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  • Posts: 1832
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2015, 11:34:15 pm »
You only get one life and you cant take your money with you when you're gone. Live life now whilst you've got your health and energy or you'll regret it later in life. Money is just a means of paying the bills.....take time out to enjoy life before it passes you by. Greed just leads to an early grave and divorce, separation, whatever. Smile and work to live not live to work, tired, growing old depressed, lonely and bitter.

Very much not greed mate, it's a case of keeping my customers happy. 75% of my wages are helping my children through college and university, as I am not a scrounger, bum! or i do not claim a single penny off the state.
Have you tried paying for uni fees and materials. My eldest is doin a ba hons in fashion design. Material this term alone is more than an extreme 47, so don't suggest this.

I have a vision

And my next venture will be with my wife abroad somewhere

I will be more happy than anyone when I get time with my family, this is what no one can buy, and to see them succeed makes me feel like I have achieved my main goal. Money has no meaning to me.


  • Posts: 17015
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #41 on: March 27, 2015, 11:34:56 pm »
Oh lads you wouldn't believe it, got in tonight at 9, from a cleaning job I have. Pis ding cleaners do my head in.

Started cleaning McDonald's windows at 4 this morning........ Honest to god I don't know how i do it. I suppose it's my girls,

Got clouds in front of my eyes so guna have me tea and a shower and go to bed.

Tomora morning starts at 4am, about 20 jobs to do before 12, then go to anfield to clean cladding that builders have made a mess of on main stand redevelopment. Finish that about 3, then clean windows on main stand entrance, a glass staircase, 6 or 7 sets of doors, 2 glass serving counters along top of bars in lounges, windows on ticket office and shop, this will be about 5-6pm and if I can will do centenary entrance.

If not Sunday morning 4am start 6 jobs in Liverpool city centre, see some sights let me tell you, fin about 7 shoot to anfield for pre match clean for charity game. Have to be fin 3 hour prior to kick off,
2 x car show rooms for Sunday after noon with a bit of pressure washing.

Monday - omg lads I f£&@ing hate Mondays.

Got asked to clean a section of anfield road roof yesterday ( about a full days work with pressure washer, will try and wangle a cherry picker to get it up there ).............." When ya get a chance Matt"

Am like ye sound mate, I just got to clean lime st station next month, working with a friend, so I get it done before then 💩, it's next month on Wednesday, oh well we get it done some how.

Just don't expect the little fella to be up to his best when the wife feels horny !!!!!!!

I used to like a drink of a night but now if I had a drink at 11 I still be pist in the morning 😤

Phew. Sorry mate but I'd rather live in a tent than work to that extremity. I don't know how you keep it up.

I could not live like that.
Just chant..... Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. It's beats chanting Tory Tory or Labour Labour.


  • Posts: 23862
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #42 on: March 28, 2015, 12:51:22 pm »
You only get one life and you cant take your money with you when you're gone. Live life now whilst you've got your health and energy or you'll regret it later in life. Money is just a means of paying the bills.....take time out to enjoy life before it passes you by. Greed just leads to an early grave and divorce, separation, whatever. Smile and work to live not live to work, tired, growing old depressed, lonely and bitter.

Very much not greed mate, it's a case of keeping my customers happy. 75% of my wages are helping my children through college and university, as I am not a scrounger, bum! or i do not claim a single penny off the state.
Have you tried paying for uni fees and materials. My eldest is doin a ba hons in fashion design. Material this term alone is more than an extreme 47, so don't suggest this.

I have a vision

And my next venture will be with my wife abroad somewhere

I will be more happy than anyone when I get time with my family, this is what no one can buy, and to see them succeed makes me feel like I have achieved my main goal. Money has no meaning to me.

your a workaholic mate.your gona "crash and burn" one day.its in the post for sure. your extreme workload will damage your health in time.
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 1832
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #43 on: March 28, 2015, 01:12:25 pm »
Ur prob right there dazmond, I do think I am a workaholic, I no I work a lot of hours but it's not 100 every week I was just saying I have done plenty of 100 hour, a few years ago I was covering 400 William hill book makers fortnightly across north west, an since Christmas I have cut back on out of town work, but as soon as you think right I have cut back on things more work comes in. I am commercial so jobs come in that can be from £15 - thousands and customer base is very wide. Average week is about 70 hours give or take.

