Clicked a call back thing on Gumtree for business advertising, within five minutes I received a phone call from a London number. This guy wouldn't shut up, offering me this great package of advertising with a free professional website that they will setup and I only have to pay £139 for the month with no contract and I would have this fantastic professional website to keep even if I didn't want to stay with them after 30 days!
Anyway he's wanting payment on the phone and I got him down to £125 but I asked for there website and if I could pay it online. There website is then I checked for reviews while he was checking something as apparently it was still going to charge me for Google maps at £199. Reviews are terrible with some fake ones praising them.
£125 for 30 days 1st position on all search engines with 12 months free of charge Google maps optimisation and a free website with domain that they'll create to the same standard as londonroofgarden . com
I'll just give you my 16 digit credit card number then
I honestly thought it was Gumtree until they gave me a free website. "Because we were getting on like a house on fire" he gave me his personal phone number 0800 0987 060. Blocked their number 02035112262 which called back five times then probably used this mobile 07985116075