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  • Posts: 949
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2015, 05:31:44 pm »
Being the owner of a business puts us in a very fortunate position but i think sometimes we can have too much control.
I am very aware that i can work as much as i want, finish early whenever i want etc and sometimes this can create problems.
Most humans are bad at standing still, we always want improvements or new things etc.
Its a very hard skill to master but its very important to try to be happy where you are now, enjoy the journey not the destination etc cos we never actually get there anyway!
Im in a similar position where I've too much work and i need to get another employee.  But not sure whether I actually want to.
Its a very boring prospect to think that the business will simply stay where it is now until i retire in 30 years time.  But to counter that, I have a money target which I work to every week and i complete every week.  Its enough money to do everything i need.
SO which side wins, the content side, or the dissatisfied side.  As i said, its a n extremely fortunate position to be in, we must stress that, but its also a tussle in our heads that i don't think will ever stop until we retire or die.


  • Posts: 2418
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2015, 05:52:18 pm »
Mick take the holiday.
I went to Thailand in January and it was absolutely brilliant. 100% chill out holiday. Fantastic location and hotel.
I can give you the details if you want.
As well as having a relaxing time, it will give you 'quality time' to think about the future too.
Go on, you know it makes sense  ;D
"Thank you for calling: if you have a 1st floor flat, mid terraced house, lots of dogs, no parking, no side access, or no sense of humour, please press hold!
For all other enquiries, please press1"

Dave Willis

Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2015, 06:06:02 pm »
Mick, go ride that motorbike somewhere warm for a week.  I had a week riding round Andalucia a few years back - brilliant!
No point being the richest guy in the cemetery.

mick hay

  • Posts: 1072
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2015, 06:51:01 pm »
I went to Thailand for the new year, totally loved it, thats why i booked straight away for June. To coin a phrase i "found the old me" again.

I get out on the bike every Sunday, thats my escape. Was in the lakes last Sunday.

Ive been reconsidering Thailand in June since today, so will see what happens.


Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2015, 07:42:26 pm »

Remember we got together just after you started up.

I think i've got some time off next week. If you want a coffee & a chat i'll drive over?


mick hay

  • Posts: 1072
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2015, 08:14:10 pm »
Im not sure about next week, but deffo meet up very soon if thats ok. Could meet halfway, show me bike


  • Posts: 9022
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #26 on: March 26, 2015, 08:21:32 pm »
fleck it i say i am just about to trow the towel in  :o :o :o >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #27 on: March 26, 2015, 08:53:35 pm »
Give me a bell mate but give me some notice

Rob ;D


  • Posts: 6160
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2015, 09:08:54 pm »
Me personally i get fed up when i stagnate and flat line, i can imagine earning say 150 quid a day year in year out on the glass would get very boring, thats why (even though im just starting out and buidling atm) i plan on doing way more than just windows.

I plan on building a window round to give me the regular base income to go to the next level, that for me is expanding, either sticking with windows or more likely into other areas such as carpets, valeting, pressure washing or maybe into something diff like landscaping, fencing. Eventually i would like to get into property or god knows what. I want to grow as a person and as business all my life, expanding doesnt nessarcarily mean working harder, i wont work weekends but maybe my staff will?

i dont know where my venture will take me but its certainly not as boring as working in a warehouse for minimum wage like i have done for last 15yr!


  • Posts: 1832
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #29 on: March 26, 2015, 09:13:35 pm »
Yes mate, very much so. I work everyday, life becomes a total strain working 100 hour weeks sometimes.

When I started out I got busy very quick and always said while the work is there I will do it, a long time has past and I still keep telling myself, just crack on mate it won't be like this forever......................... I keep going and am starting to think it may last forever, or work will come and go but you will always be busy doing something.

I have had a few vans on the road to maintain this, but found staff are wa???rs. I now just run the 1 main van (3 seater) and have a second that is there when needed, work becomes monotonous, weeks, months and years fly by, but I have a vision.

