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  • Posts: 928
Time to get the wellies out!
« on: January 09, 2016, 07:34:09 am »
In Wales we've had the largest recorded rainfall since records began for December. The ground is saturated and as a result a lot of gardens are like a quagmire! For a lot  of houses I have to stand on the lawns in order to clean the first floor windows and as a result my trousers come back pretty muddy at the end of the day. Just considering whether I should resort to wellies or wear some of those gaiters that walkers use!

Re: Time to get the wellies out!
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2016, 08:01:07 am »
Same here mate, just don't park on any grass verges , I got completely stuck in the mud with my van, luckily my mate has a 3 ltr bmw and was powerful enough to pull me off


  • Posts: 8538
Re: Time to get the wellies out!
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2016, 09:29:01 am »
I live in my wellies but sadly In some areas of the country you would be better of in a boat or waders at least.

Dave Willis

Re: Time to get the wellies out!
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2016, 02:39:47 pm »
I thought most Welch country folk wore wellies anyway  :-X


  • Posts: 806
Re: Time to get the wellies out!
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2016, 03:41:57 pm »
It's rained here for 76 days in a row. See this Daily Mirror article. This village is 4 miles from me, on the dry side of the hill (and i'm not kidding). It's currently the wettest village in the UK: We've had 910mm (35.8 inches or just shy of 3 feet) since the 20th October... To give you an idea of just how wet it's been in the WHOLE of 2014 (i.e. 1 Jan to 31 Dec) we had a total of 1708mm (67 inches or 5.58 feet). I have a weather station so am able to measure it accurately.

It's not the ferocity of the rain - it's rained harder for shorter periods of time before - more the persistence of it, day after day. It's lashing down as I write.

I worked 15 days in Nov and 14 days in Dec. Happily it has been drier during the days this week so i've done a full 6 day week. I'm a couple of grand down in takings i'd say.

We had a terrible winter in 13/14 when it was storm after storm, but because it was dry in between I was OK. This time though... I've plenty of older customers - Welsh hill farmers, proper hard people and none of them can remember a winter like this. It's the only topic of conversation.

wfp master

  • Posts: 2549
Re: Time to get the wellies out!
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2016, 03:47:33 pm »
its the same everywhere.


  • Posts: 806
Re: Time to get the wellies out!
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2016, 03:58:00 pm »
its the same everywhere.

This statement shows a lack of understanding of the reality of the situation. I have family in Hants and Surrey who don't know what the fuss is about. Sure it's been wet, but not that wet. Whereas in the Northwest my brother is a river keeper on the Wyre. He expects two breaches a year. In Nov and Dec he had 8. To say nothing of the flooding in the North. Lancashire has been much the same as West / North Wales (mid-Wales and east has been less affected) as has Cumbria. The Northeast (where I also have family) has been relatively OK - wet but nothing unusual so as they'd notice.

Cumbria first flooded on the 5/6 Dec because of the amount of rain that fell in such a short time - 15inches in 40 hours (check that with the amounts I recorded). After that places flooded because of heavy-ish rain on totally saturated ground. I drove West Wales to Middlesbrough on 24 Dec - everywhere north and east of Welshpool was just fine compared to here. Coming back down on the 27th (the day after York flooded) the situation vis a vis flooded fields, debris on minor roads, damages gullies was appreciably greater here than up there.

The same everywhere it aint.

wfp master

  • Posts: 2549
Re: Time to get the wellies out!
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2016, 05:21:34 pm »
its the same everywhere.

This statement shows a lack of understanding of the reality of the situation. I have family in Hants and Surrey who don't know what the fuss is about. Sure it's been wet, but not that wet. Whereas in the Northwest my brother is a river keeper on the Wyre. He expects two breaches a year. In Nov and Dec he had 8. To say nothing of the flooding in the North. Lancashire has been much the same as West / North Wales (mid-Wales and east has been less affected) as has Cumbria. The Northeast (where I also have family) has been relatively OK - wet but nothing unusual so as they'd notice.

Cumbria first flooded on the 5/6 Dec because of the amount of rain that fell in such a short time - 15inches in 40 hours (check that with the amounts I recorded). After that places flooded because of heavy-ish rain on totally saturated ground. I drove West Wales to Middlesbrough on 24 Dec - everywhere north and east of Welshpool was just fine compared to here. Coming back down on the 27th (the day after York flooded) the situation vis a vis flooded fields, debris on minor roads, damages gullies was appreciably greater here than up there.

The same everywhere it aint.
should have said up here  Scotland.