of the forum now a quiet place and a loss to the forum.

Will it happen on the windows section - ???

No, because this a window cleaning forum, not a business forum.

They can go here, it's for entrepreneurs they'll be in their element, ducking and diving with those who are bigger and better than them.


  • Posts: 1608
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2016, 10:06:51 am »
I can see where this one is going already.

Yep me to.

Steve its a good post but I really think its more like 70%, 25%, 5% which is why your about to be shot to bits.

I dont think Steve said anything about fulfillment in his post. Im sure that is different for everyone. How does anyone know if one person that works 14 hours a day or not is more or less fulfilled than the next person?

I know how this will sound but I would like to see either a new forum or a new section to the forum for those with the larger businesses just because topics of interest would be different. For example im not interested in the latest brush, pole ect.... Im more intested in the issues of a bigger business, which are a million miles from the day to day of a single opperator. I can say that with confidence as I have been a single opperator. A friend of mine with a 30 van courier business has given me a lot of advice over the last year which is helping me to grow right now. Its not about poles and brushes, its about, tax,vat,employment, marketing, accountants, dividends, premises, office staff, finance, so on and so on. It would be useful to have discusion like that on here but it seems if you want to be bigger or are bigger you get cut down. Funny how you dont get cut down asking about a new pole!

I think your right on the money there Lee,

A section to chat about  tax,vat,employment, marketing, accountants, dividends, premises, office staff, finance  without negative comments is a great idea, 

Due to negative comments and not discussing more of the above, Im now more of  a spectator


  • Posts: 2218
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2016, 10:19:21 am »
Isn't it BRAGGADOCIO!!!!  ;D


  • Posts: 1348
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2016, 10:41:43 am »
I can see where this one is going already.

Yep me to.

Steve its a good post but I really think its more like 70%, 25%, 5% which is why your about to be shot to bits.

I dont think Steve said anything about fulfillment in his post. Im sure that is different for everyone. How does anyone know if one person that works 14 hours a day or not is more or less fulfilled than the next person?

I know how this will sound but I would like to see either a new forum or a new section to the forum for those with the larger businesses just because topics of interest would be different. For example im not interested in the latest brush, pole ect.... Im more intested in the issues of a bigger business, which are a million miles from the day to day of a single opperator. I can say that with confidence as I have been a single opperator. A friend of mine with a 30 van courier business has given me a lot of advice over the last year which is helping me to grow right now. Its not about poles and brushes, its about, tax,vat,employment, marketing, accountants, dividends, premises, office staff, finance, so on and so on. It would be useful to have discusion like that on here but it seems if you want to be bigger or are bigger you get cut down. Funny how you dont get cut down asking about a new pole!

I do agree to a certain extent.

However it is also good to ask other solo windies advice on things like aworka, cleaner planner, GoCardless etc.

Steven Biggs

  • Posts: 1350
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2016, 10:55:51 am »
Anyone know the cheapest place to buy resin . Or if there's any Windys round wakefield , leeds way willing to lend me a bit I can pick it up later . After I've been to the bookies then the pub .


  • Posts: 8538
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2016, 10:58:55 am »
My observation about the use of open forums is the same people that talk about different types of business models/opportunities usually start threads like this one. In doing so they also have an ultimate motive to flog something be it a solar panel cleaning training course, franchise business package etc. They also have no intentions of being a standard helpful contributor to a forum as they are only interested in using forums as a passive marketing tool to make more money.

Need I say anymore  ;D


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2016, 11:06:38 am »
The title of this thread says it all really TBH,be part of the 10% forget this bunch of losers cmon I want my ball back now let's go and play on our own we are better than this lot of idiots they are just window cleaners. The truth is there are a few people on here that are not fools and can see these threads are being used for nothing more than adverts,if you want to bone each other why don't you just private message.
Job done.


Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #27 on: February 17, 2016, 11:07:30 am »
I think there should be a separate forum for those with 5 girls in the office.  ;D

Steven Biggs

  • Posts: 1350
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #28 on: February 17, 2016, 11:08:05 am »
Raining again , but I'm not bothered 3 days in front . So I'm taking the wife to the flicks to watch the revenant and then some snap after . How's that for forward planning . I will feel fulfilled ( is that a word )after that.


Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #29 on: February 17, 2016, 11:15:05 am »
Raining again , but I'm not bothered 3 days in front . So I'm taking the wife to the flicks to watch the revenant and then some snap after . How's that for forward planning . I will feel fulfilled ( is that a word )after that.
I've never heard it called snap before


  • Posts: 4994
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2016, 12:17:07 pm »
I think there should be a separate forum for those with 5 girls in the office.  ;D

I have 6 but they work from the kitchen, that still count?  ;D
"....and it's lend me ten pounds, I'll buy you a drink, and mother wake me early in the morning."


  • Posts: 463
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #31 on: February 17, 2016, 02:25:06 pm »
Never mind the 10%.......... you want to be one of the 2% who are earning 98% of all the money being made  ;)


  • Posts: 649
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #32 on: February 17, 2016, 02:48:57 pm »
I can see where this one is going already.

Yep me to.

Steve its a good post but I really think its more like 70%, 25%, 5% which is why your about to be shot to bits.

I dont think Steve said anything about fulfillment in his post. Im sure that is different for everyone. How does anyone know if one person that works 14 hours a day or not is more or less fulfilled than the next person?

I know how this will sound but I would like to see either a new forum or a new section to the forum for those with the larger businesses just because topics of interest would be different. For example im not interested in the latest brush, pole ect.... Im more intested in the issues of a bigger business, which are a million miles from the day to day of a single opperator. I can say that with confidence as I have been a single opperator. A friend of mine with a 30 van courier business has given me a lot of advice over the last year which is helping me to grow right now. Its not about poles and brushes, its about, tax,vat,employment, marketing, accountants, dividends, premises, office staff, finance, so on and so on. It would be useful to have discusion like that on here but it seems if you want to be bigger or are bigger you get cut down. Funny how you dont get cut down asking about a new pole!

Enjoyed your update videos mate. Interesting to see a larger operation. Love to see some more when you get chance

Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4178
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #33 on: February 17, 2016, 02:52:57 pm »
I don't want to be in any other business; been there, done that, been unhappy.  This is the best job in the world and I'm happy just to be able to help some other local people experience  that with minimum fuss and to grow my income by doing that as well as I can.  I don't want to amass an empire; my horizons spread no farther than my home city.

Anyone asks me, I tell them I'm a window cleaner.  With pride.


chris turner

  • Posts: 1488
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #34 on: February 17, 2016, 02:53:03 pm »
My observation about the use of open forums is the same people that talk about different types of business models/opportunities usually start threads like this one. In doing so they also have an ultimate motive to flog something be it a solar panel cleaning training course, franchise business package etc. They also have no intentions of being a standard helpful contributor to a forum as they are only interested in using forums as a passive marketing tool to make more money.

Need I say anymore  ;D

Bang on...

Maybe they should go and start there own snoozefest of a forum and discuss tax, accounting...............................
.....      ......     ......
Sorry I fell asleep.

The 'minor' things like poles and brushes ( the tools that make them the money) don't matter to these big dogs anymore.
Anyone ever notice how some of the big firms, and there are a few near me, are still using equipment from the stone age?
Poles that are falling apart, massive brushes that are completely deformed...


  • Posts: 25125
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #35 on: February 17, 2016, 03:01:07 pm »
For those of you who know who Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and other people of that type are, being part of the 10% is an important part of what they teach. How does this apply to window cleaning?

After many threads read on here and writing a number myself, it seems the same people tend to post the same types of comments. So here is my theory:

It seems we all fall into different types of brackets:

1. Window Cleaners
2. Those who run window cleaning businesses
3. Businessmen who's current business happens to be window cleaning

What are the differences?

It seems window cleaners are obsessed about brush type, length of pole, getting a new 'custie' (I find that derogatory) etc. They also tend to post the most negative comments and are quick to pick fault, insult, have bad grammar and make spelling mistakes. I'd say they are about 20% of the makeup of the forum.

Then you have those who run window cleaning businesses, those who discuss what vehicles to buy, tax issues etc. They are more focused on making middle of the road comments on threads, weigh things up equally and are not offensive to virtually anyone in any way. They are probably 70% of the forum population.

Then there are those who are businessmen, whose current business is window cleaning. These tend to discuss expansion, accomplishments, market trends, new ideas etc. They run their business by principles that they could apply in other businesses and tend to have multiple revenue streams. These tend to be the most disliked and controversial people on here. Their posts may come across as big headed and filled with braggardocio, when actually they are pioneers, willing to be different and put their head above the parapet, knowing they may be shot down. They do it anyway, not to have their egos massaged, but to try and inspire others and show what can be accomplished. I think these are what make up the 10%.

