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  • Posts: 8538
My good deeds for today
« on: January 18, 2016, 06:35:02 pm »
Dear old sole today invited me in for bacon butties & a brew to warm me up that I was most grateful for.
Anyway as we got chatting she mentioned her walker brakes were not working very well and has taken recently a couple of nasty falls. So after hearing that got my tool box out of the van and adjusted the breaks so were working again as they should within a couple of mins of my time.

On the way home at a tee junction I came across a lady in the middle of the road outside of her car with a child in the back so stopped the van to block the traffic behind me that were overtaking parked cars. My immediate thoughts were she had just broken down so got out to help push it to the side of the road as you do. Whilst walking over I notice another car had stopped into the turning and a chap was walking also back to her car thinking great another helper.

Anyway turns out an rtc so her front o/s including the wheel was damaged including the drive shaft so was a bugger to get it to the side of the road but we managed it in the end. Then it turn out the other car (nice new bmw) that had stopped had its o/s front wheel hanging off blocking the turning so was not going anywhere.  Anyway everyone was ok including the child and as I did not see it happen so left them to it for police and recovery vehicles to turn up.

On driving back home I was thinking how the hell did that happen. Was not until I got through the door at home it dawned on me I had only gone and left my tool box at the old dear house… Oh! FFS  ;D


  • Posts: 1828
Re: My good deeds for today
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2016, 07:23:52 pm »

It's always the way smurf, wouldn't ya have thought she would have give u a quick call and told u haha ..... She probably hasn't even noticed it there yet and wen she does she will think it's been there for years, she won't want to give it back  ;D

Road accidents today .......... Took me 2 1/2 hours to get to Manchester this morn, couldn't believe it my head was shot, come half 3 I thought sod this for a game of cricket am not getting stuck again an headed home
I wanted to get to the end of this

Did even get half

toby richards

  • Posts: 12
Re: My good deeds for today
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2016, 07:45:42 pm »
Dear old sole today invited me in for bacon butties & a brew to warm me up that I was most grateful for.
Anyway as we got chatting she mentioned her walker brakes were not working very well and has taken recently a couple of nasty falls. So after hearing that got my tool box out of the van and adjusted the breaks so were working again as they should within a couple of mins of my time.

On the way home at a tee junction I came across a lady in the middle of the road outside of her car with a child in the back so stopped the van to block the traffic behind me that were overtaking parked cars. My immediate thoughts were she had just broken down so got out to help push it to the side of the road as you do. Whilst walking over I notice another car had stopped into the turning and a chap was walking also back to her car thinking great another helper.

Anyway turns out an rtc so her front o/s including the wheel was damaged including the drive shaft so was a bugger to get it to the side of the road but we managed it in the end. Then it turn out the other car (nice new bmw) that had stopped had its o/s front wheel hanging off blocking the turning so was not going anywhere.  Anyway everyone was ok including the child and as I did not see it happen so left them to it for police and recovery vehicles to turn up.

On driving back home I was thinking how the hell did that happen. Was not until I got through the door at home it dawned on me I had only gone and left my tool box at the old dear house… Oh! FFS  ;D
That's a classic had an old dear who asked me to see if I could stop her metal framed bed from squeeking since then I have repaired her hoover,set up a tv and opened her stuck front door I think I am going to put this down to my irresistible charm and boyish good looks  ;D ;D ;D

Walter Mitty

  • Posts: 1314
Re: My good deeds for today
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2016, 08:04:30 pm »
Smurf.  She'll probably trip over the toolbox and sue you.


  • Posts: 8538
Re: My good deeds for today
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2016, 08:15:50 pm »

It's always the way smurf, wouldn't ya have thought she would have give u a quick call and told u haha ..... She probably hasn't even noticed it there yet and wen she does she will think it's been there for years, she won't want to give it back  ;D

Road accidents today .......... Took me 2 1/2 hours to get to Manchester this morn, couldn't believe it my head was shot, come half 3 I thought sod this for a game of cricket am not getting stuck again an headed home
I wanted to get to the end of this

Did even get half

Traffic can be a blooming nightmare for sure and I don't blame you heading back early.
if I'm honest just looking at that job would want me to come home straight away   ;D


  • Posts: 8538
Re: My good deeds for today
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2016, 08:17:22 pm »
Smurf.  She'll probably trip over the toolbox and sue you.

I bloody well hope not  ;D


  • Posts: 8538
Re: My good deeds for today
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2016, 08:18:26 pm »
Dear old sole today invited me in for bacon butties & a brew to warm me up that I was most grateful for.
Anyway as we got chatting she mentioned her walker brakes were not working very well and has taken recently a couple of nasty falls. So after hearing that got my tool box out of the van and adjusted the breaks so were working again as they should within a couple of mins of my time.

