Went to one of my regular customers who told me that another window cleaner had called round last week. The other guy told my customer that I had given up my round and he had taken over. She believed him, let him do the windows and paid him
Obviously this other guy was lying. But the really annoying thing is he knew my name, and also when I do them (i was a week late this time), that is why she was taken in by him
I do about 20 odd houses in this street and he had said the same to a few of them, quite aggressive as well apparently, but fortunately they all knew me well enough to know I wouldn't quit without telling them
I have been stewing about this for days now. Have an idea who it could be as there is a trad cleaner who works in some areas as me, and when I try and say hello or pass time of day with either blanks me or replies with expletives
I know there is not a lot I can do, but wanted to get it of my chest