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If you want to offset it against your business the answer is Yes Yes Yes if you call me I will talk you through it. I am employing my Grandchildren for a few hours over the summer holidays and I have had to inform HMRC they are 12, 14, & 15
I will rephrase that correctly! I am employing my Grandchildren primarily to give them a little extra pocket money and to keep them off the streets a bit during the summer. They can only work for 15 hours per week or 4 hours a day by law. I still had to register them to pay them! (Unless I pay them cash which we never get). It only takes two minutes but I stay squeaky clean. I would still have to register them even if they didn't have a paper round to take money out of the business officially and claim it as deductable) and no they don't get anything like £112 per week