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  • Posts: 16952
Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2016, 06:53:44 pm »
Whenever the weather comes up in conversation i always say gotta crack on the bills don't stop coz of the weather,they'll think about that in the future when they try and say not today thanks not that I have any.1 strike and there out with the weather card. 


  • Posts: 16952
Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2016, 06:56:06 pm »
I did have quiet a good job a few months ago say can we leave it until the spring I said you keep me going for a couple of cleans in the winter and I'll keep your Windows clean all summer,she laughed and said just ignore me they still look clean in the winter lol.


  • Posts: 8538
Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2016, 07:59:19 pm »
Today I booked in a new yearly conny roof deep clean for April as the customer said the weather is too bad now.
I had to laugh at the roof is self cleaning glass  ;D

M & C Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 1581
Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2016, 11:48:37 pm »
In my experience, self cleaning glass left to itself turns grey. The dirt seems to break down, but doesn't wash off as it's supposed to in the rain, so it just builds up. It does seem to make windows easier to clean with wfp though.   ;D ;D

Tadgh O Shea

Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2016, 12:21:28 am »
There is no such thing as self cleaning glass, its just big companies with big marketing budgets and putting their own spin on it, just look at other big companies like reckitt benckiser who produce the cillit bang range of cleaning products, their marketing spin is bang and the dirt gone. Ya right.


  • Posts: 23862
Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2016, 07:28:25 am »
as soon as a customer says "dont do them today cos its forecast rain tomorrow/later in the week "etc get dumped there and then.

i must admit this is the first job ive dumped for years because of this reason.

i remember the last was 4 or 5 years ago and it was a nice,bright sunny day but the weather forecast was not looking good for the next was a small £8 job.i just said i wont be coming back.she looked shocked!how on earth did she think i was gonna make any money if i didnt clean hers on a dry day with just the THREAT of rain the next day?

of course they dont think at all or try and use it as a feeble excuse cos their skint instead of being up front and honest.

99% of my customers are great.good solid customers.the other 1% are getting dropped as from today.

every year i have a cull and put a few prices up. :)
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 134
Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2016, 08:11:58 am »
It's been a while since I've been on here - rubbish weather has temporarily stopped me from working...

Thought I'd share this letter I sent to a  serial late-paying customer after he had the cheek to dump me with a note saying they were fed up with being asked to pay their bills and why don't I come back in the evening to collect:

Dear xxxxxx,

Window Cleaning Service

Thank you for your payments that have now brought your account up to date.

I acknowledge your wish to terminate the window cleaning service, although I must emphasize that the feeling is mutual.

You state in your covering letter that the number of prompts and tone of letters requesting payment has become tiresome. At no time have I been anything other than professional and courteous in my communications with you or your wife.

Communicating with your household via landline (I do not have mobile numbers for you or your wife) has proved quite difficult as often the phone isn’t answered but instead goes to a message that says that a message cannot be left!

When I managed to speak to Mrs xxxxxxx in August so as to remind her that that the bill from June was outstanding, she promised a cheque would be sent prior to you going on holiday. I was not surprised when it did not arrive. Nonetheless, I patiently waited until 3rd September until my next visit. Remarkably, whilst I was cleaning the windows to the rear of the house, xxxxxxx  got into her car and drove away without acknowledging me or even apologising for the delayed payment. This was not the first time this has happened. In the circumstances I believe I was even more patient and courteous in carefully writing out the compliment slip requesting the two cheques. Another 10 days passed without receipt of payment. So another reminder letter had to be sent. I do not believe that is excessive.

On several occasions in the past when Mrs xxxxxxx was in when I have come to clean the windows she has not been able to pay me as the cheque book was with yourself but was given assurances that it would sent in the “next few days”. This never happened without having to chase for payment.

For the first couple of years I always left a stamped addressed envelope for your convenience with the bill. Because it proved to be a waste of money for the stamps I decided to stop stamping the envelopes but still left an addressed envelope.

