Concrete repair, restoration, polishing. topping and Sealing is the fastest growing restoration business in the UK. Demand for this type of floor finish which originated from the US and other Countries is experiencing phenomenal growth here in the UK.
We have therefore decided
It may be feasible to run an Intensive Concrete Restoration & Polishing Course in Early March 2016.
Who should consider attending?
Professionals who have already gained some experience in Concrete Restoration, Repairs, Densifying, Polishing & Sealing and want to improve their skills to a very high level.
The course will be very in depth and will cover the following modules:
Existing InstallationsGuaranteed Unbreakable Repairs to Concrete
Problem Solving
Waterproofing Concrete Floors and Building Installations
Densifying Existing Installations
Colouring Existing Installations
Concrete ToppingsIn depth training on concrete toppings and potential problems
Correct Application
Decorative Finishes
I anticipate the course to run for a 5 Full days!
I am therefore currently trying to gauge how much interest there is.
The course will be strictly limited on numbers of delegates and will involve both classroom work and will also be very "Hands On"
If you would be interested in attending then in the first instance please e mail all your details to:
tilinglogistics@hotmail.comThis will not commit you in anyway!