On the way home at a tee junction I came across a lady in the middle of the road outside of her car with a child in the back so stopped the van to block the traffic behind me that were overtaking parked cars. My immediate thoughts were she had just broken down so got out to help push it to the side of the road as you do. Whilst walking over I notice another car had stopped into the turning and a chap was walking also back to her car thinking great another helper.

Anyway turns out an rtc so her front o/s including the wheel was damaged including the drive shaft so was a bugger to get it to the side of the road but we managed it in the end. Then it turn out the other car (nice new bmw) that had stopped had its o/s front wheel hanging off blocking the turning so was not going anywhere.  Anyway everyone was ok including the child and as I did not see it happen so left them to it for police and recovery vehicles to turn up.

On driving back home I was thinking how the hell did that happen. Was not until I got through the door at home it dawned on me I had only gone and left my tool box at the old dear house… Oh! FFS  ;D
That's a classic had an old dear who asked me to see if I could stop her metal framed bed from squeeking since then I have repaired her hoover,set up a tv and opened her stuck front door I think I am going to put this down to my irresistible charm and boyish good looks  ;D ;D ;D

Toy boy springs to mind  ;D


  • Posts: 8538
Re: My good deeds for today
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2016, 08:27:01 pm »
Feels good to do a good deed once in a while for sure. Still I'm praying as we speak the brakes don't fail on that walker as she falls over me toolbox  ;D ;D


  • Posts: 16952
Re: My good deeds for today
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2016, 11:24:41 pm »
She probably had it all worked out m8 before she gave your the sarnie lol,old people are as devious as F@@! You don't spend that long here and not know how to get the odd favour lol.


  • Posts: 23676
Re: My good deeds for today
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2016, 06:58:46 am »
Dear old sole today invited me in for bacon butties & a brew to warm me up that I was most grateful for.
Anyway as we got chatting she mentioned her walker brakes were not working very well and has taken recently a couple of nasty falls. So after hearing that got my tool box out of the van and adjusted the breaks so were working again as they should within a couple of mins of my time.

On the way home at a tee junction I came across a lady in the middle of the road outside of her car with a child in the back so stopped the van to block the traffic behind me that were overtaking parked cars. My immediate thoughts were she had just broken down so got out to help push it to the side of the road as you do. Whilst walking over I notice another car had stopped into the turning and a chap was walking also back to her car thinking great another helper.

Anyway turns out an rtc so her front o/s including the wheel was damaged including the drive shaft so was a bugger to get it to the side of the road but we managed it in the end. Then it turn out the other car (nice new bmw) that had stopped had its o/s front wheel hanging off blocking the turning so was not going anywhere.  Anyway everyone was ok including the child and as I did not see it happen so left them to it for police and recovery vehicles to turn up.

On driving back home I was thinking how the hell did that happen. Was not until I got through the door at home it dawned on me I had only gone and left my tool box at the old dear house… Oh! FFS  ;D

what a saint you are mate!

i only do favours/little jobs for attractive women under 40 whos husbands work away for weeks at a time or divorced. ;)
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 8538
Re: My good deeds for today
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2016, 01:58:17 pm »
Dear old sole today invited me in for bacon butties & a brew to warm me up that I was most grateful for.
Anyway as we got chatting she mentioned her walker brakes were not working very well and has taken recently a couple of nasty falls. So after hearing that got my tool box out of the van and adjusted the breaks so were working again as they should within a couple of mins of my time.

On the way home at a tee junction I came across a lady in the middle of the road outside of her car with a child in the back so stopped the van to block the traffic behind me that were overtaking parked cars. My immediate thoughts were she had just broken down so got out to help push it to the side of the road as you do. Whilst walking over I notice another car had stopped into the turning and a chap was walking also back to her car thinking great another helper.

Anyway turns out an rtc so her front o/s including the wheel was damaged including the drive shaft so was a bugger to get it to the side of the road but we managed it in the end. Then it turn out the other car (nice new bmw) that had stopped had its o/s front wheel hanging off blocking the turning so was not going anywhere.  Anyway everyone was ok including the child and as I did not see it happen so left them to it for police and recovery vehicles to turn up.

On driving back home I was thinking how the hell did that happen. Was not until I got through the door at home it dawned on me I had only gone and left my tool box at the old dear house… Oh! FFS  ;D

what a saint you are mate!

i only do favours/little jobs for attractive women under 40 whos husbands work away for weeks at a time or divorced. ;)

You wish  ;D