For your information I have tabulated below the cleaning and payment-received record for xxxxxxxx

Date of Clean             Date of Payment   Days to Pay
03 Sep 15                    25 Sep 15                       22
26 Jun 15                         25 Sep 15                       91
01 May 15                   01 May 15               0
06 Mar 15                    01 May 15               57
07 Jan 15                            04 Feb 15                       28
06 Nov 14                     04 Feb 15                     90
11 Sep 14                          01 Oct 14                      20
23 Jun 14                          05 Sep 14                      74
28 Apr 14                          05 Sep 14                      130
04 Mar 14                          09 Apr 14                      36
27 Dec 13                     09 Apr 14                     103
29 Oct 13                        21 Nov 13                     23
02 Sep 13                         21 Nov 13                     81
26 Jun 13                         03 Aug 13                    38
01 May 13                 01 May 13                     0
05 Mar 13                         02 Apr 13                     28
08 Jan 13                         02 Apr 13                     84
13 Nov 12                         08 Jan 13                    101
12 Sep 12                         03 Oct 12                    21
19 Jun 12                        19 Jul 12                    30
24 Apr 12                        24 Apr 12                    0
24 Feb 12                        24 Apr 12                    59
25 Jan 12                        04 Feb 12                   10

The average time it has taken for a window cleaning bill to get paid at xxxxxxxx is 49 days or 7 weeks. My payment terms are clearly stated on every bill as 7 days – certainly not 7 weeks! The odd late payment is always to be expected; holidays, sickness, mislaying the bill etc. But over the 3½ years and 23 visits to xxxxxx I have been paid on time on only three occasions.

I have over 300 regular window cleaning customers varying between 4 and 8 weekly clean schedules. During each year I also have dozens of “one-off” cleans for conservatories, gutters, patios and driveways.

With such a busy schedule I neither have the time nor inclination to re-visit customers in the evening to collect payment. Instead, I make it as easy as possible for customers to pay their bills either by cheque (self-addressed envelope for their convenience), by bank transfer or by debit/credit card via PayPal. Therefore, “tiresome” as you say, is exactly the word that I would use to describe the on-going situation of having to wait weeks and weeks and to repeatedly chase for payment. Other words would be “frustrating”, “embarrassing” or “soul-destroying”.

Those customers who respect the professional service I provide all manage to pay their bills in a timely fashion. Should you decide to employ the services of another window cleaner in the future I hope you will show more respect for his service than you have done for mine.

Therefore, and I make no apologies for using your phraseology, please take this letter as notice that I do not want to continue cleaning your windows and, yes, we are (indeed at last) square!

Yours sincerely,

I know it took me an hour to compose the letter - but I felt so good after!!


  • Posts: 2358
Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2016, 08:18:10 am »
Brilliant mate. Good on you  :)
We look at them, they look through them.


  • Posts: 23862
Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2016, 08:24:10 am »
wow!thats a brilliant letter but i couldnt be bothered going to them lengths.i tell em face to face or over the phone the reason why im not continuing.

well done!clear,concise and straight to the point. :)
price higher/work harder!


Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #29 on: January 27, 2016, 09:04:28 am »
I'm sorry guys but there's nothing brilliant about that letter other than to make the sender look as if he's been wounded
deeply by the fact that the customer cancelled.
The only thing missing would be a violin playing a sad tune in the background while its being read out.
If a decent customer cancels and its not because of a problem with you then thank them for their custom and move on.
If a messer cancels then good riddance to bad rubbish is all they need to hear or better still don't even reply.
Sorry if this sounds harsh.


  • Posts: 134
Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2016, 09:38:24 am »
I'm sorry guys but there's nothing brilliant about that letter other than to make the sender look as if he's been wounded
deeply by the fact that the customer cancelled.
The only thing missing would be a violin playing a sad tune in the background while its being read out.
If a decent customer cancels and its not because of a problem with you then thank them for their custom and move on.
If a messer cancels then good riddance to bad rubbish is all they need to hear or better still don't even reply.
Sorry if this sounds harsh.

I wasn't wounded deeply at all - he was a messer and I was glad to see him go. However, I wasn't going to let him have the last word and get away with an attitude that came across as he was the aggrieved party. Whether he actually read my letter or not, I don't really care - I just don't think people should be disrespectful without good cause...

Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #31 on: January 27, 2016, 09:52:31 am »
It's been a while since I've been on here - rubbish weather has temporarily stopped me from working...

Thought I'd share this letter I sent to a  serial late-paying customer after he had the cheek to dump me with a note saying they were fed up with being asked to pay their bills and why don't I come back in the evening to collect:

Dear xxxxxx,

Window Cleaning Service

Thank you for your payments that have now brought your account up to date.