I will do my very best to fin work on Thursday about 12 so me and the wife can take are little god daughter out, usually a trip to the farms to feed the animals.

Wow pic loaded. Got to do this next month.

Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4178
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #44 on: March 28, 2015, 02:09:54 pm »
If you spend your life thinking "When X happens I'll be happy" you are setting yourself up for a life of unhappiness. For example "I will be more happy than anyone when I get time with my family".   You need to do things to make that happen now.  Then you can be happy now rather than at some date in the future that you know in your heart will never arrive.

Do the things that make you happy (like time with your family) and make sure you fit in work around that.  It's been shown in survey after survey that kids don't want "stuff", they want time and attention from their parents.

You need to say "no" to work occasionally.


Mike #1

  • Posts: 4668
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #45 on: March 28, 2015, 03:08:50 pm »
You only get one life and you cant take your money with you when you're gone. Live life now whilst you've got your health and energy or you'll regret it later in life. Money is just a means of paying the bills.....take time out to enjoy life before it passes you by. Greed just leads to an early grave and divorce, separation, whatever. Smile and work to live not live to work, tired, growing old depressed, lonely and bitter.

Very much not greed mate, it's a case of keeping my customers happy. 75% of my wages are helping my children through college and university, as I am not a scrounger, bum! or i do not claim a single penny off the state.
Have you tried paying for uni fees and materials. My eldest is doin a ba hons in fashion design. Material this term alone is more than an extreme 47, so don't suggest this.

I have a vision

And my next venture will be with my wife abroad somewhere

I will be more happy than anyone when I get time with my family, this is what no one can buy, and to see them succeed makes me feel like I have achieved my main goal. Money has no meaning to me.

You are to be commended mate , Your kids obviously drive you to work hard in order to provide for them  , I dont have kids our choice which suits me as i am a lazy blighter sometimes .

Johnny B

  • Posts: 2385
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #46 on: March 28, 2015, 05:42:50 pm »
I really admire the OP's work ethic, but I have to agree with what has already been said that it's all about balance. 

Take a good, honest look at your business, and ask yourself what you want from it. Is all the time you put into it worth the demands it is taking on your health? How much do you need to earn to provide you and your family with the things they need, or are you working yourself into an early grave to give them what you think they want? Could you make some changes that will enable you to switch off and relax? Working is important, but so too is recreation.

If you can address some of these issues, you may be able to make your life a little simpler.  If you go on the way you are you are going to make yourself ill, and if you do that, your family will suffer with you.

Hope you get yourself sorted asap.

Being diplomatic is being able to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


  • Posts: 37
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #47 on: March 28, 2015, 06:12:30 pm »
you need only 3 things for happyness ,
 something or someone to love,
 something to look forward to
and something to do.
money has very little to do with it.


  • Posts: 1832
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #48 on: March 28, 2015, 06:45:23 pm »
Vin, working hard for my family means I still have another 8 or so years til my youngest will be leaving uni, and about the same time on my mortgage. This will make me 46, with the option to either down scale or sell up and move abroad for a slower way of life. Each to there own

As a parent you want to give ur children the best possible start to life, this is what dads do. I had my children young so will be, enjoying the later years of my life.

Balance some times comes in the form of material, sometimes as much as £30sqm, sewing machines, over lockers, manaquins

The little ones drama lessons don't come cheap, these are over £60 per week, so balance for me is pushing my children into a hobbies/career that they will enjoy, and won't find the need to have a little rant on forums about how unhappy work can make you.

I will of course, if I open a bar somewhere nice in my later life, give free beers to ciu members.

