As Mike says its not our business, but as you are doing Jason we can comment on this as they do have a mission statement that affects us all. and many of us have been members at some time. its interesting they never gave anyone a call to ask why we did not renew.
Education is a wonderful thing. For me i lack a lot in many business areas. If you turn that mission statement around and say lets educate the guys cleaning carpets not only in how to do it but how to run a business. Maths rule this world and you can look at most things and get a greater understanding, business has many of these areas. The design and role out of a program that addresses this would help many make more money and in doing so build bigger businesses. Then indirectly educate the public. you have to say why do UK home-owners not clean as much as USA home-owners.
Its interesting just watched a tech pod cast that was talking about turning around conferences into where you dont have speakers on stage but go into their company and see how its run and get the message that way. if you look at Alan from GetBooked Up he is a great example of one that I would love to be invited into . sure its a franchise but even franchises fail. so whats he doing right? Just one idea of a new direction NCCA can take. BTW I am not talking a BS version on how he or anyone else might want to be seen but a real life one. Business with good mission statements that they are putting to work each day.
Market size has always been one of my big interests. look at any town and you could say that it has to many carpet cleaners. Or that its just they are fighting over the small amount of work. So how do you change this? in my view by companies investing more into selling their services, that comes right back to having lots of highly profitable carpets cleaners being able to promote carpet cleaning. there is that NCCA mission statement again.
So NCCA job is not to just teach people on how to clean carpets but how to build large companies. Fast track was a good start but because of its cost many where not interested. I remember going to a JP boot camp and Robert was there, I asked him why no one from NCCA was attending, His answer was that someone had broke a leg and could not make it. that gives you an insight on how NCCA was run then. Only having one guy to send. BTW I was not even cleaning carpets then I was attending to learn how to grow my Maid Service. while I am on this subject of FT. I am not a fan of holding people up as examples unless its transplant in what they saying is true. if someone makes a statement about turnover then I need proof.
I need people that will show me the way forwards. Not some person that just about selling some service, product or is just there for a fee. finding people in other areas and then using it in ours is refreshing. I not sure of its name but in east london there is a plumbing company that has loads of vans and I seen something on TV about them these guys that have built company's from one van are the types that we should be looking at and learning from.
We are far to fragmented we dont have a business model to follow. thats what I would spend money on finding and then teaching that.