I hope to call it a day in next 8-10 years, I no it's still a long way off but it will be here in no time.

Not retire but have a change of climate, country, career, I just don't know where atm. I only 38 so time is on my side, just hope my health keeps up.

Best of luck mate.

mick hay

  • Posts: 1072
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2015, 10:14:28 pm »
Give me a bell mate but give me some notice

Rob ;D

will do mate, but deffo meet up soon :)

CF Facilities

  • Posts: 287
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2015, 07:14:17 am »
I agree with shifting work. I had an op do couldn't work for six weeks and was getting stressed at being late and behind so I bumped all my work forward eight weeks so all my customers missed a clean. I felt so much better. I have caught up now and all customers were fine I only lost one but they will probably come back.


  • Posts: 23862
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2015, 08:32:16 am »
Yes mate, very much so. I work everyday, life becomes a total strain working 100 hour weeks sometimes.

When I started out I got busy very quick and always said while the work is there I will do it, a long time has past and I still keep telling myself, just crack on mate it won't be like this forever......................... I keep going and am starting to think it may last forever, or work will come and go but you will always be busy doing something.

I have had a few vans on the road to maintain this, but found staff are wa???rs. I now just run the 1 main van (3 seater) and have a second that is there when needed, work becomes monotonous, weeks, months and years fly by, but I have a vision.

I hope to call it a day in next 8-10 years, I no it's still a long way off but it will be here in no time.

Not retire but have a change of climate, country, career, I just don't know where atm. I only 38 so time is on my side, just hope my health keeps up.

Best of luck mate.

wow!matty!!100 hours a week!how do you do that without being totally burned out and REALLY fed up with work?

ive got 5 jobs booked in today.a church,a few bigger posh houses and a conny roof clean 9am-330pm i reckon(so 6 hours "on the glass"30 mins for lunch)£ happy with ive done about 29 hours this week  altogether mon-fri.then a bit of admin/end of day jobs and an hour collecting on monday evening so say 31 hours all in?thats easy enough for me and good money earned.
price higher/work harder!


Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2015, 08:37:22 am »
Yes mate, very much so. I work everyday, life becomes a total strain working 100 hour weeks sometimes.

When I started out I got busy very quick and always said while the work is there I will do it, a long time has past and I still keep telling myself, just crack on mate it won't be like this forever......................... I keep going and am starting to think it may last forever, or work will come and go but you will always be busy doing something.

I have had a few vans on the road to maintain this, but found staff are wa???rs. I now just run the 1 main van (3 seater) and have a second that is there when needed, work becomes monotonous, weeks, months and years fly by, but I have a vision.

I hope to call it a day in next 8-10 years, I no it's still a long way off but it will be here in no time.

Not retire but have a change of climate, country, career, I just don't know where atm. I only 38 so time is on my side, just hope my health keeps up.

Best of luck mate.

wow!matty!!100 hours a week!how do you do that without being totally burned out and REALLY fed up with work?

ive got 5 jobs booked in today.a church,a few bigger posh houses and a conny roof clean 9am-330pm i reckon(so 6 hours "on the glass"30 mins for lunch)£ happy with ive done about 29 hours this week  altogether mon-fri.then a bit of admin/end of day jobs and an hour collecting on monday evening so say 31 hours all in?thats easy enough for me and good money earned.

Was thinking the same Dazmond, them sort of hours couldn't be good for the joints this guys going to suffer in
later life.


  • Posts: 3547
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2015, 05:21:23 pm »
I'm loving it at the moment.

I work Tuesday - Friday and have someone with me each day... An average day "on the glass" time is 9am - 4pm.

I leave Monday's free... Each Sunday if I feel like workng at all on the Monday I'll take a look at Aworka and arrange a mornings work for the Monday to work on my own... Or sometimes I'll just take the whole Monday off as a paperwork / marketing / find a franchisee day.

My goal this year is to bring  on board my first franchisee.

