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Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4178
Re: £250,032
« Reply #220 on: February 13, 2016, 06:21:22 pm »
There's another factor at work.

A potential franchisee for us will have worked at the same place for several years and will have a stable employment history.  They will have had the foresight to have saved money, enough for the franchise, the van and to cover their outgoings while we build the round.  People like that are inherently less likely to be untrustworthy/thieves.  Add into that my wife's ability to judge people far better than I ever will and it's possible to trust people.


Walter Mitty

  • Posts: 1314
Re: £250,032
« Reply #221 on: February 13, 2016, 06:30:21 pm »
I will ask my brother in law Vin do want his name he's a barrister

Does he serve hot chocolate or only expresso?

Well, I got the joke anyway :)


Re: £250,032
« Reply #222 on: February 13, 2016, 06:33:07 pm »
I will ask my brother in law Vin do want his name he's a barrister

Does he serve hot chocolate or only expresso?

Well, I got the joke anyway :)
Just seen this. Excellent.  ;D

Walter Mitty

  • Posts: 1314
Re: £250,032
« Reply #223 on: February 13, 2016, 06:35:49 pm »
There's another factor at work.

A potential franchisee for us will have worked at the same place for several years and will have a stable employment history.  They will have had the foresight to have saved money, enough for the franchise, the van and to cover their outgoings while we build the round.  People like that are inherently less likely to be untrustworthy/thieves.  Add into that my wife's ability to judge people far better than I ever will and it's possible to trust people.


Sure thing.  I don't know why some on here need to snipe.  It's not as if you have gone and taken their work or caused them problems.
It's just jealousy mate and I think you would be better off ignoring them.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: £250,032
« Reply #224 on: February 13, 2016, 06:41:32 pm »
8 weekly I really rub you up the wrong way don't I your like a fat woman that gets annoyed when she sees a younger more attractive one arnt you lol I annoys you  because I don't come on here stroking people's egos,you are in the infancy of employing people if you haven't had idiots and people try and take you for a ride you can't have been doing it long enough pal. You will remember me one day when you get taken for a fool,wait until someone who works for you says he's got to leave early today coz it's his turn to pick to kids up or his over bearing Mrs try's to run his life in and out of work.


  • Posts: 2418
Re: £250,032
« Reply #225 on: February 13, 2016, 06:41:40 pm »
Vin, at the end of the day, whether you've built it up to 250K or 500K or 750K (other multiples also work well) it will be like one of those films you see where the guy says "we'll be sitting on a beach earning 20%".  ;D
"Thank you for calling: if you have a 1st floor flat, mid terraced house, lots of dogs, no parking, no side access, or no sense of humour, please press hold!
For all other enquiries, please press1"

Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4178
Re: £250,032
« Reply #226 on: February 13, 2016, 06:48:08 pm »
I suspect the reaction wouldn't be based on any monetary figure, or how successful you may or not may have been by that time but rather whether or not you're still belittling others less successful, oozing a superiority attitude, using silly innuendos like "leaflets don't work" etc and generally just being a big headed K N O B!  ;)

My last words ever to you:

I defy you to find a single post where I "belittle someone less successful".  You probably haven't noticed it (because your style is very much to attack the person) but if I say something on here I address it to what someone's said rather than to the person who said it.  I may disagree with people but bar you, I can't think of anyone I've personally attacked on this forum. I'm sure it's possible but it's not my style in any conversation,, online or off.

You, I do attack, quite gently, but you might have noticed that I didn't start the argument you've chosen to pick with me over the past six or eight months.  I've had a quick trawl through our exchanges and there was a point where you suddenly decided to attack me.   Seems to be your style, which is fine with me.  You must be very proud of your personal attacks on here.  It won't make you happy; hatred burns you up in the end.

Anyways, I won't be defending myself against you in future so make sure you get your punches in.

Love you forever,


PS  "Leaflets don't work" is rather clearly a joke.   You might have noticed that people have even referred to it jokingly in this thread.  You need to lighten up, go out, smell the roses and give up the keyboard warrior act for a while.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: £250,032
« Reply #227 on: February 13, 2016, 06:49:23 pm »
Still no one comes on here to give examples of it going wrong then,blimey there's more idiots out there to  rent work to than I thought I'm seriously gonna look into it Monday lol.

Paul erithwc

Re: £250,032
« Reply #228 on: February 13, 2016, 06:50:33 pm »
WOW £250,032 yearly turnover leave some windows for everyone else to clean.

Debt list for all the rounds must be around the 5k mark :o

Keep up the great work Paul


  • Posts: 16952
Re: £250,032
« Reply #229 on: February 13, 2016, 06:52:39 pm »
Vin give information of how you do it the nuts and bolts prehaps you may get some serious answers.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: £250,032
« Reply #230 on: February 13, 2016, 06:54:16 pm »
WOW £250,032 yearly turnover leave some windows for everyone else to clean.

Debt list for all the rounds must be around the 5k mark :o

Keep up the great work Paul
You must be joking you could times that by 3-4 at least.