I acknowledge your wish to terminate the window cleaning service, although I must emphasize that the feeling is mutual.

You state in your covering letter that the number of prompts and tone of letters requesting payment has become tiresome. At no time have I been anything other than professional and courteous in my communications with you or your wife.

Communicating with your household via landline (I do not have mobile numbers for you or your wife) has proved quite difficult as often the phone isn’t answered but instead goes to a message that says that a message cannot be left!

When I managed to speak to Mrs xxxxxxx in August so as to remind her that that the bill from June was outstanding, she promised a cheque would be sent prior to you going on holiday. I was not surprised when it did not arrive. Nonetheless, I patiently waited until 3rd September until my next visit. Remarkably, whilst I was cleaning the windows to the rear of the house, xxxxxxx  got into her car and drove away without acknowledging me or even apologising for the delayed payment. This was not the first time this has happened. In the circumstances I believe I was even more patient and courteous in carefully writing out the compliment slip requesting the two cheques. Another 10 days passed without receipt of payment. So another reminder letter had to be sent. I do not believe that is excessive.

On several occasions in the past when Mrs xxxxxxx was in when I have come to clean the windows she has not been able to pay me as the cheque book was with yourself but was given assurances that it would sent in the “next few days”. This never happened without having to chase for payment.

For the first couple of years I always left a stamped addressed envelope for your convenience with the bill. Because it proved to be a waste of money for the stamps I decided to stop stamping the envelopes but still left an addressed envelope.

For your information I have tabulated below the cleaning and payment-received record for xxxxxxxx

Date of Clean             Date of Payment   Days to Pay
03 Sep 15                    25 Sep 15                       22
26 Jun 15                         25 Sep 15                       91
01 May 15                   01 May 15               0
06 Mar 15                    01 May 15               57
07 Jan 15                            04 Feb 15                       28
06 Nov 14                     04 Feb 15                     90
11 Sep 14                          01 Oct 14                      20
23 Jun 14                          05 Sep 14                      74
28 Apr 14                          05 Sep 14                      130
04 Mar 14                          09 Apr 14                      36
27 Dec 13                     09 Apr 14                     103
29 Oct 13                        21 Nov 13                     23
02 Sep 13                         21 Nov 13                     81
26 Jun 13                         03 Aug 13                    38
01 May 13                 01 May 13                     0
05 Mar 13                         02 Apr 13                     28
08 Jan 13                         02 Apr 13                     84
13 Nov 12                         08 Jan 13                    101
12 Sep 12                         03 Oct 12                    21
19 Jun 12                        19 Jul 12                    30
24 Apr 12                        24 Apr 12                    0
24 Feb 12                        24 Apr 12                    59
25 Jan 12                        04 Feb 12                   10

The average time it has taken for a window cleaning bill to get paid at xxxxxxxx is 49 days or 7 weeks. My payment terms are clearly stated on every bill as 7 days – certainly not 7 weeks! The odd late payment is always to be expected; holidays, sickness, mislaying the bill etc. But over the 3½ years and 23 visits to xxxxxx I have been paid on time on only three occasions.

I have over 300 regular window cleaning customers varying between 4 and 8 weekly clean schedules. During each year I also have dozens of “one-off” cleans for conservatories, gutters, patios and driveways.

With such a busy schedule I neither have the time nor inclination to re-visit customers in the evening to collect payment. Instead, I make it as easy as possible for customers to pay their bills either by cheque (self-addressed envelope for their convenience), by bank transfer or by debit/credit card via PayPal. Therefore, “tiresome” as you say, is exactly the word that I would use to describe the on-going situation of having to wait weeks and weeks and to repeatedly chase for payment. Other words would be “frustrating”, “embarrassing” or “soul-destroying”.

Those customers who respect the professional service I provide all manage to pay their bills in a timely fashion. Should you decide to employ the services of another window cleaner in the future I hope you will show more respect for his service than you have done for mine.

Therefore, and I make no apologies for using your phraseology, please take this letter as notice that I do not want to continue cleaning your windows and, yes, we are (indeed at last) square!

Yours sincerely,

I know it took me an hour to compose the letter - but I felt so good after!!

No one in their right mind would read that waffle.

