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  • Posts: 8538
Re: Price
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2015, 08:30:32 pm »
Awesome price

£1 a window , 6 windows - £6
Time 10 mins - £6 = £36  per hour

To get £13 is awesome and great play to you .

If its a individual house and a drive to then Id want £6 plus time , travel etc to next job
So be
£6 to £10 for me
christ you'd be putting us all out of a job down here m8 lol,to run a business down here charging £6 for houses you'd struggle to afford to live in one round here. I got asked to do a flat the other day adjacent to some houses I clean,I told her minimum £20 every 2-3 months 6 or so PVC Windows and she said can I donut more often than that please. When I told her the price she said happy days,if I clean it for a year it'll have taken you 4 years to get back the money I'd eared from it. As said this is a business £6 would just not motivate me especially the time of year we are coming into.



  • Posts: 13421
Re: Price
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2015, 08:36:52 pm »
Let's make that +2

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

duncan h

  • Posts: 1875
Re: Price
« Reply #22 on: October 01, 2015, 08:44:12 pm »
Prices are much lower up North. Unfortunately we have to work harder for our £. If I could get away with min charge of £20, I would be laughing


  • Posts: 8538
Re: Price
« Reply #23 on: October 01, 2015, 08:54:45 pm »
It's a mindset thing duncan so how do you know for sure they will not pay more if you don't try and just keep selling your services on price alone.  Give it a shot as you have nothing to lose as the people that want a cheap service are generally the ones you don't want on your books anyway.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Price
« Reply #24 on: October 01, 2015, 09:25:26 pm »
Parts for your vehicles etc poles brushes still cost the same up north last time I looked,you simply could not charge those prices down here and survive you would be running around like a head less chicken earning chicken feed tbh.You have to charge enough to cover days off wet days etc not just enough for a good couple of nights down the pub or living for week to week,if you are you may as well be working for someone   


  • Posts: 8538
Re: Price
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2015, 09:32:44 pm »
That's probably why there ares more domestic trad guys up north as they can't afford to go wfp and make it viable option.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Price
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2015, 09:39:45 pm »
Maybe although if I went WFP today it wouldn't cost me much more than 1500 with what I know now,these days down south if you don't clean windows with a pole you are the odd one out. If you can't clean 3rd and 4th floor dormers they'll go for the guy with the pole wheres 10 years ago it was oh no I don't want that pole thing today it's I don't want that bloke that just uses a dirty cloth,funny how things get completely turned on there head

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 3931
Re: Price
« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2015, 09:48:02 pm »
Awesome price

£1 a window , 6 windows - £6
Time 10 mins - £6 = £36  per hour

To get £13 is awesome and great play to you .

If its a individual house and a drive to then Id want £6 plus time , travel etc to next job
So be
£6 to £10 for me
christ you'd be putting us all out of a job down here m8 lol,to run a business down here charging £6 for houses you'd struggle to afford to live in one round here. I got asked to do a flat the other day adjacent to some houses I clean,I told her minimum £20 every 2-3 months 6 or so PVC Windows and she said can I donut more often than that please. When I told her the price she said happy days,if I clean it for a year it'll have taken you 4 years to get back the money I'd eared from it. As said this is a business £6 would just not motivate me especially the time of year we are coming into.
A house like the one pictured would be £6 for me, but I would knock out 9 of them in an hour on my own no problem..... a busy fool? maybe, but at £50 + an hour I don't mind a bit of graft.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Price
« Reply #28 on: October 01, 2015, 09:58:05 pm »
It's ok doing the odd day like that but it's not achievable day in day out that's the way I looked at it so I made a choice to not take them on unless it was on my minimum price basis that way I'm never out of pocket and then they are a pleasure to do,I know in certain areas they wouldn't pay those prices but in reality it costs a lot more to live down here. You only have to look at house prices either end of the country to see what you have to be earning down here to survive,you won't see any WCS down here doing shop fronts for that in most areas.


  • Posts: 8538
Re: Price
« Reply #29 on: October 01, 2015, 10:32:18 pm »
Awesome price

£1 a window , 6 windows - £6
Time 10 mins - £6 = £36  per hour

To get £13 is awesome and great play to you .

If its a individual house and a drive to then Id want £6 plus time , travel etc to next job
So be
£6 to £10 for me
christ you'd be putting us all out of a job down here m8 lol,to run a business down here charging £6 for houses you'd struggle to afford to live in one round here. I got asked to do a flat the other day adjacent to some houses I clean,I told her minimum £20 every 2-3 months 6 or so PVC Windows and she said can I donut more often than that please. When I told her the price she said happy days,if I clean it for a year it'll have taken you 4 years to get back the money I'd eared from it. As said this is a business £6 would just not motivate me especially the time of year we are coming into.
A house like the one pictured would be £6 for me, but I would knock out 9 of them in an hour on my own no problem..... a busy fool? maybe, but at £50 + an hour I don't mind a bit of graft.

