a good link Dave,
But it still insences me that they would consider banning WFP window cleaning, compared to almost anything alse, from a householder watering his garden or washing his car, and don't forget there are a few million people in the worst affected areas, and out of a town of say, 10,000 people only a handful of them will be window cleaners...lets say 20 for the sake of arguement, only 5 or 6 of them will be WFP, and most will be using an average of some 250-350l of water per day.
Isn't that an absolute pittance compared to Mr Smith down the road leaving his sprinkler on for just a couple of hours?
And there could well me hundreds of Mr Smiths in every town.
Hosepipes bans that stop people watering their lawns and washing their cars with a hosepipe DO make a difference.
A hose pipe running for 20 minutes will almost fill a 1000l IBC tank (we have good pressure and can do that with ease here)
So stopping a few hundred people who would otherwise have used their hoses could well save at least 500,000l of water on a Sunday afternoon alone! Minimum too I would say.
And doesn't it really, really annoy you when an advert for the water companies comes on urging you not to waste this precious rersource?
Yet up to 40% of the water supplied to London is lost through leaks that the Water board haven't repaired.
AND there are more leaks now than there were 25 YEARS AGO!!
An absolute disgrace, that statistic should be the other way around, and their profits are up too!!
Shareholders first, customers second.
Priorities that are totally wrong where water is concerned.
Get the Coca-Cola factory to cut production by 1% and in one week you'll save more water than all the window cleaners in the South East will use in months
Add in breweries and other soft drink manufacturers and any papermills that might be in the region and get them to also reduce production by a tiny percentage and you will have a real saving.
Still won't be even close to the wastage from leaks though.
And when you compare to a brewery (There is a Whitread one near us) that uses well over a million litres of water per day every day, it is truly pathetic that they pick on a handful of window cleaners in each town