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Danielson B

  • Posts: 45

I am a sole proprietor on a shoestring budget. I live in a 150,000-ish city in the South-West. I consider offering local residential landlords (and also letting agents and householders) a mix of mainly cleaning services: window cleaning, carpet cleaning, oven cleaning, general domestic cleaning (as well as painting of doors, window sills, fences etc) - on the NO JOB TOO SMALL basis.

What is your guess - do you think I will be able to quickly find a few residential landlords or other people who will require such mix of services on the small scale, for instance when they need to clean a bedroom or storey in their residential properties after their messy old tenants, before re-letting the premises?

Any your constructive advice or opinion will be most appreciated.


  • Posts: 8538
Hi, Sounds like you need to just focus on one service to start with to get the pennies rolling in.
What is it that you do most of?

Danielson B

  • Posts: 45
Hi, Sounds like you need to just focus on one service to start with to get the pennies rolling in.
What is it that you do most of?

Residential window cleaning, mate. But canvassing is going slowly, and I need to make my ends meet. I haven't got enough cash to support me for many months to follow. Therefore I'm thinking about widening the range of my services, and later maybe dropping some of them when I reach a sufficient income to pay all my bills.


  • Posts: 8538
Hi, Sounds like you need to just focus on one service to start with to get the pennies rolling in.
What is it that you do most of?

Residential window cleaning, mate. But canvassing is going slowly, and I need to make my ends meet. I haven't got enough cash to support me for many months to follow. Therefore I'm thinking about widening the range of my services, and later maybe dropping some of them when I reach a sufficient income to pay all my bills.

Are you trad only or use wfp method?

Danielson B

  • Posts: 45


  • Posts: 8538

So obviously you use ladders then so have you considered adding a gutter clearing service too?

Danielson B

  • Posts: 45
Sure, but I still doubt it will be enough to save me.


  • Posts: 8538
I know trying to get up and running can be tough but still you only get out what you put in so you need to keep positive and try to focus on gaing lots of new work even if it just one-off's and put a lot of effort into it.  Yes I know door knocking can be sole destroying but It will be the same for any services you want to offer as work will not just drop in your lap as you have to go get it. At the least even if just using hand written flyers and door knocking so many hours a day will bring in new work as I know from first hand experience it works. 

Regards to gutter clearing this is the best time of the year to promote this service what with the leaves dropping and all.

You may find this an interesting vid

The reality is If people are not prepared to put the effort in to try to earn enough to get by then maybe they should consider trying to find employment instead of being self employed.


  • Posts: 1832
Danielson .........

You sounding like u have lost the battle before the war has begun.

Don't be down on yourself get out there and polish the monkeys balls if you have to ........ You listed a few jobs above that your happy to do, get some flyers made ( local handy man ) get out there and knock on the doors.
Am busy so it's easy for me to say but if I had no work at all I wouldn't go home of an evening til I had found sutton.
This is a case of chin up and get out there ........ A £10 note is the same no matter who it comes off



  • Posts: 8538
Danielson .........

You sounding like u have lost the battle before the war has begun.

Don't be down on yourself get out there and polish the monkeys balls if you have to ........ You listed a few jobs above that your happy to do, get some flyers made ( local handy man ) get out there and knock on the doors.
Am busy so it's easy for me to say but if I had no work at all I wouldn't go home of an evening til I had found sutton.
This is a case of chin up and get out there ........ A £10 note is the same no matter who it comes off



Danielson B

  • Posts: 45
@Smurf,  @Matty Logan

Cheers for your words of encouragement. Regarding the gutter cleaning, yes, autumn is great. Regarding door knocking, I don't mind doing it. The only problem is that my results haven't been exactly awesome up to now. I will certainly carry on knocking doors. But there are also plenty of landlords' mobile numbers in letting ads out here.  If small carpet & oven cleaning & painting jobs was what residential landlords require really often, and if the competition in this area wasn't overwhelming, some (even outsourced) mobile and short message marketing campaign would quickly bring me another stream of income that I desperately need...


  • Posts: 1832
Of course mate ....... That's the attitude, I use my ladders daily, wfp were required

Go find some gutters that need cleaning £20-30 per hour so a little semi detached like mine is, I would be happy with £20 front and same back so £40 in less than a hour 3 or 4 a day and ya flying, anything really mate until ya can establish regular work.

Danielson B

  • Posts: 45
Of course mate ....... That's the attitude, I use my ladders daily, wfp were required

Go find some gutters that need cleaning £20-30 per hour so a little semi detached like mine is, I would be happy with £20 front and same back so £40 in less than a hour 3 or 4 a day and ya flying, anything really mate until ya can establish regular work.


Rob@Blast off

  • Posts: 875
Wouldn't you need to buy carpet and oven cleaning equipment?

Danielson B

  • Posts: 45
Wouldn't you need to buy carpet and oven cleaning equipment?

I certainly would. Any inspiration?


  • Posts: 8538
Now you are talking about spending loads of dosh just to get into carpet cleaning alone. Let alone the training you would need  ???
Oven cleaning you would need to invest in at least a dip tank that are not cheap either.

You are going to need a large van too if you want to offer muiltiple services.

I think you need to sit down and really question yourself what you want to focus on as offering any type of add-on services can cost you a heap of money just to get set up let alone make any money at it.

Rob@Blast off

  • Posts: 875
Now you are talking about spending loads of dosh just to get into carpet cleaning alone. Let alone the training you would need  ???
Oven cleaning you would need to invest in at least a dip tank that are not cheap either.

You are going to need a large van too if you want to offer muiltiple services.

I think you need to sit down and really question yourself what you want to focus on as offering any type of add-on services can cost you a heap of money just to get set up let alone make any money at it.


Danielson B

  • Posts: 45
@Smurf @Rob@Blast off

Thank you for your wisdom. I may need a part-time employment to build my window cleaning customer base as quickly as possible and avoid starvation&eviction&bankruptcy at the same time.


  • Posts: 8538
If you don't mind me asking what kit & transport to you have already as I might be able to help point you in the right direction of earning a few more bob and more importantly working safely to add to your window cleaning service?

Danielson B

  • Posts: 45
If you don't mind me asking what kit & transport to you have already as I might be able to help point you in the right direction of earning a few more bob and more importantly working safely to add to your window cleaning service?

It would be great.

I've got a Vauxhall Astra Van. Regarding the kit, I use Moerman plus Lewi plus Harris extension poles, some Lewi mop&squeegee combination tools, a few Moerman squeegee handles and channels (incl. some Liquidators) and one cheap backpack pump with a pole and brush. I've also got a 3-part extension ladder with a Ladder Mate, but I normally don't use it. Even during the first clean, I prefer to do everything via extension poles or extension handles - pre-treating the windows with the brush sprayed with vinegar or Ubik, and the stubborn pieces of dirt on the window glass removing with the finest grade steel wool at the final stage.

Regarding the gutter cleaning, in most properties I've seen so far the gutters seem to be positioned in so awkward way, that I wouldn't be able to clean them even using my extension poles with special attachments on them, while standing on the ladder. Even to attempt cleaning many gutters on the ladder seems rather suicidal to me more than often, and I don't understand how someone can do it without using a cherry picker or scaffolding. Up to now, I have discussed two gutter jobs with my prospects, and I declined both of them. If I find some gutter save to clean, I will certainly offer myself for the job, but I can't imagine the gutter cleaning would entail a large percentage of my revenues even in the autumn gutter season.