The stuff I use I can't find online, it's not the same stuff you get from homebase etc that's used for stripping paint.
The one I use is a shiny metallic type, coiled up into a ball.
I get it from a local cleaning supplies shop. It doesn't scratch where as the paint stripper stuff will.
Stainless steel wool balls....Just found them.
Chris, i think you are a bit all over the place with these, you say you can't find them online stainless steel scourers are all over the net and also available in every corner store and supermarket, yes they are a great tool for removing any really dried on crap from glass as they won't scratch glass, but i agree with Smudger if you are happy using them yourself rather you than me, not only will they scratch pvc they will also remove the protective sheen which Smudger has already pointed out to you.
That's the thing tadgh, the ones I use I can't find everywhere, only place iv seen them online is alibaba.
There not your typical stainless steel wire wool as iv already said, they come in a big ball about the size of your first, are shiny and coiled up.
And what you just said is ridiculous, they won't scratch glass but will scratch upvc. I wouldn't dare touch glass with these things.
Given my repeated examples of how iv used them for years without any sort of problem I think iv become more then qualified to decide if these things are dangerous to upvc. If used correctly they are not. They are great cleaning tools which I will continue using.