All are needed, but not all are appreciated. We probably all know what category we fall into if we are honest and where we aspire to be.

I want to be part of the 10%. I want to find out the mindset of the masses and avoid it, read the books that the masses read and not read them. The masses do not attain success and live a fulfilling life, the masses are disgruntled with their lot in life. The 10% is the place to be.

I have just noted some spelling mistakes and grammatical impossibilities you have put in your post Steve. So if you want to be in your rather arbitrary "10%" you'd better shape up in the spelling department.

One of the best salesmen/inspirational businessmen I worked for couldn't spell for toffee. He didn't know how to spell one of his best customers names. He spelled it "Mapisco" instead of "Nabisco". Oh how we supercilious grammar nazis laughed.

We didn't laugh when he sold more stuff than the next three salesmen put together though.

Spelling and grammar do not a happy and fulfilled and successful person make.
It's a game of three halves!

Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #36 on: February 17, 2016, 03:08:03 pm »
Have you been reading the same books as Boshravie ?  :D

I have my own mindset and would prefer not to be pigeon holed.

chris turner

  • Posts: 1488
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #37 on: February 17, 2016, 03:09:32 pm »
For those of you who know who Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and other people of that type are, being part of the 10% is an important part of what they teach. How does this apply to window cleaning?

After many threads read on here and writing a number myself, it seems the same people tend to post the same types of comments. So here is my theory:

It seems we all fall into different types of brackets:

1. Window Cleaners
2. Those who run window cleaning businesses
3. Businessmen who's current business happens to be window cleaning

What are the differences?

It seems window cleaners are obsessed about brush type, length of pole, getting a new 'custie' (I find that derogatory) etc. They also tend to post the most negative comments and are quick to pick fault, insult, have bad grammar and make spelling mistakes. I'd say they are about 20% of the makeup of the forum.

Then you have those who run window cleaning businesses, those who discuss what vehicles to buy, tax issues etc. They are more focused on making middle of the road comments on threads, weigh things up equally and are not offensive to virtually anyone in any way. They are probably 70% of the forum population.

Then there are those who are businessmen, whose current business is window cleaning. These tend to discuss expansion, accomplishments, market trends, new ideas etc. They run their business by principles that they could apply in other businesses and tend to have multiple revenue streams. These tend to be the most disliked and controversial people on here. Their posts may come across as big headed and filled with braggardocio, when actually they are pioneers, willing to be different and put their head above the parapet, knowing they may be shot down. They do it anyway, not to have their egos massaged, but to try and inspire others and show what can be accomplished. I think these are what make up the 10%.

All are needed, but not all are appreciated. We probably all know what category we fall into if we are honest and where we aspire to be.

I want to be part of the 10%. I want to find out the mindset of the masses and avoid it, read the books that the masses read and not read them. The masses do not attain success and live a fulfilling life, the masses are disgruntled with their lot in life. The 10% is the place to be.

I have just noted some spelling mistakes and grammatical impossibilities you have put in your post Steve. So if you want to be in your rather arbitrary "10%" you'd better shape up in the spelling department.

One of the best salesmen/inspirational businessmen I worked for couldn't spell for toffee. He didn't know how to spell one of his best customers names. He spelled it "Mapisco" instead of "Nabisco". Oh how we supercilious grammar nazis laughed.

We didn't laugh when he sold more stuff than the next three salesmen put together though.

Spelling and grammar do not a happy and fulfilled and successful person make.

Neither does 8 vans, 10 staff and 4 websites. Although some seem to think so :P

Micky Barber

  • Posts: 87
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #38 on: February 17, 2016, 03:18:31 pm »
Derogatory thread people run their business to how that suits them? Some may be single parents who work part time for little money and don't want world domination? Away with you to the land of perfect windows.

Micky Barber

  • Posts: 87
Re: Window Cleaners Have Different Mindsets. Be Part Of The 10%.
« Reply #39 on: February 17, 2016, 03:19:27 pm »
IMHO that part of the forum now a quiet place and a loss to the forum.

Will it happen on the windows section - ???

No, because this a window cleaning forum, not a business forum.

They can go here, it's for entrepreneurs they'll be in their element, ducking and diving with those who are bigger and better than them.
Quite true