I went to court twice in the last 6 years. The first to recover £300, the second to recover £75. I won both. I didn't have to attend. I did both through Thos Higgins. It was a bit of hassle for the second one, but like the OP it's the principle. She ended up paying well over £200 to me to cover my costs. I probably got back £45.
I live in a small village and this woman was well-known in the village, though not to me. I don't know what sort of reputation she has. I risked alienating people in the village with my actions, a calculated risk but in the end it didn't work out like that, mind you I didn't broadcast the situation. I did feel that a principle is worth standing up for and if word got around I'd sue, well it might stop me or someone else getting mugged off.
Personally it winds me up, so if it's a reasonable amount I'd go for it. Warning though - I sent a bill, final demand, Letter before Action and only THEN did I go to court. Do a bit or research and approach it professionally is my advice.
A bounced cheque is a cast iron win.