You will find me in the " it's too hot to work - I need a beer " section.

Rich Wilts

Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #49 on: March 28, 2015, 06:59:37 pm »
Fair play to you chap. Its not my angle with work, but you cant knock a Dad who's trying hardest for his kids. You set a fine example.

Well done.

Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4178
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #50 on: March 28, 2015, 07:07:28 pm »
You work stupidly hard then come on here and say you're fed up.  Then, every bit of advice you've been given you've pointed out that your life's different, so you need to keep carrying on.  You also talk like you're the only one with kids.

I sincerely hope you get to your retirement.  The way you're living it looks like it could be a long shot.



  • Posts: 1832
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #51 on: March 28, 2015, 07:37:05 pm »
You work stupidly hard then come on here and say you're fed up.  Then, every bit of advice you've been given you've pointed out that your life's different, so you need to keep carrying on.  You also talk like you're the only one with kids.

I sincerely hope you get to your retirement.  The way you're living it looks like it could be a long shot.


I didn't start the topic I just added my feeling on it. I didn't come on ere moaning about hours I just said I do a lot. So don't really get your point.

Please show me what advise has been offered to me vin.

Are you able to do a few days for me.

I think ur barking up the wrong tree, and I will enjoy my career change wen it comes along. I don't think I said anything about retirement but I will scroll threw post now and check.
Yes vin, I do get pist off with cleaning windows all day but it pays my bill, am sorry I don't enjoy it but I put up with it coz it pays my bills. Is this moaning ????

Please send me some advise.

Jakey boy

  • Posts: 869
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #52 on: March 28, 2015, 10:42:38 pm »
You work stupidly hard then come on here and say you're fed up.  Then, every bit of advice you've been given you've pointed out that your life's different, so you need to keep carrying on.  You also talk like you're the only one with kids.

I sincerely hope you get to your retirement.  The way you're living it looks like it could be a long shot.


I didn't start the topic I just added my feeling on it. I didn't come on ere moaning about hours I just said I do a lot. So don't really get your point.

Please show me what advise has been offered to me vin.

Are you able to do a few days for me.

I think ur barking up the wrong tree, and I will enjoy my career change wen it comes along. I don't think I said anything about retirement but I will scroll threw post now and check.
Yes vin, I do get pist off with cleaning windows all day but it pays my bill, am sorry I don't enjoy it but I put up with it coz it pays my bills. Is this moaning ????

Please send me some advise.

Remember this is the clean it up forum matty, it's basically Jeremy Kyle for window cleaners, you'll never hear the end of it, people on here are obsessed with there opinions and can't for the life of them just be kind and supportive.

No matter what you say on here, there will be those that persist in forcing there opinion,

Head over to the other window cleaning forum, I've been a member on that for about 3 years and it's a million times friendlier than this one,

I enjoy coming on here to have a laugh and joke at the nonsesne, but that's about it.

Oh and also winding up the jelous ones - they know who they are  ;)


Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #53 on: March 29, 2015, 03:16:48 am »
You work stupidly hard then come on here and say you're fed up.  Then, every bit of advice you've been given you've pointed out that your life's different, so you need to keep carrying on.  You also talk like you're the only one with kids.

I sincerely hope you get to your retirement.  The way you're living it looks like it could be a long shot.


I didn't start the topic I just added my feeling on it. I didn't come on ere moaning about hours I just said I do a lot. So don't really get your point.

Please show me what advise has been offered to me vin.

Are you able to do a few days for me.

I think ur barking up the wrong tree, and I will enjoy my career change wen it comes along. I don't think I said anything about retirement but I will scroll threw post now and check.
Yes vin, I do get pist off with cleaning windows all day but it pays my bill, am sorry I don't enjoy it but I put up with it coz it pays my bills. Is this moaning ????

Please send me some advise.

Remember this is the clean it up forum matty, it's basically Jeremy Kyle for window cleaners, you'll never hear the end of it, people on here are obsessed with there opinions and can't for the life of them just be kind and supportive.

