Hi Stephen, I think Matt's talking about me, I'm in Bristol. PM me with some info about yourself and I'll think about it.
(for all I know you could be Jack the ripper!)
I have been using wfp for a couple of months now, and I'm by no means an expert, but having built my own system from scratch with a lot of help from Jeff Brimble (cheers mate!) I have gone through the rather steep learning curve and now use it for ALL of our work, domestic and commercial.
Commercial customers simply wont care what method you use. Actually they'll be happier that you are not taking risks as they are liable if you get injured.
Domestic customers are a bit harder to convince, but we printed leaflets explaining our wonderful new system in a way that was easy to understand (with pictures). Also, we were talking to them about it for weeks before we started using it, and explaining that the first few times would not be perfect.
Most customers said nothing at all (about 80%), some were very impressed that we were going to such trouble (about 12%), a few moaned about it (about 8%), and we've lost about 4. But, poling is unusual, and we've more than made up for our losses by people seeing us in the street and going "wow, what is that for? Window cleaning? Really? Thats a wonderful idea, could you do mine?"
You have to be very clear with customers that its going to be pole or nothing. As most people seem to be glad to have (any sort) of window cleaner, they are usually understanding. Also, we found with most of our houses that there are windows we couldnt do with ladders (like above a steep roof) that we can do with the pole easily, and customers have been pleased about that.