Is that by trad or wfp?

KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 3931
Re: Price
« Reply #30 on: October 01, 2015, 11:07:27 pm »
Awesome price

£1 a window , 6 windows - £6
Time 10 mins - £6 = £36  per hour

To get £13 is awesome and great play to you .

If its a individual house and a drive to then Id want £6 plus time , travel etc to next job
So be
£6 to £10 for me
christ you'd be putting us all out of a job down here m8 lol,to run a business down here charging £6 for houses you'd struggle to afford to live in one round here. I got asked to do a flat the other day adjacent to some houses I clean,I told her minimum £20 every 2-3 months 6 or so PVC Windows and she said can I donut more often than that please. When I told her the price she said happy days,if I clean it for a year it'll have taken you 4 years to get back the money I'd eared from it. As said this is a business £6 would just not motivate me especially the time of year we are coming into.
A house like the one pictured would be £6 for me, but I would knock out 9 of them in an hour on my own no problem..... a busy fool? maybe, but at £50 + an hour I don't mind a bit of graft.

Is that by trad or wfp?


  • Posts: 8538
Re: Price
« Reply #31 on: October 01, 2015, 11:22:05 pm »
Awesome price

£1 a window , 6 windows - £6
Time 10 mins - £6 = £36  per hour

To get £13 is awesome and great play to you .

If its a individual house and a drive to then Id want £6 plus time , travel etc to next job
So be
£6 to £10 for me
christ you'd be putting us all out of a job down here m8 lol,to run a business down here charging £6 for houses you'd struggle to afford to live in one round here. I got asked to do a flat the other day adjacent to some houses I clean,I told her minimum £20 every 2-3 months 6 or so PVC Windows and she said can I donut more often than that please. When I told her the price she said happy days,if I clean it for a year it'll have taken you 4 years to get back the money I'd eared from it. As said this is a business £6 would just not motivate me especially the time of year we are coming into.
A house like the one pictured would be £6 for me, but I would knock out 9 of them in an hour on my own no problem..... a busy fool? maybe, but at £50 + an hour I don't mind a bit of graft.

Is that by trad or wfp?

Great if you have a compact round (all in a row including easy acces to backs) but must be a ball breaking job to do 9 of those in an hour if not methinks. Gates locked, bad access, people stopping you to chat etc would also slow you down somewhat too.

In the real world to do 9 of those including backs in an hour is prity far fetched methinks but each to there own I suppose.  ::)roll

You must be a bleeding wippet or something  ;D

Johnny B

  • Posts: 2385
Re: Price
« Reply #32 on: October 05, 2015, 01:01:12 am »
I'd charge 12 euros for the house in the pic if it were in my locality (SW Ireland).

Being diplomatic is being able to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


Re: Price
« Reply #33 on: October 05, 2015, 11:21:10 am »
I'm I missing something ? that property would be easily cleaned in 10mins or less, but it would be around the £7 mark in
my area.
Then again I was watching a property buying programme a few days back and it showed a property very similar to my own
valued at two million in the south of England so even if I was getting south of England window cleaning prices I still couldn't afford to live in it there.


  • Posts: 8538
Re: Price
« Reply #34 on: October 05, 2015, 11:42:20 am »
£10 seems a nice round figure to me for a monthly clean or twenty or so for a first, one-off or add-hoc window clean.
Cuts down  change  rattling around in yer pockets aswell to boot ;D

Surely anyone don't matter where you live could get away with charging at least 10 squid for that size property? ::)roll


Re: Price
« Reply #35 on: October 05, 2015, 12:05:42 pm »
£10 seems a nice round figure to me for a monthly clean or twenty or so for a first, one-off or add-hoc window clean.
Cuts down  change  rattling around in yer pockets aswell to boot ;D

Surely anyone don't matter where you live could get away with charging at least 10 squid for that size property? ::)roll

Surely anyone doesn't matter where you live could get away with at least 20 quid for that size property. ::)roll


  • Posts: 8538
Re: Price
« Reply #36 on: October 05, 2015, 01:20:45 pm »
£10 seems a nice round figure to me for a monthly clean or twenty or so for a first, one-off or add-hoc window clean.
Cuts down  change  rattling around in yer pockets aswell to boot ;D

Surely anyone don't matter where you live could get away with charging at least 10 squid for that size property? ::)roll

Surely anyone doesn't matter where you live could get away with at least 20 quid for that size property. ::)roll

One-off window cleans you can charge as much as you want especially if frame and sill restoration work including doors is involved.

End of tenancy cleans, ppl putting their home up for sale or even ppl just moving in is a classic example where most will pay more for a quality job to bring back the property kerb appeal. Not to mention a lot of enquires will be wanting the guttering and any downspouts checked & cleared also the guttering, fascias, soffits, bargeboards, cladding cleaned as well.

At the end of the day you can charge as much or a little as you want as you are the boss after all  ;D