As above but I run a two tap system (one up by the gooseneck and one on the pole hose).
Think the Gardiner ones could be improved tho!! Broke a few in the last year.
The current ones we have been selling for about 9 years now and have found them generally very reliable if looked after well. They are made by a large and well respected Italian company. If anyone has experienced any of these failing then please contact us and we can look at replacing them as long as they have not been dragged along the ground in use as this can break the collet and weaken the teeth.
However I agree that they can be improved upon ......Which is why we have
We decided that we could do better and so started from the ground up with the construction and the design of this flow valve. We will be releasing this on the website in a couple of weeks time.
These new push-fit flow valves will feature a more robust and protecting body design (to protect against being dragged along the ground), with more robust handle. They are easier to operate and have replaceable handles. They also have teeth that grip the hose with much greater force. Overall they are far superior and should offer an even better user experience for our clients.