Paul erithwc

Re: £250,032
« Reply #231 on: February 13, 2016, 06:57:15 pm »
Still no one comes on here to give examples of it going wrong then,blimey there's more idiots out there to  rent work to than I thought I'm seriously gonna look into it Monday lol.

It does go wrong ian had one that he had to take action against if my memory is correct

We've got franchisees who have been with us since 2006.  We had one who decided to break his contract and try to carry on cleaning our customers without paying any royalties.  We took him to court and after about 18 months got a CCJ against him for damages and outstanding royalties due.  He has now disappeared off  the face of the earth and we are in the process of recouping our lost customers.  We make it very clear from the start to all applicants that they can never own their businesses outright.  We tell them if they want to 'go it alone', they can either sell or resign their contracts and then go and start from scratch somewhere at least 10 miles from our area.  They are forbidden under the terms of the contract they signed to contact anyone they know to be customers of ours regardless of how far away they are.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: £250,032
« Reply #232 on: February 13, 2016, 07:02:17 pm »
As I've said before the hassle you had if the wrong person comes along I'm not saying it can't make you money,you can't stop anyone working under say his wife's name or his best m8s you cannot pysically stop someone earning a living all it will do is stop him doing it in his name.

Rich Wilts

Re: £250,032
« Reply #233 on: February 13, 2016, 07:12:47 pm »
As I've said before the hassle you had if the wrong person comes along I'm not saying it can't make you money,you can't stop anyone working under say his wife's name or his best m8s you cannot pysically stop someone earning a living all it will do is stop him doing it in his name.

Whats wrong in operating under a pseudonym?


  • Posts: 1348
Re: £250,032
« Reply #234 on: February 13, 2016, 07:14:37 pm »
Still no one comes on here to give examples of it going wrong then,blimey there's more idiots out there to  rent work to than I thought I'm seriously gonna look into it Monday lol.

John Willan gave an account of three franchisees who decided to break the agreement.

Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4178
Re: £250,032
« Reply #235 on: February 13, 2016, 07:15:27 pm »
I'm off to the pub.  Less tripe talked there.



  • Posts: 16952
Re: £250,032
« Reply #236 on: February 13, 2016, 07:17:07 pm »
Nothing but if you are banned from running your own business you can still do exactly the same thing only on paper it's not your business,we took a roofer to court and was the only ones to get an order over his property when it went on sale. He got issued with CCJ but it didn't effect him working he just ceased trading in his own name.


Re: £250,032
« Reply #237 on: February 13, 2016, 07:20:01 pm »
8 weekly I really rub you up the wrong way don't I your like a fat woman that gets annoyed when she sees a younger more attractive one arnt you lol I annoys you  because I don't come on here stroking people's egos,you are in the infancy of employing people if you haven't had idiots and people try and take you for a ride you can't have been doing it long enough pal. You will remember me one day when you get taken for a fool,wait until someone who works for you says he's got to leave early today coz it's his turn to pick to kids up or his over bearing Mrs try's to run his life in and out of work.
No, you don't rub me up the wrong way. But you always attack people that get better prices/more customers/better staff and will either never accept that they are telling the truth or else just point out all the things that went wrong for you and assume that they will go wrong for someone else. You are a "glass half empty" person.

It's quite possible that I will make mistakes in hiring people and things won't always be perfect (my one member of staff is causing some issues at the moment because he's going through a breakup), but it's just an issue at the moment and we will get through it. it's annoying, but it won't cloud my views on things and make me aggressively assume everything and everyone is rubbish.


  • Posts: 35
Re: £250,032
« Reply #238 on: February 13, 2016, 07:35:45 pm »
Vin, do your franchisee's operate there own areas, or do they overlap? When work came in, would you assign it to a franchisee whom area it is, or would if they overlap, who gets it?

Also to everyone who have shared the pearls of their wisdom, thanks. It really does help and motivate (some of) us further down the food chain!

Re: £250,032
« Reply #239 on: February 13, 2016, 08:07:35 pm »

As you know, my last post was very tongue in cheek, but here are my thoughts in a serious vain:

Firstly, congratulations.  You have every reason to be proud of yourself.  It can't be easy to run a business of your type, as I am finding out.  Franchising is an avenue I am exploring and it will be worldwide, not just UK-based.  So well done you.

I would not divulge information on here to anyone about your business model.  Even 'genuine' phone calls are not as genuine as they seem sometimes, as I found out just this week.  SOME people are very selfish and will use deceit to get information.  However, as you know and as some people on here have trouble believing, there are trustworthy people out there.  It is a case of sifting the wheat from the chaff.

To the doubters of Vin's professionalism, franchise laws are very tight and I have every reason to believe it is a 100% legitimate business in every way.  Franchise lawyers are paid a fortune for good reason, to professionalise and legally protect every party in the franchise model.  Vin as the franchisor and each franchisee will be protected by law.  This costs time, money and emotion.  But the payback must be great.

Vin, I look forward to your £500k post.....

May it come soon.  :)