No matter what you say on here, there will be those that persist in forcing there opinion,

Head over to the other window cleaning forum, I've been a member on that for about 3 years and it's a million times friendlier than this one,

I enjoy coming on here to have a laugh and joke at the nonsesne, but that's about it.

Oh and also winding up the jelous ones - they know who they are  ;)

Come on mate trying to warn someone on the dangers of over doing it is hardly being unkind, Iv done what Matty's done
as far as working long hours is concerned and am now paying for it with my health.
If I can stop somebody making the same mistake I will.

Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4178
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #54 on: March 29, 2015, 09:59:52 am »
You work stupidly hard then come on here and say you're fed up.  Then, every bit of advice you've been given you've pointed out that your life's different, so you need to keep carrying on.  You also talk like you're the only one with kids.

I sincerely hope you get to your retirement.  The way you're living it looks like it could be a long shot.


I didn't start the topic I just added my feeling on it. I didn't come on ere moaning about hours I just said I do a lot. So don't really get your point.

Please show me what advise has been offered to me vin.

Are you able to do a few days for me.

I think ur barking up the wrong tree, and I will enjoy my career change wen it comes along. I don't think I said anything about retirement but I will scroll threw post now and check.
Yes vin, I do get pist off with cleaning windows all day but it pays my bill, am sorry I don't enjoy it but I put up with it coz it pays my bills. Is this moaning ????

Please send me some advise.

Hi Matty,

My mistake; I confused you with the OP. 

It's an age thing.



  • Posts: 1832
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #55 on: March 29, 2015, 10:15:29 am »
No probs vin 😃

I always reds people's posts I do take on board what's being said. And
I no I work to many hours, and this can put strain on ur health but a the moment I have to just crack on. Don't get me wrong if I can find lads I do give them a start I just expect there work to be perfect.

Now these clocks are messing with my time scale today 1hour 45 mins to finish these windows.......... Plenty of time.

Weather is shocking today 💦


  • Posts: 537
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #56 on: March 29, 2015, 08:04:43 pm »
I lost 25 coffee shops just before christmas was getting up at 4am and getting stressed now i get up at 6am dont work saterdays,i feel much better and a lot happier ok i miss the money but its not all about money,going to bed at 8pm and getting up at 4am 6 days a week is no life.To much work can be has bad as not enough work.imo


  • Posts: 8156
Re: ever get fed up???
« Reply #57 on: March 29, 2015, 08:45:31 pm »
You work stupidly hard then come on here and say you're fed up.  Then, every bit of advice you've been given you've pointed out that your life's different, so you need to keep carrying on.  You also talk like you're the only one with kids.

I sincerely hope you get to your retirement.  The way you're living it looks like it could be a long shot.


I didn't start the topic I just added my feeling on it. I didn't come on ere moaning about hours I just said I do a lot. So don't really get your point.

Please show me what advise has been offered to me vin.

Are you able to do a few days for me.

I think ur barking up the wrong tree, and I will enjoy my career change wen it comes along. I don't think I said anything about retirement but I will scroll threw post now and check.
Yes vin, I do get pist off with cleaning windows all day but it pays my bill, am sorry I don't enjoy it but I put up with it coz it pays my bills. Is this moaning ????

Please send me some advise.

Remember this is the clean it up forum matty, it's basically Jeremy Kyle for window cleaners, you'll never hear the end of it, people on here are obsessed with there opinions and can't for the life of them just be kind and supportive.

No matter what you say on here, there will be those that persist in forcing there opinion,

Head over to the other window cleaning forum, I've been a member on that for about 3 years and it's a million times friendlier than this one,

I enjoy coming on here to have a laugh and joke at the nonsesne, but that's about it.

Oh and also winding up the jelous ones - they know who they are  ;)

You seem a little obsessive in your opinion of others yourself young jakey!...give it up kid
it aint no good for you ;D