This all depends on areas and type of work you lot do,you could get your 800 a month if 1 of your blokes does his for example 4 grand. What about if you can go out and do a few jobs and earn the same,quiet a bit of hassle if earning 800 is easy for you to do. It's ok saying I'll replace a 10-20 quid house but what about if get a call saying sorry I no longer want your service anymore I'm not having him do my Windows he's clueless there's a 200+ job down the toilet
You have to keep your eyes on what's going on. Every cleaner (I don't care who they are) gets the odd complaint. If I was regularly dealing with problems it would point to a lack of training or a change in attitude. Either one needs to be addressed immediately. Franchising isn't a way of making money for doing absolutely nothing (what is?).
If push comes to shove, the franchise agreement has clauses that allow the franchisor to part company with the franchisee if performance drops too low (measurable numbers, losing X customers in Y weeks). However, I want the franchise agreements to gather dust in a drawer; I consider that I'd be failing in my duties if I ever needed to get it out and use it.
Your comment about going out and doing £800 of work rather than having a franchisee doing £4,000 works as long as you're not full. The only ways to get past that point are to employ (your choice) or franchise (my choice).