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G & M

  • Posts: 513
power up reel
« on: May 31, 2015, 12:49:36 pm »
I bought a power up to add to my hose reel. Can anyone tell me how to wire the yellow and grey controller as there are no wiring instructions and no markings on the terminals in the box. I also have a problem with the chain. It seems to be a half link out. When  you wind the reel the chain doesn't sit into the teeth of the sprocket in a couple of places. I cant load a picture as the file size is too big.

Clever Forum Name

  • Posts: 5942
Re: power up reel
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2015, 01:41:56 pm »
I cant help with the issues.

May be better to contact Jordan ?

duncan h

  • Posts: 1875
Re: power up reel
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2015, 06:41:15 pm »
Sounds like the wrong chain or sprocket.
 Ill give you £50 :)

G & M

  • Posts: 513
Re: power up reel
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2015, 07:46:01 pm »
your all heart duncan


  • Posts: 16952
Re: power up reel
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2015, 08:34:48 pm »
I think the chain has to be adjusted by loosening off the nuts- brackets etc to give more play in the chain, once it fits it's then tightened back up

duncan h

  • Posts: 1875
Re: power up reel
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2015, 09:58:50 pm »
Need a picture, so we can see the problem


  • Posts: 1507
Re: power up reel
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2015, 10:40:19 pm »
You adjust the motor on the base slightly then also adjust the sprocket on the double nuts to get chain to line up correctly, just take your time and go by look and feel when spinning it by hand.
As for wiring it up, very simple one feed in from power sauce and then one wire out the other terminal, there's about 2 terminals on each side isn't there top and bottom, put each wire in and out on the same side, if your not sure just use a multimeter and set it to continuity while you check which ones to connect to!!