Andy  ;)


  • Posts: 1832
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2015, 10:33:20 pm »
Oh lads you wouldn't believe it, got in tonight at 9, from a cleaning job I have. Pis ding cleaners do my head in.

Started cleaning McDonald's windows at 4 this morning........ Honest to god I don't know how i do it. I suppose it's my girls,

Got clouds in front of my eyes so guna have me tea and a shower and go to bed.

Tomora morning starts at 4am, about 20 jobs to do before 12, then go to anfield to clean cladding that builders have made a mess of on main stand redevelopment. Finish that about 3, then clean windows on main stand entrance, a glass staircase, 6 or 7 sets of doors, 2 glass serving counters along top of bars in lounges, windows on ticket office and shop, this will be about 5-6pm and if I can will do centenary entrance.

If not Sunday morning 4am start 6 jobs in Liverpool city centre, see some sights let me tell you, fin about 7 shoot to anfield for pre match clean for charity game. Have to be fin 3 hour prior to kick off,
2 x car show rooms for Sunday after noon with a bit of pressure washing.

Monday - omg lads I f£&@ing hate Mondays.

Got asked to clean a section of anfield road roof yesterday ( about a full days work with pressure washer, will try and wangle a cherry picker to get it up there ).............." When ya get a chance Matt"

Am like ye sound mate, I just got to clean lime st station next month, working with a friend, so I get it done before then 💩, it's next month on Wednesday, oh well we get it done some how.

Just don't expect the little fella to be up to his best when the wife feels horny !!!!!!!

I used to like a drink of a night but now if I had a drink at 11 I still be pist in the morning 😤


  • Posts: 1832
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2015, 10:44:01 pm »
I do get pist off with work, but I just keep going, make the most of each day and always keep ya chin up, try to have a good laugh in work with lads of morning before they fin at 12-1pm afternoons will be spent working on my own, and evening are seeing to my cleaning contracts, there's always stuff to do and more.

I don't like it, but i know there is a million people out there who would swap there life for mine, so I will bite the bullet and nuckle down, I reckon if I took a week off and recharged my batteries I would give terry burrows a run for his money haha.


  • Posts: 2561
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #37 on: March 27, 2015, 10:55:05 pm »
You only get one life and you cant take your money with you when you're gone. Live life now whilst you've got your health and energy or you'll regret it later in life. Money is just a means of paying the bills.....take time out to enjoy life before it passes you by. Greed just leads to an early grave and divorce, separation, whatever. Smile and work to live not live to work, tired, growing old depressed, lonely and bitter.

Tom White

Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #38 on: March 27, 2015, 11:14:19 pm »
I'm going to chuck in a weird suggestion here; get a daily meditation practise going.  One of the benefits that I find with meditation is that I'm less bothered by how I'm feeling - and somehow, with the meditation - feelings seem to have less power over me.   It's not like I'm a zombie though, of course I can feel 'fed up', but so what?  It's just a feeling.  Meditation has given me 'clever feet', so even if I'm feeling 'fed up', I'm not all wrapped up and controlled by the feeling, I can still do the stuff I should be doing.

I also struggled to get a daily meditation practise going - just meditating is a chore sometimes - when there's so many other things I'd rather be doing.  Some advice I was given for this can be applied to other situation too.  I was told - not to meditate - but just to get my arse in the place where I'd normally meditate and see what happens.  And when I did, I ended up meditating.

The lesson here is 'Move the body and the mind will follow'.  Even if you don't want to work, just move the body - get yourself into the van - and see what happens.

Them's my Jedi mind-tricks. ;D

Tom White

Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #39 on: March 27, 2015, 11:18:02 pm »
You only get one life and you cant take your money with you when you're gone. Live life now whilst you've got your health and energy or you'll regret it later in life. Money is just a means of paying the bills.....take time out to enjoy life before it passes you by. Greed just leads to an early grave and divorce, separation, whatever. Smile and work to live not live to work, tired, growing old depressed, lonely and bitter.

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