Rich Wilts

Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #32 on: January 27, 2016, 09:52:52 am »
I'm sorry guys but there's nothing brilliant about that letter other than to make the sender look as if he's been wounded
deeply by the fact that the customer cancelled.
The only thing missing would be a violin playing a sad tune in the background while its being read out.
If a decent customer cancels and its not because of a problem with you then thank them for their custom and move on.
If a messer cancels then good riddance to bad rubbish is all they need to hear or better still don't even reply.
Sorry if this sounds harsh.

We all like to have a moan Sean. You more than anyone else.

johnny bravo

  • Posts: 2694
Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #33 on: January 27, 2016, 09:56:09 am »
i will not tell them im not doing them anymore, let them think why you are doing everyone elses but not theirs,  this gives me great satisfaction  knowing i have no one to answer to ,ive been cleaning a house wfp  for 1 year now,    its the first time the cust. has been home while ive been cleaning them.      they all dry perfect as i usually check new customers windows after cleaning to make sure no spotting or drip lines from seals,     anyway she decides she dosent like them left wet,   after 1 year of doing them this way.
she asked me to dry them,     grittinh my teeth after explaining wfp  to her,   still wants me to dry them.      i squeegeed them off,     never do them again.    i can clean whoever s windows i like,   and get rid of who ever i like.
dump before she says   ive got someone else to do them,  sorry.     TOO LATE  YOUR DUMPED :D :D :D ;) ;) ;D

johnny bravo

  • Posts: 2694
Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2016, 10:01:31 am »
MOST OF THE TIME A CUSTOMER WHO ISNT HAPPY WITH THE WAY YOU CLEAN WILL JUST GET A TRAD GUY TO DO THEM,     dont give them the satisfaction to think you are   dispersable,     one upmanship.     i have certain areas where i actually like working now, out of town,    new builds   easy to clean , customers who apreciate what you do.  and who always pay,    well sometimes on time.      not worth loosing for someone to move in ;)


Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #35 on: January 27, 2016, 10:04:29 am »
I'm sorry guys but there's nothing brilliant about that letter other than to make the sender look as if he's been wounded
deeply by the fact that the customer cancelled.
The only thing missing would be a violin playing a sad tune in the background while its being read out.
If a decent customer cancels and its not because of a problem with you then thank them for their custom and move on.
If a messer cancels then good riddance to bad rubbish is all they need to hear or better still don't even reply.
Sorry if this sounds harsh.

I wasn't wounded deeply at all - he was a messer and I was glad to see him go. However, I wasn't going to let him have the last word and get away with an attitude that came across as he was the aggrieved party. Whether he actually read my letter or not, I don't really care - I just don't think people should be disrespectful without good cause...

Sorry Pro but they were disrespectful of you from the start, the way to show respect to a person doing work for you is to
pay them as quick as possible to the agreed time.
They know they are bad payers and you pointing this out wont do anything more than give them the satisfaction of knowing
that you are annoyed enough to go to the trouble of writing the letter.
I do know where your coming from but the best way to treat scum like this is to ignore them and let them know they don't matter, plus in future make sure you dump somebody with as bad a payment record as they had long before they do it to you,
they should have been dumped after the second clean. :)


  • Posts: 134
Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #36 on: January 27, 2016, 10:50:51 am »

No one in their right mind would read that waffle.

You did!!!  :D


  • Posts: 8538
Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #37 on: January 27, 2016, 11:20:03 am »
Pro-Smart can I ask what was the price of each clean?


  • Posts: 134
Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #38 on: January 27, 2016, 11:43:24 am »
Pro-Smart can I ask what was the price of each clean?
Sure - £25, why?

Walter Mitty

  • Posts: 1314
Re: just dumped a £40 job
« Reply #39 on: January 27, 2016, 12:33:43 pm »
If I had allowed it to go that far (unlikely), I would have been a lot briefer with the letter.
The cleaning and payment dates are a nice touch as it shows that you are a pro who keeps proper records, rather than some fly-by-night.  However, the rest of the letter is just casting pearls before swine and is more than they deserved.
Just a thank you for notifying me of the cancellation of your window cleaning service.  Below is the record of cleaning and payment dates.  You will see that the terms of engagement regarding payment times have been breached on multiple occasions, often by a considerable margin.  Like all businesses, mine requires a reasonable cash flow in order to continue trading.  If all my customers took so long in paying, my business would have gone under.

Even that is probably more than they deserve.