But that kid I had working for me was perfect, prior to messing about which was over a few months period, I had to sit and think how much it was guna cost me, I knew I couldn't replace him like for like as he was that good, and I did give numerous then 2 written even spoke with his mum, and she moved him back home with her but the chage was short term, over say a 5 year period we was expanding rapidly and he was involved in everything including traing staff with me, and even tho his insurance was just on 3k it was money well spent, well to a point. Once the messing about started I gave him a brake down of how much he was costing the company ( not nessacerely me ) and that regards his van had to make a profit week in and week out.
Just let himself down so much even tho the company took a hit I never as I cover my own costs easy.