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I bought a pair of North Face Chillkats - first pair arrived too small Waiting another pair - look pretty waterproof.
I have had them in the past and they were good.But I've found they all cost the same in the end (£100 Timberland boots last around 12-18 months or spend £50 on boots that last around 6-9 months).
Got a pair the right size now for the winter - see how long these last. were the most comfy I've used but didn't stay dry for long, Brashers soles were too soft, Screwfix Site boots leak, Screwfix titanium were good until the soles started to come off then leaked, Regatta from a charity shop have worked well but make me sweat, Hitec nano tech guaranteed waterproof lasted two weeks before they leaked there's probably more I've forgotten about but £140 walking boots are the biggest waste of money going. Seems everything is made in China or Vietnam by the same factories so we are blessed with junk mostly.
Yep How did you know? I could have saved on postage sending them back.
That's the posher leather ones too. Have you got kids feet?