Hi Newby
Welcome to the fold!!!!!!!
Hmmmmm best advice would be as follows:
1. read as many posts on this forum as possible - this alone will teach you loads
2. get your flyers now....why wait.....get them out there and start getting customers (i waiting to buy my equipment and when i got my customer i realised i needed different types of equipment ..... so at the end of the day i was silly to wait as i still needed extra stuff!!!)
3. see if a local window cleaner to you will take you out for the day (can anyone take Newby out for the day?
4. buy decent stuff not cheap stuff - im now all Unger and Ettore (virtually) and this gear is far superior to other non brand name stuff.
5. get a decent pair of sun glasses - this time of year they are invaluable
6. go do you brother house asap - then whilst you do it stop half way - the go visit the neighbours and say 'im just doing FRED's house - do you want a quote for yours' (or whatever your brother is called?)
7. invest in some GG3 or GG4 as this hot weather dry's out fairy in about 10 seconds and if your just starting you might think you are doing something wrong - whereas GG3/4 will stay wet for a lot longer
all the best fella